Saturday, March 11, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Have you heard the latest? According to our beloved Canadian government we in some magical place have more jobs than people. With this fallacy they are attempting to sell us the idea that we need to bring more foreigners to our beloved land. What they are not telling us that by doing so the Liberal party is buying future votes. It happened before and it is happening now. How dare the government come out and make such statements that there is a shortage in Canadian laborers. That is insulting. Then they go as far as making assumptions that we are lazy. That many rather live off the system then be employed. I find that utterly insulting. If the government is going to insult us. Let them at the least get it right. We are not lazy. We are proud lazy Kuntz. Now that is more aligned with reality. After all is it not the government that wants us to work the Costcos, Walmarts of the world... paying such great wages of minimum wage. Of course we don’t want to work those jobs. We want good paying jobs. We want jobs that at the end of the week we can afford groceries, rent and the odd beer. I can just telepathically sense the many of the anal readers fuming on how dare he call us Canadians Lazy Kuntz. Ok let me explain, the word Kuntz as per dictionary: Kuntz is a German surname. The name originated as a short form of Konrad meaning "bold adviser", or being "crafty" in German. In Yiddish the word is associated with a clever trick. Now that we got that out of the way. Are you not feeling foolish and lucky I did not call you a Canadian, cock or pussy? As by any grade 1 student would quickly recognize one a rooster and other a cat. Anyway. The point I am making here is simple. We as Canadians are privy to technology. Most of us educated in one way or another. We are very crafty at whatever we profess to be experts in. We are bold adviser on just about any topic. As some go as far as claiming status on opinion and obtain academic accreditation. With this said. We as Canadian Kuntz, have learned to enjoy curtain comforts. It is not that we shy away from hard work. Sacrificed and or hardships. The problem with modern Canada is that our beloved government is openly violating us Canadian Kuntz and forced to like it. They go as far as call us names and force us to accept or face replacement by some foreigner that can barely say “HELLO” in the English language. We Canadian Kuntz want good paying jobs. We want our government to assure us god paying jobs. We want to be able to afford homes and cars as we once use to. The question that lingers who are the bigger Kuntz here? We the people that allow to be constantly violated by a government that has truly proven to be master Kuntz. I feel for future generations as little Kuntz will be forced to become third world. Sadly we live in the land of OZ. We have no real choice when it comes to Canadian politics, all parties are infected with the gree virus and there is no antidote. No matter how hard we click our heels Dorothy. We will always be Canadian Kuntz. REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

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