Saturday, January 7, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Can it be that those that we elect to lead us be such incompetents. From Hillary and her issued with securing servers or even having the knowledge of a government from a private server. Baffles the mind. Now under the guidance of the Intellegence community. The U.S. government decides to go after Tic-Toc as they are deemed the new evil empire attempting to over throw the American dream. Really.... and the U.S. government have gone as far as deeming Tic-Toc a national threat. REALLY!!! The government in its ignorance will block access to TIC-TOC and it’s users at the white house. It baffles the mind. First. If the U.S. government is so insecure over technology. They must ban all cell phones. They are the bigger threat to national security as any cell phone can be accessed remotedly. This so true that when an Amber alert goes out. So does your individuality and privacy. As a signal is sent across all networks alarming the population at large of any dangers. People wake up. This technology anuls your right to privacy and proves the power of the government to collect information about you without your consent. But wait, this is more than a China - U.S. security issue. This Tic-Toc is about the government putting fear in people’s mind so that we the people keep surrendering our civil rights. The Chinese are listening... Don’t use Tic-Toc or let the government intervene. WRONG. The government of the world for the past 30 years have attempted at all cost to monitor, scensor and control who and what goes online. So far they failed. Now with this new found threat against the people. BINGO - the magic bullet to force U.S. citizens to comply and forfeit on their freedoms and civil liberties. If the government is so interested in protecting the identity of American’s and personal information. How is it that the COMCAST of the world are allowed to send all of our personal information to call centers in Africa, Carribean, South East Asia and South American countries. Do you not think that is a worst national security threat? Companies like Comcast and others volunterr our information without consent from the American public. Are our Intelligence community that stupid to not see it? But wait, Tic-Toc is an issue. No it is not. They are making it an issue so that they can pass laws in order to prevent us access and tighten the control online. This action should be denounced by every red blooded American. Tic-Toc is no different than Facebook or Twitter. No diffrent that any browser you may use. Why the all of a sudden attack on Tic-Toc. Yes you thought it. Politics and government attempt to work their way in controlling what goes on the net. Beware.

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