Showing posts with label #Central. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Central. Show all posts

Saturday, June 29, 2024


t By Todd McCarthy MPP Durham This year, our government themed Seniors Month, ‘Working for Seniors’ which emphasized the continued importance of supporting older adults through vital programs and initiatives that provide wellness, social engagement and education in communities across the province. Seniors Month in Ontario has been celebrated since 1984, making this year the 40th anniversary of recognizing Ontario’s outstanding seniors and recognizing the positive impact they have made on the lives of Ontario’s current residents. In 2021, the number of adults aged 65 and over was approximately 2.6 million and this figure is expected to grow exponentially as Ontario is projected to house 4.4 million seniors by 2046. It is paramount that we provide these seniors with the services they need as these individuals have made enormous contributions in building the Ontario we all enjoy today. I am exceptionally proud of the work that the Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility has done - and continues to do - to address the needs of Ontario’s seniors while also helping these individuals contribute to all aspects of our community life. n Of significance, the Seniors Active Living Centre (SALC) Program promotes wellness, social interaction, education and support services with the goal of keeping seniors healthy and independent through approximately 316 programs across the province. This program was especially important to Durham as we had 6 different organizations receive grants from the SALC Program. The Bowmanville Older Adult Association, and five of Oshawa’s Senior Citizens Centres all received annualized funding of $51,137. This sum of annualized funding will be used at these organizations to bolster the services they provide and will allow seniors to continue to thrive in our community. In addition to the SALC Program, our government also provided grants through the Seniors Community Grant Program which funds local not-for-profit community groups and organizations to deliver projects supports and resources that help older adults by offering a wide variety of activities to promote engagement, reduce isolation and promote healthy living. In Durham, these grants were awarded to Clarington Public Library ($17,740), the Municipality of Clarington ($18,630), Theatre 3x60 ($24,950) and New Life Global Church ($25,000). This funding is crucial for these organizations to continue to be able to provide seniors with support that they would not otherwise receive. If more information regarding these programs is required, visit our new website and our Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors as there is a wealth of information for seniors and caregivers concerning health, finances, housing, security and more. Providing seniors with these programs is extremely important. As Minister Cho, the Minister of Seniors and Accessibility has stated, “Our government knows that Ontario’s communities are strengthened, and everyone benefits when our aging population can stay active and connected with local supports”. As Seniors Month in Ontario comes to a close, our government has worked with many municipalities and community partners to provide necessary resources that promote the health and well-being of Ontario’s seniors. In providing this support, we have reduced social isolation in numerous communities, Durham included, to ensure seniors have the opportunity to thrive in their later life. In the months following Ontario’s Seniors Month, it is important to continue to encourage everyone to reach out to a senior in their life and acknowledge the achievements they garnered for Ontario. Let’s recognize Ontario’s seniors and help them to stay active, fit and socially connected to their community.

Celebrating Canada Day (Dominion Day) with Heritage and Traditions

As we celebrate Canada Day, I am filled with pride for our beautiful country and everything it represents. Our nation, founded under God, stands as a beacon of freedom, democracy, and unity. These values, symbolized by our iconic Canadian flag, inspire me every day in my role as a politician. From the early days of Jacques Cartier to Sir John A. MacDonald, Canada was built on Christian principles, with deep roots in the Church of England and a devotion to God’s teachings. Our Parliament buildings, adorned with biblical passages, remind us of this heritage. Psalm 72:8, inscribed on the Peace Tower, proclaims, “May He have dominion from sea to sea,” reflecting our identity as The Dominion of Canada. This is more than just history; it’s a call to uphold the values of faith, justice, and unity that shaped our nation. Today, however, these foundational principles are under threat. Our educational institutions often overlook Canada’s Christian heritage, teaching instead a narrative devoid of these roots. The rise of secularism and the promotion of ideologies that contradict our historical values concern me deeply. It’s essential to educate our children, not indoctrinate them. We must ensure our schools foster critical thinking and respect for diverse opinions, rather than pushing one-sided agendas. Unfortunately, some politicians prioritize political posturing over patriotism, choosing to fly special interest flags on government buildings rather than solely our national and government flags. This is, in my opinion incredibly unpatriotic. The Canadian flag should always be our number one symbol, alongside the veterans’ flag, honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. It’s unfortunate that some politicians care more about special interest groups and d gaining votes, than upholding the very foundations on which Canada was built: the supremacy of God, our Bill of Rights, and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The erosion of these values undermines the sacrifices made by our veterans who fought for the freedoms we enjoy. To preserve their legacy, we must resist the pull of transient cultural shifts and the so-called “woke” ideologies that seek to redefine our national identity. Holding onto our traditions is not just a matter of nostalgia; it’s about safeguarding the moral and spiritual fabric of our society. Biblical passages like Ephesians 6:13, which calls us to “put on the full armor of God,” remind us of our duty to stand firm against the challenges we face. As a nation, we must remember that our strength lies in our unity and our adherence to the principles that have guided us since our founding. We are a nation under God, and it is His sovereignty that has sustained us. On this Canada Day, let us reflect on our heritage and renew our commitment to the values that define us. Together, we can keep Canada strong and free, a place where everyone can thrive and contribute to our shared future. As we celebrate, let’s proudly wave our Canadian flag, our true pride flag, and reaffirm our commitment to this great nation and its enduring values. Please sign up for my online newsletter. Through my web site: "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"


FIESTA WEEK TRAGEDY By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States
Before we begin we must define what a fiesta is. As per dictionary interpretation, FIESTA: You can use the word fiesta for any party, but it usually refers to a large feast, festival, or very extravagant party. In Spanish, fiesta means "feast," and in many Spanish-speaking places, a fiesta celebrates a saint's day or other religious occasion. The word comes from the Latin festus, "festive, joyful, or merry." Now, focus on the LARGE word as that is the key to the event. I say this because through the years I have seen the so called Fiesta week slowly diminish. I have personally approached the committee involved and they refuse help. If is not their way it is no way. This type of mentality is seen across many City committees. Committees made up of people with good intentions but no clue on how to promote and or market an event. A success is not 40 - 50 people appearing on any one particular day. A success is 1,000 - 10,000 showing up in our city. People from all across the globe coming in for a good time. For a FIESTA. No, instead we have small gathering... normally family and friends of those hosting the particular pavilions and some curious visitors. The fiesta week for the past 10 years at least has had no real promotion or advertising. Sadly, this is another example of why our City of Oshawa has opportunity after opportunity pass us by. The downtown car show, the lakeview park car show. Gone. We have a chamber of commerce that is ineffective and inactive. It has been years since I seen one of the reps come over for a chat. I know that if I had been mayor. I would have turned Fiesta Week into a real international event. I would have targeted all kinds of groups to create a buzz like never before. This would have been months of pre-event preparation. Coordination with all kinds of real partners....not like they do it here in Oshawa... they call partners... nothing short of political supporters for those elect. I would have approached investors in the Fiesta week. I would have had the event marketed in foreign countries inviting tourism to Durham Region. No, instead what do we have? The same old the same old. The numbers slowly dwindling and opportunity keeps passing us by. Have we not had enough of the same old, same old?

