Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Chinese Are Not Our Enemy - We Are

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - What is wrong with modern society. We want to appear as we are so advanced. Yet, by our own design we are becoming a civilization of ignoramus. One would think that with the overwhelming amount of information circulation online that we all be geniuses by now. In reality this proves a the theory that we all profess to know everything and in fact know nothing. That we the masses are nothing but sheep to a habitual go around that is controlled by misinformation, too much information and or information overload. The media plays us like a social fiddle. Just this week it hit the news.... The headline read, “Was there foreign interference in the 2021 election? What a new report says”. Followed by, “Overall, the system in place to alert Canadians of foreign interference threats to the 2021 election worked well but there are areas for improvements.” In other words they know something is up, but the power in the clouds can’t prove a thing. It appears that we go from one war right in to another. Covid kept us in fear for almost 3 years. Then came the Russians. Now the Chinese. I am sure that the Chinese are laughing about us. Saying things like, “Ha, they worry about balloons. Those are just distractions.” Think about it for a moment. Without knowing it we have slowly been invaded for the past 40 years. From our industry, to our commerce not to mention our manufacturing to our financial economies. China, owns a large part of Canada. Both in hard assets and finance. Then why worry about balloons, electronic tampering when they are basically already running the show. To boot we have a Federal government that admires the communist regime. Why should the Chinese waste a bullet. They have won the war without a single fight. Now deaths are a different thing as their negligence in the release of the COVID virus took out people all across the world. If it had been an oil spill would we the world not wanted retribution, some sort of compensation. Why should we not demand retribution for the COVID spread? Well, the Chinese are obviously smarter than we are and know how to push our social buttons. How are we Canadians with more social hang ups then the Chinese have grains of rice compete with a regime that is calculative, organized and focused on winning at all cost. We the Canadian people that would gave up our lives during world wars to protect the integrity of Canada are already dead. They hit us with vaccines that till today are truly unproven and unknown. They hit us with the control of our internet and our media. They control our financial institutions and buy lands at large. We the people are our own worst enemy. We have to awaken to the reality that China is our master and there is nothing we can do. Or can we. I would say. We need to devaluate their currency. Stop depending on their goods. And make Canada first and once in for all bring back what worked in Canada. What am I saying. This is Canada. REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

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