Friday, June 22, 2018


By Joe Ingino b.a.

   I have a question as a taxpayer of Oshawa.  Why is John Henry running for regional chair?   What has he accomplished in his two terms as mayor.  What did he bring to the table that justifies him moving up the political rat race?
If anything he is responsible from driving the city further in to debt.   From $100 million when took office as mayor to now Oshawa $300 million.  This is the type of leader that wants to take over the Region with a AAA rating?   Henry has left Oshawa in such a poor economic position that every tax payers needs to come up over the next 8yrs with 462 million dollars.  This means raising taxes or borrow and to be blunt... they would take all the borrowing capacity away from every city in Durham and the Region and jeapordize the AAA credit rating which will mean higher interest payments and higher taxes for all of Durham.
What has Henry done with the marina and the lands that came with it from the Federal government?  How many millions are the people of Oshawa on the hook for?
I don’t understand the thinking?  Well, I should not say that... I know understand that if he is successful his pay will double.   Can the voters be that ignorant and keep making the same mistake?   For everyone sake I truly hope not.
We can’t afford to pay, pay, pay for other mistakes.   Have we not learned this from the Diamond era.   A 10 million dollar brand new airport terminal and no one to lease it to except a radio station.   Like really.   Now under Henry’s watch we build a second runway tower at the airport but we have a handful of aircraft using the airport?   Like really who is doing the thinking.
The real sad part of all this is that most taxpayers have no clue on the poor state our city is in financially.  
The City has in my opinion no real plan.  No real vision.    Yet the City CEO decides to bail out one sinking ship and expect to be elected to a bigger better ship....  Henry lucky we are lost the war against Japan or you would have to have done the honorable thing and commit Hara-kiri.
Then again Henry would try to poke himself with the handle and cut his hands in the process and further costing us more in medical services.
We as voters must be informed and educated on  the realities that affect our lives.  Henry has a proven track record of failure.   He does not lead he is a real bad administrator.  Is it not time that we are lead instead of mislead?

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