Canada Day 2024

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East This year is the 157th anniversary of a country still called Canada. Mired by the dark aspersions cast on our history and the complicated world situation we find ourselves in, we need to remember that we are still Canadians and be proud of it. As we reflect on events since the beginning of the year, let us hope that this year Canada Day will finally bring the nation a glimmer of hope and that the second half of 2024 will be better. Let’s take a moment to consider the incredible contributions made by Canadians throughout our history. Their efforts have helped to make the country what it is today; a country of vibrant cities and strong rural communities. Canada is a place where cultural freedom still flourishes, and Canadians from all backgrounds are still free to express themselves and help our country prosper despite recent tendencies to restrict these freedoms. Successive waves of immigrants from France, Ireland, Germany, the United Kingdom and other countries together with Indigenous people have helped to forge our nation’s unique character. Through their efforts, our communities have become a distinct part of the Canadian identity which we need to preserve rather than deny. We should honour this legacy while we recognize that we can do better in the future. Let’s be proud of our combined anglophone, francophone and indigenous heritage and seek a strong and constructive cooperation with all our people of different backgrounds for a better Canada. Canada was not born of bloody conflict. It emerged from a lengthy process of brainstorming about practical matters, of negotiations, proposals, and legislative ratifications. On July 1, 1867, the Confederation of four Canadian provinces created our country and with the inclusion of Lower Canada – now Quebec – it ensured from the outset that Canada would be a blend of two nations, two cultures and two languages. The acceptance of both civil and common law systems is a factor that still makes Canada a helpful player on the international scene. And from the outset, religious tolerance was Canada’s only option. The enactment of the British North America Act, 1867 (today called the Constitution Act, 1867), which made the confederation of the provinces law, was celebrated on July 1, 1867, with the ringing of the bells at the Cathedral Church of St. James in Toronto. Contemporary accounts of the celebration also describe "bonfires, fireworks and illuminations, excursions, military displays and musical and other entertainments". On June 20 of the following year, Governor General the Viscount Monck issued a royal proclamation asking for Canadians to celebrate the anniversary of Confederation. However, the holiday was not established in statute until May 15, 1879, when it was designated Dominion Day, alluding to the reference in the British North America Act to the country as a dominion. The holiday was initially not dominant in the national calendar; celebrations were mounted by local communities and the Governor General hosted a party at Rideau Hall. No larger celebrations were held until 1917 and then none again for a further decade—the gold and diamond anniversaries of Confederation, respectively. Canada's centennial in 1967 is often seen as an important milestone in the history of Canadian nationalism and in Canada's maturing as a distinct, independent country, after which Dominion Day became more popular with average Canadians. Some Canadians were, by the early 1980s, informally referring to the holiday as Canada Day, a practice that caused some controversy. However, with the granting of Royal Assent, the holiday's name was officially changed to Canada Day on October 27, 1982. Canada Day coincides with Memorial Day in Newfoundland and Labrador, with memorials typically held in the morning of July 1. As the anniversary of Confederation, Dominion Day, and later Canada Day, was the date set to commemorate a number of important events. It was the first national radio network hookup by the Canadian National Railway (1927). It was the inauguration of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's cross-country television broadcast, with Governor General Vincent Massey's Dominion Day speech from Parliament Hill (1958) and the flooding of the Saint Lawrence Seaway (1958); It was the first colour television transmission in Canada (1966); the inauguration of the Order of Canada (1967); and the establishment of "O Canada" as the country's national anthem (1980). Other events fell on the same day coincidentally, such as the first day of the Battle of the Somme in 1916, shortly after which Newfoundland recognized July 1 as Memorial Day to commemorate the Newfoundland Regiment's heavy losses during the battle. Our nation is facing greater challenges today, than ever before. These include economic hardship and high inflation, issues related to a new conflagration in Europe, high unemployment and seriously escalating social problems. Let us again show that we support each other. This community spirit is one of the most admirable characteristics of being Canadian. On July the 1st let’s celebrate our country’s achievements and use them, not our failings, as a foundation to build a better and a brighter future together. Let’s celebrate our unity and our treasured country. Happy enlightened Canada Day!


By Dale Jodoin The Echoes of History: Examining the Alarming Parallel between Canadian Left-Wing Extremism and Nazi Ideology A disturbing shift has taken root within Canadian left-wing circles, echoing the hateful rhetoric and tactics of historical Nazi ideology. This dangerous trend is not only a threat to democratic values but also poses a grave danger to the safety and well-being of Jewish Canadians. Today, elements within the Canadian left-wing have embraced extremist narratives, including calls for the destruction of Israel and the denial of Jewish people's right to exist. This virulent anti-Semitic rhetoric bears a striking resemblance to the propaganda and policies propagated by the Nazi regime. The impact of this ideological shift cannot be overstated. Jewish Canadians now face a heightened risk of verbal assaults, threats, physical violence, and systemic discrimination, reminiscent of the persecution experienced during darker periods of history. While not identical, the parallels between contemporary left-wing extremism and Nazi ideology are alarming. Both propagate hateful stereotypes, promote scapegoating of minority groups, and advocate for the elimination of perceived adversaries, be it through words or actions. Regrettably, the response from Canadian political leaders has been insufficient, with condemnations often lacking meaningful follow-up actions to address and combat the growing tide of anti-Semitism within the left-wing. Extremist groups, such as Hamas and Iranian-backed organizations, have played a pivotal role in fueling anti-Semitic sentiments within left-wing circles, exploiting grievances and spreading hateful ideologies under the guise of activism. The erosion of civil liberties, including freedom of speech and religious expression, is a direct consequence of this extremist infiltration within left-wing politics. The very values that underpin democratic societies are under threat. A resolute and collective response is urgently needed to confront and dismantle this resurgence of hate and extremism. Concrete measures must be implemented to safeguard the rights and safety of Jewish Canadians and uphold democratic principles. In closing, the rise of Nazi-like rhetoric and actions within Canadian left-wing extremism serves as a stark warning. It is incumbent upon all Canadians, regardless of political affiliation, to reject hatred, uphold inclusivity, and stand in solidarity against bigotry and discrimination in all its forms.tion habits. More and more Canadians are choosing bicycles, e-bikes, and scooger laws that treat the theft of bicycles, e-bikes, and scooters with the seriousneensure a safer, more secure future for all Canadians.

How You Breathe Affects Your Health

By W. Gifford-Jones MD and Diana Gifford An old Chinese adage goes, “If you know the art of deep breathing, you have the strength, wisdom, and courage of ten tigers.” When a kung fu master takes a meditative moment before delivering the kiss of the dragon, these powers are summoned, and woe be the opponent! But is this practice of deep breathing also responsible for the seemingly long lives of these great masters? Breathing is something we do naturally and without thought. But ask people with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or lung cancer. There’s no taking the lungs for granted, and a great deal of thought goes into the process. Does it matter, how you breathe? Breathe in, breathe out, isn’t that enough? It turns out, you may want to make some adjustments in how you do it, and you can have a little fun at the same time. Researchers conducted an interesting study. Over the course of one month, they compared the practice of mindful meditation with three different types of daily, 5-minute breathwork exercises. One group of study participants were instructed to breath using longer inhalations and shorter exhalations. Another group performed box breathing or tactical breathing, which is equal duration of inhalations, breath retentions, and exhalations. A third group probably had a laugh or two as they undertook something called cyclic sighing, which emphasizes prolonged exhalations. One can’t be sure, from reading the study, if indeed any of the study participants in the third group had a chuckle or two while doing their 5-minutes of sighing. Since it was conducted remotely during the pandemic, researchers wouldn’t know either. But imagining the potential humour only accentuates the study’s results. Maybe 5 minutes of breathing with prolonged exhalations can be done in relative silence. But after all, it’s called cyclic sighing. So add the vocalization, and especially when two or more people do it together, the humour becomes more palpable. All three groups achieved greater benefit from daily 5-minutes of breathwork than from the practice of mindful meditation. These benefits were measured in terms of rate of respiration, resting heart rate, and heart rate variability. But the cyclic sighing group had the highest benefit. Here’s another fun fact about the study. Researchers found that study participants doing cycle sighing benefited more from the exercise the more days they did it compared with mindfulness meditation, an effect not observed in the other groups. When might you want to try cyclic sighing? The study suggests everyday. But here’s another consideration. In moments of stress and anger, taking time out to breathe deeply has been shown to have positive benefits. The physiological effect of deeper, slower breathing is a calming of the nervous system. In turn, calmer nerves mean lower blood pressure and heart rate, reduced production of stress hormones, and less build up of lactic acid in muscles. Add in a bit of laughter and what happens? It may, initially, speed up your heart rate. But the relaxation that follows brings that rate right down. It increases endorphins in the brain that improve mood. It stimulates circulation and aids muscle relaxation. Laughter can ease pain both by distraction and by stimulating the body to fight pain with its own natural painkillers. Why not try it now, as you finish reading this article? Set a timer for 5 minutes and commence taking deep breaths in, followed by longer sighs of exhale. Anyone around will ask what on Earth you are doing. You can have a good laugh in explaining and inviting them to join in. Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Mayor Ignores Public Pleas for Change Room Choice at Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex (CHDRC)

