Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Gut-Brain Connection

The Gut-Brain Connection 

how good affects mood
Pay attention to how you feel after eating a meal. What is your body telling you? Listen carefully. Are you in a good mood or are you in a bad mood? Are you bloated, unmotivated, in pain, experiencing low energy? Well guess what, that’s your enteric nervous system talking. Your gut is actually referred to as your second brain because your enteric nervous system connects your gut to your brain, and provides feedback based on stress, (ie food intolerances, toxins, viruses, and bacteria. It does this through the ~100 million neurones it contains. (That’s more than the spinal cord!) Major neurotransmitters like serotonin**, dopamine, and norepinephrine are also made in the gut as well as endorphins which affect mood. The gut and brain are constantly sending and receiving impulses to each other.

So how can you improve mood with food choices? Obviously by eating foods that support gut health. This means eat foods that make you feel good (not just temporarily or in the moment), and choose foods that allow you to thrive and give you lasting energy. What does this look like? Gut supporting foods include fermented foods, like kombucha, kimchi, and sauerkraut which contain gut supporting bacteria, as well as eating an abundance of fruits and veggies containing prebiotic fibers that feed our probiotics. Lastly, ensuring you’re getting enough protein is essential because proteins provide amino acids necessary for serotonin production (our feel good neurotransmitter).

If you love these digestive tips and want to get your hands on more, head over to www.marissaliana.com and subscribe! I’m launching a FREE Digestive Healing Bible very soon and I’d love for you to enjoy!
Until next time,
Stay well.

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