Monday, June 4, 2018

The 2018 Drunken Debate By Joe Ingino

The 2018 Drunken Debate
   Has anyone but me seen the recent Rogers cable transmission of the Durham College all Oshawa MPP candidates debate?   In my opinion it was a clear example of all that is wrong with Oshawa and Canadian politics.   We might have had a debate between Curly, Larry and Moe.   Instead it was Jennifer French,  Makini Smith and Bob Chapman. The questions asked by the moderator were as out of left field as they came...  Chapman could not even pronounce the word ‘MODERNIZATION’, never mind knowing its meaning.  Here is a guy that has sat on council for two terms and what has he accomplished?  He in part is responsible for Oshawa’s debt of $548 million.  When asked about the Provincial debt he gave pie in the sky answer failing to acknowledge he has sat for 8 years on city council and done nothing to reduce Oshawa’s debt.  Why should he be paid more at the province to do nothing...Chapman has a proven record to do nothing for the city of Oshawa.  He is arrogant and exclusive to his buddies in the real estate industry.   The Chapman old boys club includes Mayoral candidate Dan Carter and the chamber of Commerce.   A well known good old boys club that goes around with their noses up in the air, thinking about no one but themselves.
What has the chamber done for the city of Oshawa in the last 5  years?   During the last election they clearly showed bias and prejudice towards hand pick ‘YES MEN’ the picked.
When questions were put forth to the Liberal Candidate Makini Smith, her resemblance to deer caught in front of car lights was precious.  Did this woman not prepare.  She had no real information. No real direction and looked confused when asked simple questions.  
Jennifer French, in her usual manner.  Answered questions with the usual orange overtones as expected.  At times she kept going off topic and also appeared loosing her train of thought.
Over all this was the worst debate I have ever seen.  I feel for the people of Oshawa that we lack leadership and direction.  On the one hand Chapman attempting to give himself a pay raise to continue to do nothing for Oshawa.  It would  be a political/social crime to see him win.  The Liberals really scraped the bottom of the barrel with Smith as she has no substance and or idea  what the Liberals stand for.  Out of all the evils my money is on French.  I say this because, we have no choice.  Any other candidate would be a step backward.  So, let’s let French continue to sit in her trench for another term until the next election and hope for better candidates.
Oshawa politics is putrid with incompetency as clearly shown in this debate... and without doubt Oshawa politics is putrid by bias, discrimination and the ‘GOOD OLD BOYS’ club.   Don’t believe me... Where was the  Libertarian Party candidate Brett Van Ginkel.  Was the candidate  not invited or available?    Case in point.

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