By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor In a recent development, Mayor Kevin Ashe has dismissed my pleas to bring forward a motion that would allow users of the CHDRC to choose their preferred change room. Despite substantial public interest and repeated recent requests, the mayor’s response indicates a clear disregard for the community’s concerns. The mayor’s reasoning is encapsulated in his recent correspondence: “Your request for a Seconder on Notice of Motion is moot. As of December 2023, CHDRC front desk staff have been trained and instructed to consider accommodation requests from non-members to use the membership change rooms. This has been promoted on our Conversations in the Community web page for the past half year. I am aware that you’ve previously referenced Conversations in the Community on social media, but perhaps you missed this key point. Here is a link to the page: Conversations in the Community I know that this issue is very important to you, but to date, there have been zero instances where non-members have requested to use the membership change rooms. Outside of some online chatter that took place months ago, the reality is that the universal change rooms are a non-issue for the thousands of visitors and users of the CHDRC. I hope these new insights are able to satisfy your concerns.” In response to the mayor’s stance, I conveyed the following: Dear Mr. Mayor, Thank you for your response regarding the accommodation requests at the CHDRC. I appreciate the efforts taken to train front desk staff and the promotion of this information on the “Conversations in the Community” webpage. However, I must respectfully disagree with your assertion that this issue is moot, and here is why. Firstly, the absence of formal requests from non-members to use the membership change rooms does not necessarily indicate a lack of demand or concern. It is possible that potential users are unaware of their rights or feel uncomfortable making such requests, particularly if they have not seen explicit signage or direct communication about this accommodation at the CHDRC. Secondly, while the “Conversations in the Community” webpage is a valuable resource, not all community members may visit this page or be aware of its contents. This highlights a gap in communication that could be addressed through more proactive measures, such as clear signage at the facility, direct emails to registered users, and social media posts specifically highlighting this accommodation policy. Furthermore, my recent influx of calls, emails, and social media comments on this topic indicates a growing concern within the community that cannot be ignored. These communications suggest that there is indeed an underlying issue that needs to be addressed more transparently and effectively. I believe that incorporating this accommodation policy into a formal, widely disseminated policy document would provide clarity and assurance to all users. This could involve outlining specific procedures for non-members to request access to the membership change rooms, ensuring staff are not only trained but also periodically reminded of these protocols, and actively monitoring the policy’s effectiveness through regular feedback from the community. In conclusion, while your insights provide some context, they do not fully address the concerns being raised by community members. A formal policy would not only address current issues but also prevent potential misunderstandings in the future, ensuring that the CHDRC remains an inclusive and welcoming space for all. Thank you for considering this perspective. I look forward to continued dialogue on this matter. Sincerely, Councillor Lisa Robinson We hope that Mr. Mayor acts in the best interest of the people of Pickering and brings this forth in open and civil public debate. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

Ontario education today: doing everything but teaching fundamentals

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East Ontario’s school system is worse than a tsunami disaster on all fronts these days. It seems to be driven by an ignorant woke class that permeates every aspect of the system like a malignant virus. A group of people in power positions pushing their own agenda with a blatant disregard for parental input, opinion or concerns. Today, the leaders of the boards of education are there to tell you that as a parent you do not need to know what is being taught, just trust them. If you ask questions, they tell you that you are racist, your kids are racist, the system is racist, everyone is homophobic, and our society is built on white supremacy and colonialism. Furthermore, the police are to be feared and Canada is a horrible country whose founders are to be forgotten because they were bad people. They also tell you that mathematics and science are only to be tolerated and sidelined because they are tools of the privileged class. Today’s educational leaders favor the new, so-called futuristic social approaches in order to create a ‘better’ society, ruled in bliss, by ignorants. Most people are unaware of what goes on in the school system. They genuinely believe the system is there to provide a service on which they can rely to do the best for their children. That may have been the case once upon a time, but now the system is there to serve the needs, wants and ideology of a completely ignorant class of lackeys and the wokecrats who employ and enable them. Not long ago, Canada was a beacon of hope; the example of a harmonious society eager to do better for the country and be proud of it. Today we see a destructive trend that fractures our country and creates friction in our society, perpetuated by people following a globalist ideology that is harmful to the very existence of humanity. This is evident in the educational approach of today, which ignores real science in favor of a pseudo social science. Today it is more important to socialise than teach mathematics, physics and chemistry. One may wonder whether there are still teachers available who are knowledgeable in and competent to teach these subjects. Long gone are the homework assignments for children to complete, that served as the basis of a teacher parent interaction. Parents today are deliberately kept in the dark, strongly discouraged from asking questions about the curriculum or how it is being implemented in their child’s classroom. At best, they are given very vague, non-committal answers. Children are not allowed to bring home their workbooks, or even their marked tests. They are told the mark they got on the test, but do not have it when the correct answers are discussed, to see where they went wrong. Have these educators forgotten that correcting your own mistakes is one of the key elements of effective learning? The education system has become quite dictatorial with no recourse for questioning by the very people who pay the taxes to support it, and hence, pay their salaries. The results are evident in the performance of Ontario students on provincial tests in mathematics. They have been on a steady decline for years, despite careful tweaking of who takes the test, and specific lessons delivered before administering the test. It seems that the education system is there to produce graduates who are scientifically illiterate and technically challenged. This is not good for either the province or the country. For example, once Canada was a strong leader in the nuclear sciences. Today, when nuclear energy is recognized as ‘green energy’, we have lost that edge to countries whose education systems still hold mathematics and the exact sciences to be the cornerstone of general education. An approach to education that marginalizes mathematics and the exact sciences by making them socially unacceptable is bound to flounder in a technological world. A curriculum that makes statements like the following has clearly been taken over by people trying to rationalize their own scientific illiteracy: “Mathematics has been used to normalize racism and marginalization of non-Eurocentric mathematical knowledges, and a decolonial, anti-racist approach to mathematics education makes visible its historical roots and social constructions,” taken from the 2021 curriculum revision. When kids are being taught that math is racist, or everyone in history, including one of the founding fathers of our country, Sir John A. MacDonald for example, is racist, or that they are racist, a great injustice is being done both to the children and our history. Furthermore, the current curriculum is exposing children prematurely to social constructs in the classroom that also pose legitimate concerns, particularly about gender ideology. The idea that we should be teaching young children that gender is fluid, that you can change your gender, before they even fully understand the concept of gender, is not only unconscionable, but a recipe for disaster. There are also policies in place at school boards across the province that tell teachers not to inform parents of children, as young as four, who tell a teacher they want to change their gender. The school policy, far too often, is to do what the child says he/she wants based on premature exposure to these social constructs in school, while keeping the parents in the dark. There are also boards of education that prefer to celebrate flags other than the Canadian Flag, hoisting it instead of the symbol of our nation. How is that for inclusivity? Is this the new and revolutionary concept of nation building? We also had bans on allowing police officers into classrooms, especially in uniform, even for kids who wanted to bring a parent who works in law enforcement, for career day. None of these issues are driven by what is best for the students. They are driven by wicked politics. It is time for parents to stand up and say, enough is enough. It is also time for the government to listen to parents and return to them their justly earned primary role in the education of their own children. What do you think?

