Tuesday, June 12, 2018


By Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
   What an election it has been.   Ford is now the new Premier of Ontario.  The PC have cometh like the black plague.
   Across Durham it appears that it has once again been painted blue.   With the exception of Oshawa.
Now  you got to wonder what happened in Oshawa?
Well, two things happened.  The first Jennifer French has a very sophisticated group of people that are supporting her.  They work behind the scenes and have strong influence with many of the powerful unions.   French practically had very little to do in this election as the NDP machine behind the candidate was working full throttle.
The PC were left in the dirt.  One  because the candidate they put forth was weak and has a bad history in Oshawa.   Bob Chapman has sat in municipal office for at least two terms and has accomplished little or nothing.  He in part with the rest of council is responsible for increasing the debt in 2014 from $200million dollar to today $500million.
To boot during the election many hard core PC supporters felt betrayed by Bob Chapman as he ignored them and or avoided contact with.   Chapman is your typical ‘YES MAN’.  He follows the ‘OLD BOYS’ club group made up of the Real Estate Board the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce and in part Oshawa Golf Club.
This trio go around pretending they have some sort of influence in the community.  In reality they do not.  They are in part the reason why nothing happens in this city and we keep enduring debt.   A prominent member of the Real Estate Board and former councillor was at one point during his term at the center of a scheme that was never proven in law.. to over pay with tax payers dollar the infamous city depot.   The million dollars according to sources was to be split three ways.   It never happened as someone in council blew the whistle and the deal fell through.  The City of Oshawa has had one scandal after the other.  From members of the public assaulted by Durham Regional police under the instructions of Oshawa legal team/council to the many money waste schemes.   The hiring of consultants to investigate the friend of the investigator... and so on and so on...  Thank God that French won.  At the least she sat for a term really did nothing but did not cost the people of Oshawa a dime, except her pay.

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