Monday, June 25, 2018


   By now you all are aware of the big debate in America over human rights and disrespect at NFL games.   You all have seen the open and public defiance against government by members of the NFL.
   It has become known as the ‘ONE KNEE’ syndrome.    Players in retaliation to their government choose to one knee during the playing of the national anthem.
The debate has been... do the players even though they  have the right and freedom to express their defiance towards their government.  Should they be allowed to do it at a national sporting event.
Some have argued that the one knee is no different then if patrons in the stands all of a sudden stormed the field in protest of the government.   Technically they have a right to protest any place.   Does this mean the stadium owners can’t throw them out?   Does it mean that the majority of us must allow this to happen? Is the act not anti democratic?
Is democracy not the will of the majority?
I think what both sides of the debate have failed to recognize is the difference between a right and rite (a social custom, practice, or conventional act. synonyms:    ceremony, ritual, ceremonial; service, sacrament, liturgy, worship, office; act, practice, custom, tradition, convention, institution, procedure).
Just because the constitution of America allows us to have freedoms and rights it does not necessarily mean that by rite we can  exercise it any place we so choose.
In the case of the NFL players.  They are basically property of their football institution team.  As such they are not only role models for youth but in part representing America’s most popular sport.  As such are they not bound by professional integrity to maintain the image of America?
If so then, do the owners of the clubs not have the right to discipline the act of not fulfilling their responsibility as professionals.
Think of it this way.  It be like a police officer that is anti America all of a sudden decide to not wear his/her uniform and opt to show up at work wearing a burka.  Claiming religious and cultural preferences.   How far will the battle between rights and rite go before the line is crossed where we say ‘NO MAS’.
The other day, I was watching a world cup soccer game between Brazil and Peru.  Two countries that have a long standing reputation for human rights violations.  For government corruption.  For civil right abuses.   For historical atrocities not imaginable to north Americans.  Two countries that have and still commit horrendous crimes against it’s own people.
The two teams proudly standing hand to heart singing their national anthem with a pride that have no words to describe.   A pride that is so deeply rooted in their souls that it has no compromise.  A pride rooted in culture, values and family.    As the camera made it’s way through the crowds.  The pride of every member of that country was evident.  They sang their national anthem with the same pride as those of the players.  Some in tears and in song with great passion for their nation.
I remember visiting Uruguay years back and attending a professional soccer game.  It was 100 degrees.  The sun was blazing down.  I was wearing a baseball cap.   The national anthem began to play.  Everyone put their hand to heart.  Sang the national anthem out of the top of their lungs... there I stood in awe... someone from behind... smacked me in the back of the head as my hat flew off.   The person I was with said.  Oh yea take your hat off.  
The National anthem played loud and proud.  After it finished... the person that knocked my hat off came over and apologized and got my hat.
Wonder what would happen if one of those soccer players would have taken a knee?
What is it about us in the northern hemisphere that we have lost that essence of national pride. Of belonging and of respect for the mother land no matter who is ruling and or how just or unjust the political climate may be.
I think that we in the north have lost our sense of communal responsibility.  We belong to what we can directly benefit from.  Not from what is best for the betterment of the nation.
In the north we have also lost the importance of family and family values.  Something that teaches responsibility and sacrifice.  Something that is crucial to developing solid character and self esteem.
We have become so distant from the many realities around us that we allowed ourselves to be brain washed by what we see on television. In countries like Brazil, Peru.  Reality is a daily thing.  Poverty, abuse, neglect.   Television is used for entertainment.  Not as a means to form opinion on issues and events.
The term Boob-tube.  First recorded in 1965–70; rhyming coinage, from the notion that television programming is foolish, induces foolishness, or is watched by foolish people.  How true today in modern times.   Fake news outlets like CNN for example or FOX all attempting to sway popular thought have in many cases brain washed the population.  TV today has become addictive and controlling.  Our moral and principles are compromised by false demistyfication of our fears.
Our opinions are played on like a fine instrument and our emotions and feelings are tugged on to shape our thoughts.  I have a question.  Why is it that there are no ‘TERRORIST ATTACKS’ in south America?  Answer.  Anyone attempting to attack any national building or property in any of the latin American countries would mean instant death to the perpetrator and all his family.   Some of these nations still operate on neighborhood justice and neighborhood pride.
Something we in the north have no clue what it is.  Our equality is oppress bias and prejudice.
Our civil rights are nothing but false fallacies in order to keep up oppressed.

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