When Interviewing Speak to B, C and D (Examples)

By Nick Kossovan In my previous column, I outlined the steps for preparing for an interview: A. Research the company and its leadership team. B. Consider why you want to work for the company. C. Identify the company's pain points. D. Think of at least one genuine reason you'd like to work for the person you'd report to. E. Throughout your interview, speak to B, C, and D, which speak to the two factors that influence hiring decisions: 1. Reason, and 2. Ego I wrote it's understandable for interviewers to be interested in a candidate's reason(s) for being interested in the job. Therefore, ensure you have a solid grasp of why you want the job and can confidently answer, "Why do you want this job?" or "Why do you want to join our company?" Additionally, I discussed the importance of mentioning your understanding of the company's pain points and how your skills and experience can address them. Furthermore, I proposed a strategy that'll help you stand out from your competition, especially if your interviewer is the person you'll be reporting to: speak to their ego. In this column, I'll share two examples of what speaking to B, C, and D looks like. I'll start with Bob Nielsen, who's interviewing for an outside pharmaceutical representative position. His interviewer, Titos Thanides, who'd be his boss, asks the inevitable question: Why do you want to join Ottinger? Bob's answer: "I've been selling pharmaceutical products for over 15 years and have consistently exceeded sales targets due to my strong relationships with healthcare providers. At Nordstral Pharmaceuticals, I managed a territory spanning Kingston to Quebec City. In 2022, I received the Salesperson of the Year award for growing sales by 27%. I'm attracted to Ottinger's commitment to innovation and cutting-edge treatments. Ottinger's focus on R&D and new product development reflects my values and goals. I became a pharmaceutical rep to contribute to people's well-being. Ottinger is looking to gain market share in the Ottawa area, a challenge that excites me. Since I have established relationships with healthcare providers throughout the Ottawa region, I'm confident I can increase the use of Ottinher's pharmaceuticals, especially Serisone, a game-changing, innovative pulmonary fluid management drug. Additionally, I heard you speak at the International Conference on Pharmacy and Pharmacology in Winnipeg in October 2018 about pharmaceutical companies' societal role. It must have taken a lot of courage to publicly declare pharmaceutical companies should be less profit-driven and more socially responsible. You have a reputation for being one of the few leaders who speaks their truths, which would make working with you a privilege, and you're known for being a results-driven sales director who'd bring out the best in me." Here's how Ariana Darzi, interviewing for a Marketing Director position, responds to her would-be boss, Veronica Lodge's question: "Why do you want this job?" "I've been marketing consumer goods for over 22 years, from detergents to tissues to soft drinks to stationery. I've consistently delivered measurable results throughout my career, increasing brand awareness, market share, and profitability. For example, as Marketing Manager at Acme Corp, I oversaw the relaunch of their flagship tissue paper brand. In 18 months, using data-driven segmentation, targeted advertising, and innovative product development, my team and I increased our tissue paper market share by 36%. My interest in Sunshine Desserts is based on the company's reputation for product innovation and market leadership. As someone with a sweet tooth, I've long admired how Sunshine Desserts consistently pushes the boundaries of what's possible and understands sweet doesn't have to equate to being unhealthy. Your recent line of sugar-free desserts, many of which I've tried, your peanut butter cookies being my favourite, is a prime example of the forward-thinking, consumer-centric approach I want to be a part of. I read in Canadian Living that you're launching a gluten-free dessert line this fall, which I'm looking forward to trying. Sunshine Desserts faces the same challenge as its competitors. Health-conscious consumers no longer consider desserts part of a healthy diet. Your lines of healthy dessert offerings I just mentioned make it possible, with my using the same strategic thinking and execution I used at Acme Corp, to market your desserts as part of a healthy diet because they're "made right." Moreover, Veronica, your leadership in driving Sunshine Dessert's North American expansion and your ability to adjust to rapidly changing market conditions is inspiring. Working alongside you would further expand my strategic marketing skills while making a meaningful contribution to Sunshine Desserts' continued success in the North American market. The combination of my marketing expertise, proven track record of success, and sweet tooth make me an ideal candidate to be Sunshine Desserts' next Marketing Director." I can't emphasize enough the importance of preparing your answer beforehand to the most common interview question, "Why do you want this job?" or "Why do you want to work for this company?" and practicing delivering your answer effortlessly, so you speak to the two factors that influence hiring decisions: reason and ego. ___________________________________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Surgical Rule Number One: If It’s Not Broke, Don’t Fix It

Surgical Rule Number One: If It’s Not Broke, Don’t Fix It By W. Gifford-Jones MD and Diana Gifford The most important lesson is often taught in the first class. This was the case at Harvard Medical School where a professor of surgery gave sound advice to students aspiring to hold the scalpel. He told them, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.” Another professor echoed this advice when he said, “There is no such thing as minor surgery.” How tragic when this simple message is ignored and the result is death. It should not happen. But it did recently in Canada, twice. Two children died following tonsil and adenoid surgery, shocking the nation with a wake-up call to alert that common procedures are not risk-free. What went wrong is being investigated. But it’s nightmare occurrence for the doctors and families alike. And we must all learn anew. Surgery is never minor, and if it is not needed, don’t go for it. Tonsillectomy is considered major surgery by the Otolaryngological Society. But one can bet most families would not perceive it as such. Rather, it’s seen as a quick, easy procedure to remove troublesome tonsils and or adenoids. Tonsils and adenoids are part of the immune system. Repeated infections or difficulty breathing lead to the decision for a surgery deemed safe. The main risk is bleeding up to 10 days after the operation. Needless surgery caused the demise of comedian Joan Rivers. She joked about going under the knife to tuck this and that. But it would be one too many. She died from cardiac arrest during a cosmetic procedure. The youngest victims are newborn babies having undergone circumcision and dying due to hemorrhage. Yet, day after day, this procedure continues to be done. Why? Some people believe it should be performed for religious reasons. Others site medical reasons, that it decreases cancer of the penis, a very rare disease, or decreases urinary infections in the first year of life. But does this mean all breasts should be removed at birth for fear of cancer or the nose to avoid infections? Some critics say circumcision violates the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. After all, prior to newborn circumcision, no doctor or parents gain the consent of the child. Medical journals are full of surgical complications. They occur when too much skin is removed, when botched procedures make it hard to pass urine, or when mistakes lead to amputation of part of the penis. The foreskin is loaded with blood vessels and nerves that have a sexual function, not a surgical imperative. Ultrasound is often used during a medical workup to help diagnose a problem. On occasion an ultrasound will find large stones in the gallbladder that have been present for years without causing trouble. On the other hand, small stones can enter the cystic duct that carries bile to the intestines. This results in severe abdominal pain and requires emergency surgery. The best treatment for large silent stones is to leave them alone. If they start to cause pain, surgery would be needed. But the best treatment, in the absence of trouble, is to leave them for the crematorium. Why? Because during removal of the gallbladder there’s always a chance of injuring this small narrow duct. It happened to Athony Eden, one of England’s Prime Ministers, and is extremely difficult to repair, four subsequent surgeries in his case. Everyone knows heart surgery can be a life and death procedure. Don’t be fooled into thinking that common surgery is free of risk. Indifference becomes tragedy when something terrible happens. Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Treason on the Hill

