Tuesday, June 12, 2018

North Korea By Joe Ingino

North Korea
  Trump in my opinion is accomplishing what no other President could have ever dreamt to accomplish.   Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t like everything he does... but you have to factor in that he is human and perfection is no ones please all bargain.
   Since he has come in office.   The economy has boomed.   The dollar has sky rocketed.    Terrorist and public beheading have become a thing of the past.
No more televised executions.  No more middle eastern types threatening American on International television.   In fact no more terrorists.
Between the Russians with shoot first and ask question later... to the new Trump ‘GLITTER DONE’ mentality.   Terrorist have pretty much been stomped on.
And here come the Palestine and Israeli conflict.   Trump took the initiative... Good or bad, he did what was right and that conflict even thought constantly erupting... appears to be under control.
Now to the orient.   For the last 30 years a silent and covert war has been active against the west.  Slowly but surely.   China and most of the Orient world has slowly chipped away at Western industry, trade and commerce.
I remember my days in the steel industry.  How China, Japan and others would send teams of engineers to study our production and our output.  How they would with military precision look at our operations.
With the internet.  The Orient exploded into a major assault mode against the west.  We come up with it in the West.  Within months it is being mass produced in the Orient.   Copyright laws are violated.   Patent protection is a thing of the past.  
These orient countries have master the silent assault.   I ask how can they ship a product from across the planet at x dollars and I can’t ship the same across the country for nothing less than x+10?    The attack on the west has been swift and deadly to our industry and trade.  Not to mention our jobs.   Look at retailers like WALMART.   How many of their products come from China?   Look at the commerce on the net? 
I think what Trump is doing by increasing tariffs is the right thing to do that no other president dare to do as it is risky.... From being seen as prejudice to the possible loosing of jobs due to the reluctance of our enemies to continue exporting out of  show of force to pressure the government to back down on tariffs.
And now to the real threat...like really?  North Korea!!!  You got to be kidding me.  North Korea is no threat to America.  But a huge threat to other neighboring countries.  This instability is the real reason Trump must act now in order to stop the aggression  being shown by one small nation amongst titans.
The key is not to divide and conquer but instead to unite and convince razzle dazzle the leader of North Korea so that he will put his energy in to something more lucrative.
There is money in terror.   The fact that they are talking is pretty much a sign of good things to come.  Trump is driving the international bus as he should.  He is eliminating the bias we silently have been undergoing.  He will control the area as they have been controlling us for years.

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