Wednesday, July 11, 2018


By John Mutton
I would like to recap the recent findings of the Durham Regional Police Association survey with respect to why things must change at the Police Service and administration....
Pollara Survey
Survey response rate was 36% which is considered by Pollara to be "a very good, above average response rate for a membership survey" and is the same, or higher, than DRPA election turnout rates.
Paul Martin
- 52% of DRPA members believe that Chief Paul Martin should be removed from his current position as soon as possible
- 77% of members believe that Chief Paul Martin should not be re-appointed for another term, including 57% who strongly feel that way
- Only 10% believe Paul Martin should be reappointed
- 30% Favouritism/promotion of inner circle/preferential treatment of senior officers/not held accountable/issues are covered up/nepotism
- 28% lacks skills/experience/incompetent/poor judgement/bad decisions/unprofessional/irresponsible -20% no connection/not engaged/out of touch/removed from membership/lost touch with membership
Stan MacLellan
- 80% of DRPA members feel that Stan MacLellan should be removed from his current position, and be replaced with a new CAO, as soon as possible. 67% strongly feel this way.
- Only 7% believe he should continue
- 43% lack of leadership/inexperienced/incompetent/no knowledge of policing/not qualified/bad decisions/poor judgement/irresponsible/mismanagement
- 35% favouritism/preferential treatment/unfair promotions/people are not held accountable/hides abusive behaviour of friends/decisions are based on personal connections
- 24% has too much power & influence/interferes in issues that do not involve him/thinks he is 'untouchable'/sense of entitlement/abuses position
Police Services Board
- 66% of DRPA members express dissatisfaction with the Board's job performance overall
Overall Culture
Three-quarters of DRPA members believe that senior management exercises a culture of favouritism, were promotions are based on who you know rather than merit.
Just 3 in 10 believe that senior management treats them with respect and fairness.
Over the last three years, fully 70% of DRPA members report experiencing at least one instance of bullying or harassment.
- Only 21% filed a complaint; and just 13% of those who filed a complaint say it was addressed fairly within a reasonable timeframe
- 69% say that speaking up negatively affected their career, that the complaint was not addressed fairly nor within a reasonable time frame.

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