By Dale Jodoin In recent times, Canada has found itself at the center of a storm. Concerns about other countries meddling in our election system have taken center stage. A committee is currently meeting to investigate these allegations, seeking to uncover the truth about foreign interference. This isn't just about election integrity; it's about trust, sovereignty, and the future of our nation. The Global Perspective It's not just Canada that is worried. The United States, Australia, and Europe have all shown signs of distrust towards Canada. In fact, a new agreement between Australia and South Korea aims to keep a close watch on China, but Canada was excluded from this alliance. This exclusion raises serious questions: Why were we left out? Who are the politicians behind this, and what price did they pay to sell out our country to India and China? Political Accountability Our current government, led by the Liberal Party and their ally, the NDP, seem to be doing everything they can to protect those involved. This protective stance has raised eyebrows and sparked outrage among many Canadians. Why are they hiding the truth? Before the next election, we must uncover the identities of those responsible for this treason. Treason is a serious crime that cannot be taken lightly. Historically, Canada has treated treason with the utmost seriousness, with penalties including life imprisonment or even the death penalty. The Gravity of Treason Treason is defined as betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government. It's a grave offense, and in Canada, the penalties for treason are severe. Historically, those found guilty of treason could face the death penalty or life in prison. While the death penalty has been abolished, life imprisonment remains a possible punishment. This demonstrates how seriously Canada takes this crime. Despite the gravity of treason, our government seems intent on keeping the details classified. This lack of transparency is unacceptable. Canadians deserve to know who is responsible for betraying their country. We need answers, and we need them before the next election. The current government cannot continue to hide behind a veil of secrecy. The Role of the NDP The NDP, often seen as the puppet of the Liberal government, is also complicit in this cover-up. Their refusal to demand transparency and accountability is deeply troubling. Canadians need to understand that the NDP's inaction makes them just as guilty as those who committed the treason. They are failing in their duty to protect the interests of the people they represent. A Call to Action It's time for Canadians to wake up. We cannot allow the Liberal government and the NDP to continue to betray us. We must demand an immediate election to hold these politicians accountable. Treason is not something to be taken lightly, and those responsible must be brought to justice. The Penalty for Treason in Canada - To understand the severity of treason, let's look at the penalties in Canada. According to the Criminal Code of Canada, anyone found guilty of treason can be sentenced to life imprisonment. This means spending the rest of their life behind bars. In the past, those convicted of treason could face the death penalty, although this has since been abolished. This harsh punishment reflects the seriousness of the crime. Treason is not just a betrayal of trust; it's a direct attack on the very foundation of our nation. It undermines our democracy, our sovereignty, and our values. That's why it's crucial to identify and punish those responsible. The Shame of a Cover-Up What's even more shameful than the act of treason itself is the government's attempt to cover it up. By keeping everything classified, they are protecting the traitors and denying Canadians the truth. This lack of transparency is a betrayal of the public's trust. We deserve to know who is responsible for selling out our country. The Importance of Accountability - Accountability is the cornerstone of any democratic society. Without it, trust in the government erodes, and the integrity of our institutions is compromised. The Liberal government and the NDP must understand that they cannot hide the truth forever. Sooner or later, the people will demand answers, and those responsible will be held accountable. The Path Forward - The path forward is clear. We must demand transparency, accountability, and justice. We need to know the identities of those who committed treason, and they must face the full force of the law. We cannot allow our government to continue hiding behind a veil of secrecy. The future of our nation depends on it. This issue should serve as a national wake-up call. We must be vigilant in protecting our democracy from foreign interference. We must hold our politicians accountable and ensure that they act in the best interests of Canada, not their personal gain or the interests of foreign powers. In conclusion, treason is a grave crime that cannot be ignored. The current government's attempts to cover up the truth are unacceptable. We must demand transparency, accountability, and justice. Canadians deserve to know who betrayed their country and why. Only then can we move forward and protect our democracy for future generations. It's time for Canada to wake up and take a stand against treason.

Complaining How Employers Hire Doesn’t Help Your Job Search

By Nick Kossovan "Complaining is not a strategy. You have to work with the world as you find it, not as you would have it be." ? Jeff Bezos In a different reality, employers would: · Offer salaries dependent on the candidate's needs, not the job's market value. · Not use applicant tracking software. (ATS) · Reply to every application. · Have a short and transparent hiring process. · Not scrutinize your resume and digital footprint. Today's reality: · More than ever, getting hired comes down to who you know and who knows you. · Employers are skittish (read: cautious) when it comes to hiring, hence why they have long, drawn-out hiring processes with many hurdles to navigate. · Ghosting. (in fairness, candidates also ghost) · Employers are looking for the perfect fit and are willing to wait until such a candidate comes along. (What employers want to see and the stereotypes they expect are constantly shifting paradigms.) I understand why job seekers are frustrated with their job search and how employers design their hiring process. However, punching down on employers as if that'll get them closer to their goal, presumably to get a job, accomplishes nothing other than wasting time and energy. Job seekers need to know and accept their controllables and uncontrollables. Can't control: · The economy or the number of job openings. · How an employer has designed their hiring process. · A hiring manager's biases. - Whom you're competing against. Can control: · The amount of time and effort you put into your job search. · Whom you connect with and how you maintain your connections. · Your digital footprint. · Your preparation and performance. (Practice! Practice! Practice!) · How you cope with rejection. (Embrace the power of "Next!") Focus on what you can control, not on what you can't control. Where you focus is where your energy goes. You can spend your energy and time complaining about employers being unfair and not giving you a chance. Such complaints stem from a sense of entitlement and do nothing to improve your job search success. Complaining discourages you from overcoming the many challenges you're facing throughout your job search and breeds negativity, which manifests into excuses or believing you're a victim of some "ism." Complaining isn't a strategy or a way of taking responsibility; it's not even a way of getting what we want. It's a way of avoiding responsibility, blaming others, and trying to get sympathy without having to take action. An essay I recommend everyone read is The Common Denominator of Success, by Albert E.M. Gray, who spent much of his life searching for the one denominator all successful people share. Putting first things first was the common denominator. "The successful person has the habit of doing the things failures don't like to do," he wrote. Put simply, to succeed, you must form the habit of doing what others don't like to do. This is especially true when job searching. (e.g., networking) Job seekers tend to complain because it's easier than doing what they should be doing. Additionally, job seekers have expectations of employers, which, when not met, cause them to complain. Managing your expectations will limit your complaints about employers. Two truisms job seekers would be wise to accept: · Total strangers (employers) owe you nothing. · Employment isn't an absolute right. I can't overstress the importance of accepting these truisms. If you're feeling bitter or resentful about your job search, wishing things were different, or thinking how life isn't fair—any of this sounds familiar?—you're fighting reality, which, as Bezos pointed out, "you have to work with the world as you find it, not as you would have it be." Complaining is counterproductive and does nothing to help you land a job. In today's brutal job market, or in any job market, you need to be proactive as opposed to reactive, which is what most job seekers are. The difference between reactive and proactive job seekers has nothing to do with degrees, skills or experience. The difference is their mindset. Proactive job seekers base their expectations on reality. Reactive job seekers base their expectations on how they wish the world would be. Guess which spends their energy complaining. There are four critical steps in the proactive job search: 1. Identify which companies interest you. 2. Research the companies. 3. Leverage your network. 4. Reach out to hiring managers. There's too much of this: · 1,000 applicants answer a job posting. · 900 candidates sprayed and prayed and, therefore, don't have the required qualifications, skills, or experience or know what the business does. · 75 are "okay" candidates. · 25 are candidates worth pursuing. The Internet has made it much too easy to apply—spray and pray—which has resulted in qualified candidates getting lost in the tsunami of "quick apply applications" employers receive for their job openings. Job seekers have to deal with this reality, the world they have to work with, and no amount of complaining will change this reality. Save your energy for your job search. Job hunting isn't a totally unpredictable process if you're a proactive job seeker and understand that successful job searching and complaining don't go hand in hand. ___________________________________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Are Non-Alcoholic Beverages the Better Choice?

