Saturday, March 18, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Have you heard the latest from our great Federal government? You got to wonder sometimes on who is doing the thinking here. Instead of dealing with problem. The government protocol normally appears to be all the same. First they will try to outlaw it. Then control it. Once this fails, they attempt to look for ways to tax it or make a profit. Thirdly, they just give up and make it legal and toss money so that the aftermath just fades away in the sea of problems. Think about any of the million social problem we have faced in our society. The same protocol has taken place. Look at the ridiculous so called ‘WAR ON DRUGS’. There is no war. There was never a war. The protocol called for extreme actions to combat something government have had little or no control. Today Dodge is open for business and any gun slinger can claim to be Sherif. We lost as a society the civil responsibility that make us civil. We rationalize just about anything and everything. We have no sense of value and or responsibility to one another. Just recently Health Canada granted a British Columbia cannabis company the right to possess, produce, sell and distribute cocaine. A Langley-based cannabis company has caused quite a stir in the B.C. Legislature after it announced it received Health Canada approval to produce and sell cocaine. The premier says he had no idea this was happening, adding if the federal agency did in fact give the company the green light, it did so without consulting the B.C. government. Personally, I think the premier should resign. How can he not know what is happening in his own province. Totally disgraceful. Secondly, is it not bad enough that we have legalized cannabis and having to deal with the social after affects? Now, cocaine will become widely available. Wow. Just this week again the government released this: Government of Canada announces over $3 million to help address harms related to substance use in British Columbia. You got to be kidding me. The old rule of thumb appears to be... if enough people are doing it... We best allow it and infuse it into a forced acceptance norm. Remember when smoking was a taboo. When homosexuality was deemed by the American Psychiatric Association a mental disorder? The examples of government attempts to deem something out of the norm is rampant. Does the government in it’s sea of expert not recognize the big white elephant in the room. Just because more number come froth, it does not make it acceptable by the population at large. Drug use. Drug sales need to be clipped and removed from society period. Legalizing it costs everyone. It costs those that use them. Tax payers that must pay for services such as medical services, police, social and many more. Compassion towards anyone suffering is an understandable human trait. But to open the gates of hell and expect paradise is insanity. The only way to deal with drugs is to eliminate them. Making it easy for people... does not work. Expecting people to be responsible does not work. Let’s stop the stupidity and ban all drugs. No more bleeding hearts. You have a problem. Get help. Simple. REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

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