Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Expect a toothless IG report: More cover-up! By Larry Klayman

Expect a toothless IG report:
 More cover-up!
By Larry Klayman
I conceived of and founded Judicial Watch on July 29, 1994, almost 24 years ago, to watch and police judges, who I had learned in my 17 years of legal practice at the time were generally unfit to be on the bench. There is an old joke in this regard: What do you call a lawyer with an IQ of 71? Answer: Your Honor!
But the crisis on the judiciary went far beyond the simple fact most judges are not that intellectually astute. I had also found many to be outright dishonest, particularly on the federal bench, where they have life tenure and feel that they can say and do anything they want without fear of removal. Yes, the House Judiciary Committee has the constitutional power to begin impeachment proceedings, but over the years it has shied away from policing federal judges, lest they be caught red-handed with a bribe, and even then that has not proven to be a substantial reason for remedial action. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), which itself has become a cesspool of corruption, is loathe to have its Federal Bureau of Investigation investigate ethical abuse and corruption by federal judges because the department depends so heavily on them to be the stooges that further if not get them convictions.
With what we have seen at DOJ and on the federal bench of late with regard to the rubber stamping of government tyranny – be it a Bunkerville, Nevada, with the Bundy family, or the unchecked legal jihad of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, in which Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rob Rosenstein, both political hacks, are complicit – as a young lawyer I no longer would have accepted a position with DOJ as a federal prosecutor, if I had to do it all over during the early part of my legal career. Candidly, I would have been a criminal defense lawyer, which is part of my legal practice today. This is because based on experience I have come to the point of not believing a word the federal government says, but also have developed a heightened disgust for the government "yes men and women" who infest the federal judiciary, with some exceptions.
Let's also take this a step further in dissecting the rank lying and deceit the American people are fed on a daily basis from the elite government establishment in the capital of corruption, Washington, D.C. This lying and deceit is then amplified by the cable networks in particular, which tout federal government actions as if they are for real. Of course, the likes of CNN, MSNBC and, of course, Fox News give their reporting their own special political spin, but the effect of furthering government misinformation from elite establishment so-called leaders, is the same nevertheless. That is why our president and yours truly harbor such disdain for the mainstream media, as it rarely reports anything resembling the full truth about the charade in our justice system and the government in general.
The most recent example concerns the anticipation of the soon to be released report of DOJ's inspector general (IG). This report is "reportedly" centered on the actions of former FBI Director James Comey and others with regard to the Hillary Clinton email scandal and the run-up to the 2016 presidential election. To boost viewership and ratings, Fox News, in particular, has been touting how this report will likely be a "game changer" when it comes to holding Comey, the Clintons, Obama and the rest of their co-conspiratorial criminals to the rule of law. But contrary to Fox's hopeful and opportunistic predictions, our compromised and worthless attorney general, who has failed to use the full power of DOJ to empanel grand juries, gather evidence and indict these criminals, has used the department's IG as a subterfuge to do little to nothing about holding these establishment elites to the bar of justice and the rule of law.
Indeed, this week there were predictable leaks concerning the content of DOJ's IG report, which obviously has been delayed to give the elites time to water it down, and the word on the street is that it will merely give former FBI Director Comey and others a slap on their proverbial wrists. With regard to Comey, he is apparently being fingered merely for "insubordination," and with regard to former Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch and her infamous "tarmac meeting" with Bill Clinton, mere criticism for its seemly appearance. While it is common knowledge that the DOJ's IG has no real teeth in enforcing ethics and the law, this apparent whitewash is, coming from an internal DOJ watchdog, only more confirmation of the continuing cover-up.\
And, this again points out the importance of Freedom Watch, the public interest group I founded after my run for the U.S. Senate in Florida in 2003-2004. We at Freedom Watch are the "People's Justice Department," as we have no governmental Justice Department that will hold the establishment elites accountable. From cases charging the Clintons with criminal racketeering, bribery and wrongful death, to Obama's unconstitutional mass surveillance, not to mention our strong efforts to legally take out Special Counsel Mueller, we are your public advocate for justice and the American way.
Freedom Watch and I are also your main source for the unvarnished truth and that cannot only be found at www.freedomwatchusa.org but also www.radioamerica.com, where my weekly radio show is posted. You can also find local listings there and on our website, as the show generally airs throughout the nation at 3 p.m. Sundays. Please share this with your colleagues and friends, as the masses need to be properly educated.
We the People need to unite, rise up and do the job of cleaning out the rats' nest in our nation's and states' capitals. This vermin, if left unchecked, will destroy our body politic and the republic. Join our citizens army and be a true patriot. Uncle Sam, Larry Klayman and Freedom Watch need you in our war effort to restore the country to the vision of our Founding Fathers.

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