By W. Gifford-Jones MD and Diana Gifford Do we enjoy alcoholic drinks? We do! A relaxing drink before dinner with our loved ones is standard practice. We are supported by a landmark study involving 490,000 people involving the American Cancer Society, World Health Organization, and Oxford University that found one alcoholic drink daily decreased the risk of death by 20 percent. Moreover, moderate drinkers have increased levels of the good cholesterol. Platelets, part of the blood clotting process, are more slippery making them less likely to form a fatal blood clot. Medically, for moderate drinkers, it’s a win-win. But irresponsible and heavy drinkers cause too many road deaths year after year. Excessive alcohol can also lead to family violence and many other societal ills. This is why non-alcoholic beverages need more promotion. But instead of providing the alternative of a stylish, healthy non-alcoholic product, the problem remains. Whether it’s quitting smoking, going on a diet, or vowing, “I’ll stop drinking while driving in the New Year,” it rarely happens. Failing to make the change can be a deadly error. Why? Because driving while drunk can kill an innocent child or an entire family – unthinkable consequences for such carelessness. Even without such catastrophes, drinking and driving rightly amounts to criminal charges and jail time. So why not embrace the alternative? No one gets hurt from drinking a non-alcoholic beverage (NAB). What are the advantages of NABs and why should we promote a new trend in drinking them? First, all the dangers of drinking are eliminated, including drunk driving. It’s estimated that the harmful use of alcohol causes 3 million deaths every year. Next, say good-bye to hangovers that cause three to eight times more absenteeism from work among heavy alcohol users. Hungover drinkers who make it to work are more likely to cause accidents leading to injuries. Heavy drinking also increases the risk of liver disease, brain damage, cancer, and immune system disfunction. Swapping the empty calories of booze for a low-calorie NAB will help with weight loss. But people neglect to watch out for calories in alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks alike, and sugary drinks, including many wines, are no good in the fight against obesity and type 2 diabetes. NABs can be loaded with sugar too, so to get the benefit, do your research before making your selection. Ask anyone who has decreased alcohol consumption and they will tell you they sleep better. If there’s been strife in the family from alcohol, adherence to NABs can restore happiness. And it will be big news if the trend away from alcohol to NABs results in a decrease in cancer rates. Switching to NABs can be a financial gain too. Even just a few alcoholic drinks a week can add up to over a thousand dollars per year for the consumer. But all this said, keep your mind open about the positive effects of alcohol. Alcohol in moderation has a relaxing effect that dilates arteries. This translates to a lower risk of heart attack and strokes caused by blood clots. As the saying goes, “Alcohol is for the elderly what milk is for the young.” For the depressed or anxious, alcohol isn’t the wise choice as a tool for coping, but a social drink with family and friends can be soothing at the end of a stressful day. Taking the personal decision to drink NABs can be frustrated by friends that insist on pressing alcoholic drinks. Social settings that traditionally involve alcohol, like bars and restaurants can also be a problem. Everyone will need to adjust if the NAB trend is to grow. Let’s hear what readers think. Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones

I never thought I would be writing about this

By Dale Jodoin I never thought I would be writing about this, but the events unfolding compel me to address a serious issue: legal racism in Canada. The recent atrocities committed against Israel have set off a chain of reactions, revealing the depths of discrimination and cowardice within our own borders. On October 7, 2023, Israel was brutally attacked by Hamas, a terrorist organization. Over 1,200 innocent civilians were murdered, raped, and burned in their beds, and 200 others were taken hostage. Israel's response to this horrific act of war was to target those responsible in the West Bank, aiming to bring justice to the perpetrators. While civilian casualties occurred, they were never the intent; Israel's goal was to eliminate the threat posed by those who declared war on them. In the wake of this conflict, the Western world, including Canada, has shown a shocking lack of resolve and integrity. Our governments have become paralyzed, bowing to the pressure of far-left, woke groups who dominate universities and media. These groups, often ignorant of real history, have perversely labeled Israel's self-defense as genocide. This narrative is not only false but deeply offensive, especially considering the heinous acts committed by Hamas. Jewish Canadians are now bearing the brunt of this misguided activism. They face harassment, their schools are targets of violence, and many are afraid to leave their homes. This is not the Canada we once knew. Instead of standing up against this injustice, some educational institutions have capitulated, allowing biased and false narratives to be taught. These so-called educators propagate lies that align with the agenda of the far-left, undermining the true history and struggle of the Jewish people. The real cowards, however, are not just the radical activists but also the schools and politicians who fail to stand against them. Teachers who promote falsehoods and hate should not have a place in our educational system. Politicians, driven by the desire for votes, have shown themselves willing to compromise the safety and dignity of their citizens. They have abandoned their duty to protect and stand up for all Canadians, including Jewish communities under threat. In this climate of fear and misinformation, it is crucial to recognize and call out the systemic failures allowing legal racism to thrive in Canada. We need leaders who will have the courage to speak the truth, protect the vulnerable, and uphold the values of justice and equality that our country was built on. It is a dark time for Jewish Canadians, and indeed for all Canadians who value truth and justice. Our leaders' failure to act with integrity and courage in the face of such blatant discrimination is a stain on our nation's conscience. We must demand better from our educators, our politicians, and ourselves. We must stand together against hate, misinformation, and legal racism to ensure a future where all Canadians can live in safety and dignity. A Poem of Disappointment Oh Canada, where have you gone? Once strong and free, now weak . Leaders who should protect, now flee, Cowards all, who bend the knee. Promises broken, truths denied, Injustice reigns, and trust has died. Rise up, my fellow Canadians, fight, For what is just, for what is right.

Canada’s past military achievements and present disarray

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East As we celebrated 80 years since D Day, which marked a pivotal day in defeating Nazi Germany, and as we remember the sacrifices of Canadian soldiers on Juno beach, we may justifiably wonder what is going on with today’s Canadian Armed Forces. The status of the Armed Forces in Canada is bleak, due to decades of neglect by all governing parties without exception. Canada’s military is facing a series of problems that could threaten our standing in an unpredictable world without a serious infusion of cash and attention from the federal government. Canada finds itself in such a dire situation due to the dual bureaucratic and political culture in Ottawa. In avoiding problems rather than confronting them, they have resorted to "risk management" The approach has been to assume that things are not that bad and some level of risk can be tolerated for a few years. This, now perpetual bad risk management approach, has became dangerous because it has pushed off problems until it is somebody else's problem. But now, in 2024, these problems have come home to roost. They have become our problems, and they are literally kicking us in the face. Let us consider the recruiting hole, in which the Canadian military finds itself. It is deeper and potentially more serious than it might appear at first glance. In part, the problem is also due to all the new equipment the federal government has ordered, or plans to order in the near future. Just recently, Defence Minister Bill Blair estimated the military is short up to 16,500 members and said the Armed Forces' failure to boost recruitment is leading it into a "death spiral." However, the country's top military commander, Gen. Wayne Eyre, told CBC News in a recent interview that the problem is actually bigger than the numbers cited by the minister suggest. The shortfall cited by Blair is the gap between the Armed Forces' current size and its authorized strength, he said and it doesn't reflect what the military needs to carry out the new defence policy, or the demands of modernizing continental defence under NORAD. To meet those demands, Eyre said, the Armed Forces needs to take on an additional 14,500 people on top of the 16,500 required to bring the military up to authorized strength. These statements clearly reflect a dangerous disconnect between politicians’ perspectives and the real issues. In desperation and not entirely well thought-out, the federal government began allowing permanent residents to apply to join the Armed Forces in 2022. Within a year of that policy change, the Armed Forces had received more than 21,000 applications from permanent residents, but to date, less than 100 have been accepted. One of the major concerns for the Department of National Defence (DND) is that many foreign-born applicants must pass enhanced security screening. Seeing bureaucracy at work, the defence and immigration departments have signed a new information-sharing agreement that should accelerate the process of obtaining security clearances. DND has also signed a contract for new security screening software hopefully with more success than the ArriveCAN experience. The new recruitment plan for the military proposes a probationary period on all recruits while screening and other aspects are reviewed. Despite all of that effort, the new defence policy does not foresee the military returning to its current authorized strength of 71,000 regular and 30,000 reserve forces until 2032. Currently, only 58 per cent of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) would be able to respond if called upon in a crisis by NATO allies— and almost half of the military's equipment is considered "unavailable and unserviceable" — says a recent internal Department of National Defence (DND) presentation obtained by CBC News. Looking at the equipment side, the situation is worse. Politicians only seem to find resources (both financial and physical) to aid foreign countries, rather than ensuring the Nation’s needs. The air force is currently in the worst shape of all the CAF forces, with 55 per cent of "fighters, maritime aviation, search and rescue, tactical aviation, trainers and transport" considered "unserviceable." The navy is not too far behind, with 54 per cent of its "frigates, submarines, Arctic Offshore Patrol Ships and defence vessels" in no state to deploy. Canada currently operates a fleet of four conventionally powered submarines; the navy has proposed to expand that fleet to between eight and 12 boats. However, each boat would have to have at least one crew, and possibly two or more, to operate in rotation. The army fares slightly better, with only 46 per cent of its equipment considered "unserviceable." However, the biggest challenge is the shortfall in service personnel; technicians and support. There is also a funding shortfalls; lack of spare parts and ammo. The issue of military readiness has preoccupied the House of Commons defence committee for a long time but without much success or action at the PMO’s office. The federal government recently began reallocating funding, forcing some areas of DND to cut spending in order to pay for the acquisition of new equipment. The latest federal estimates for the upcoming year show $810 million will be shuffled around and $79 million of that money is coming out of "ready forces." Former vice-admiral Mark Norman, a former commander of the navy said he was startled by the numbers. "This is borderline atrocious," Norman said. "Readiness is all about measuring the ability of your armed forces to do what it is they're expected to do. And fundamentally, that's all about going somewhere and fighting. And, you know, it's a pretty dire situation when you're ... not where you need to be." In conclusion, we need a massive overhaul of how Canada does military procurement, and how we approach national security, but most importantly we need a prime minister who cares about these issues. Is the country ready for this? Your judgement. Let us hope and work for a summer to be proud of, with the Canadian flag flying high!

Draconian Measure

s By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor Pickering City Council Implements Draconian Measures, Stifling Free Speech and Public Participation 2023-2024 Over the past few months, Pickering City Council has adopted a series of draconian measures, effectively stifling the people’s freedom of speech and expression. These actions reflect a disturbing trend toward authoritarianism, undermining the very principles of democracy and transparency that I hold dear to my heart. Here is a short list of the most recent (not all) draconian recommendations that the Corporation of the City of Pickering staff have brought forward to Council to endorse. Each one of these recommendations passed with all but one Council member's support. 1. Drastic Reduction in Speaking Time: Delegates’ speaking time has been slashed from 10 minutes to a mere 5 minutes per delegation. These new limitations, unfortunately, hinder the opportunity for robust public participation and meaningful dialogue in a public forum. 2. Elimination of Question-and-Answer Period: The Council abolished the Q&A period under the guise of it not being utilized to its potential. It is important to note that, behind the scenes, there were numerous individuals in the chambers that evening (at least 20) who were eager to pose their questions to the Mayor. Furthermore, it is not being explicitly conveyed to the people, that Council deliberately made a motion to rearrange the agenda by way of a vote at the beginning of that meeting, to move that bylaw discussion to the front of the agenda, thereby preventing any of those individuals from voicing their concerns. 3. Nuisance bylaw: Which I like to refer to as the “feelings bylaw” is very vague, and in my opinion disproportionately biased. This imbalance fails to adequately safeguard individuals from potential misconduct or inappropriate behaviour by staff or council members. 4. Restrictive Trespass Regulations: Not only can you be trespassed from city property if an employee does not like you because they feel you are an anti-vaxxer, or because you have hurt their feelings in some way, but under the new trespass rules, trespassing can even be imposed on individuals who merely post criticisms on social media, or via email. The Corporation of the City of Pickering is now policing your right to free expression and punishing dissent of anyone whom they feel has spoken inappropriately or negatively against them. Fines were also increased from $65.00 to $650.00 and once your term of trespass is over, you still need to get permission in writing by the CAO to be allowed back on any city property. 5. Severe Recording Restrictions: Recording or photographing council meetings is now forbidden by the taxpayer, and media must be pre-approved and subjected to a stringent two-thirds council vote, effectively silencing public documentation of proceedings. And what about independent journalists, bloggers, and community members who may provide diverse perspectives, why are we excluding any independent voice from recording public meetings. What is the Corporation of the City of Pickering doing so wrong that it frightens staff and council to be transparent or to allow the public to record public meetings? Did I mention that if the system were to go down or if there was any manipulation of the videos, we would have no backup from an independent third party. Meaning, the Corporation of the City of Pickering now has complete control of the narrative, and no way to question its authenticity. 6. Exclusion of Non-Residents Delegates: Non-residents are barred from speaking at council meetings unless their topic is sanctioned by a two-thirds council vote, creating an exclusionary environment. In my opinion, this is hypocritical behaviour, as we continuously support other communities, staff, and councils of other municipalities, and even enter into agreements with them, but we will not support their citizens. By doing this, the Corporation of the City of Pickering has made it quite clear that they only focus on those in positions of power and not we the people. 7. Agenda Control Over Pickering Residents: Taxpayers of Pickering are now prohibited from addressing topics not on the agenda without prior approval and a council vote, further suppressing spontaneous public discourse. In other words, if the council does not approve of the topic you wish to address, you will not be permitted to speak about it in a public forum and will be limited to sending an email instead. 8. Advertising: On June 10, 2024 at the Executive Committee meeting a new Advertising bylaw is being introduced by staff to further suppress freedom of speech. Staff wants the council to pass a new bylaw that would mandate the using of specific newspapers, over others. In my opinion, staff may be promoting certain media outlets over others, which could introduce bias or conflict of interest, undermining the fairness and impartiality expected in public communications. These types of constraints limit our ability to reach our intended audience effectively. The behavior of our Mayor has exacerbated these troubling developments. The Mayor has blatantly resorted to derogatory remarks and bullying tactics against residents and anyone with dissenting opinions. He has openly called them “nutcases,” “conspiracy theorists,” and Nazis, and has publicly insulted individuals by telling them to “go have another drink.” Such statements are not only unprofessional but also unacceptable. Who gives anyone the right to name-call or insult anyone just because they think differently, or because they don’t agree with you. In an alarming display of disrespect, during a council meeting the Mayor stated that he was going to keep me on a short leash, treating me with utter disdain and reducing my role to that of a subordinate, or an animal of some sort. This kind of behavior is reprehensible and unworthy of any public official. Adding to the outrage, the Mayor openly admitted that policies can be overlooked for those with financial influence, blatantly prioritizing wealth over fairness and equality. Citizens have become secondary to those with deep pockets. During council meetings, he shows blatant disregard for residents’ concerns especially if there is a game on, prioritizing his personal interests over his duty. Shockingly, most of the councillor’s, have chosen to follow this kind of leadership by consistently choosing to sit there on their phones and/or ipads during delegations. These measures and behaviors are a blatant attack on the fundamental rights of free speech and expression. By curtailing public speaking time, eliminating Q&A sessions, and enforcing repressive trespass stipulations, the Council is silencing the voices of those they are elected to represent. The new recording restrictions and exclusion of non-residents, and certain media, further demonstrate an intent to operate in the shadows, away from public scrutiny.In my opinion, the Corporation of the City of Pickering and Council’s actions resemble those of a mini dictatorship rather than a democratic society, showing a clear disregard for transparency, accountability, and public engagement. I was elected by the people, for the people, and it’s shameful that some colleagues and community members are doing everything they can over social media to discredit my character for standing up, speaking out, and telling the truth. This heavy-handed approach by certain individuals not only further undermines trust in your local government but also sets a dangerous precedent for the suppression of civil liberties. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

Saturday, June 1, 2024


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PICKERING - AJAX - WHITBY - OSHAWA - BROCK - CLARINGTON SCUGOG and UXBRIDGE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Residents, ask yourselves, are you content, do you agree: - with the way things are being done; in your city, town, municipality? - do you really have a say? - is your council working for you, the tax payer? - with the way your tax money is being spent? While you have to cut corners to eat etc.. - do they care about the burden they are putting on you while they spend on new items? - with the continued increase in property Taxes? WAKE - UP PEOPLE, YOU DO HAVE A SAY and not just at election time, when sadly, most people don’t use their right to vote (proof below) why, because they say nothing changes. They are absolutely right, nothing changes because they, you, walk away from your most valuable rights, Civil Rights. SO GROW UP, TAKE SOME RESPONSIBILITY for what is happening instead of complaining and doing nothing. You have the right to hold your mayor and council accountable for what happens in your municipality, but only if you use your rights. Municipalities allow the public the strongest voices to be involved in what’s happening in your area. You pay the Mayor and Councillors, they have to answer to you not the head of some party. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD. Attend council meetings or at least watch them. Your city provides a link where you can get a copy of the agendas, a link to watch their council & other committee meetings online, call your councillor, write and email all your concerns to your full council not just one councillor and keep doing so, don’t let them ignore you. Don’t be one of the silent majority, pay attention, speak up, others will follow. Municipality Tax Inc. New Council Eligible Voters # Voted = %Voted Pickering ............. 5.42% ................. 3 of 7 ............... 76,021 ......... 20,786 27.34 % Ajax .................... 6.42% ................. 1 of 7 ............... 85,443 ......... 19,205 22.48 % Brock. ................. 3.97% ................. 2 of 7 ............... 10,604 ........... 4,094 38.61 % Whitby ..................... 5% ................. 3 of 9 ............. 102,618 ......... 23,872 23.26 % Oshawa .............. 3.89% ............... 1 of 11 ............. 121,885 ......... 22,456 18.42 % Clarington ............. 4.2% ................. 3 of 7 ............... 73,471 ......... 20,606 28.05 % Scugog ............... 6.35% ................. 3 of 7 ............... 18,318 ........... 3,359 18.34 % Uxbridge ............. 5.77% ................. 2 of 7 ............... 17,006 ........... 6,736 39.61 % Remember, voting is only one step, Know who you’re voting for will they fight for you, will you back them up? New councillors are fighting an up hill battle for you against the old boys club who want to keep things as they like it. This “old boys club” across the province and country are and have been slowly crushing your civil rights, and you are allowing them to do it. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SILENCE - YOU SOLVE NOTHING


By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor At The City of Pickerings 5pm special meeting of council I voted against moving forward with the staffs recommendation to have a copy of Pickering’s Official Plan review to be sent to the region of Durham Planning & Economic Development for many reasons. First and foremost, there has been no community engagement or comments thus far. To be in accordance with Planning Act Requirements, the special council meeting had to be advertised. The corporation of the City of Pickering decided to use the Toronto Star as their avenue, unfortunately, residents, stakeholders or businesses have never had any correspondence delivered directly to them letting them know this is how they would be notified of important City meetings. I also mentioned that I thought it was unfair that because of this, the people of Pickering and beyond would now have to spend their hard-earned taxed dollars to purchase a Toronto Star newspaper daily so they don’t miss any other opportunities to have their voices heard being that, the Toronto Star is not a community newspaper. Why is the Corporation of the City of Pickering so against posting in this fine local Newspaper? “The Central” is the only local community Newspaper that we have left in Durham, and in my opinion, instead of making excuses as to why we should not post in this paper, we should find ways to make it work, so you the taxpayer can be well informed. Another important point I made was that our online records management portal was down the night before the meeting and we don’t actually know how long it was down for. It could have been for one day or many, making it hard for those to comment or even know about the meeting. As a result, stakeholders may not have had adequate opportunity to access the agenda and related documents, limiting their ability to provide informed comments. Given the importance of transparency and public participation in our local government processes, I recommend that any comments received at the special meeting be included for consideration as part of the review process. These comments included: There was no authentic community engagement, Lack of accountability, the official plan should be for the people by the people and not driven by developers, and their should be transparency – and not influence by developers. I then proposed that this matter be referred back to staff to be brought forward at the next council meeting in order to achieve community engagement and comments but not one member of Council would second. There have been claims that our Council Meetings have been hijacked by outsiders, and that they are wasting Councils time speaking on topics that they find irrelevant. First of all, I don’t think the council should be taking it upon themselves to judge whether or not a topic is relevant. We were elected to listen and represent the people, even those with opposing views. Council fails to remember that we regularly endorse other municipalities' staff reports, and it would be highly hypocritical of us to only listen to those in power but not their people. We support global issues like Ukraine using taxpayers' money, and we receive provincial and federal funding. I could go on about how we have 4 members who sit on the region of Durham Council, or how our libraries, malls, recreation centers and programs are open to anyone and everyone, not just Pickering residents. They use our roads, and parks, attend our community events, and so on. The real problem is not having outsiders participate, as most of them are groups that represent 1000’s of people in Pickering and across Durham. The real problem is that, due to Pickering Councils behavior and passing of bylaws that are taking your right to speak and participate away, this has created the want for more engagement and to have their questions answered by elected officials. In my opinion neither staff nor council want to have to deal with it, or they would have not started implementing all these censorship bylaws to stifle conversation. Council was elected to serve the public and their interests, not to dictate what they feel is important, or unimportant, or to dismiss legitimate concerns of the people. In a blatant act of collusion, the minutes will show that everything on the agenda passed in a 6-0 vote, as the Mayor refused to recognize me, disallowing me to question, speak or vote on any matters because I refused to participate in his hypocritical rules for thee but not for me type antics. The whole agenda was then passed without any debate, even knowing that we were breaching our own bylaws regarding our street naming policy for Porsche which prohibits street names that confer a competitive advantage or promote specific brands or products. I brought this up at our Executive Committee meeting on May 6, asking what if Volkswagen, or Ford wanted to do the same thing and the mayor indicated that if they want to invest 75 million dollars then they could break our policies too, and that he would even name a child after them. So, there you have it when money talks, everyone looks the other way. Ordinary citizens are secondary to the interest of those with deep pockets. Setting A dangerous precedent and letting everyone know that Pickering has a casual attitude towards policies and that we opened the door to potential exploitation and abuse by corporate interests. There was also the EDI Strategy, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, to which both Pickering residents and communities beyond are not happy with. After doing lots of research we are seeing that both in the USA and Canada, EDI programs are being banned as these programs are being found to be discriminatory. We need to evolve as a society beyond divisive identity politics and splitting people into groups based on the colour of their skin, religion, and their sexual preferences, and refocus on treating people as individuals based on their character and promoting merit. As for the Community visitor plan, this was a decision of council not the public to move forward with the collection of Pickering resident's and visitor's data through methods such as tracking your cell phones and geo-fencing. Not only without your permission but without having adequate safeguards in place posing serious privacy risks to you, our residents. The council approved an agreement to execute a data usage license with Enbridge Gas to collect natural gas consumption data of your homes, and businesses. Agreeing to give Enbridge the right to monitor and collect your data, the Corporation of the City of Pickering received Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) through the Municipal Climate Action Incentive Offer. The Municipality now has the ability to request this data within two years of the application date. On February 5th Dale Quaife the City’s IT manager stated that we do not have any measures in place to protect the people of Pickering’s sensitive information. That’s another topic in itself, for another day, until then, the bigger question that needs to be asked is, why does the Corporation of the City of Pickering want information on how much gas consumption you as a personal homeowner or business use? As for Council's decision to involve the Ontario Human Rights Commission while a judicial review is in progress demonstrates a blatant disregard for the legal process. During my tenure, I have endured sexual, psychological, and threatening harassment by members of the Council. When I requested that these words be included in the initial letter to the OHRC and that it feature the names of all Council members, they refused. This reveals their character and indicates that they have personal vendettas against me driven by politically motivated actions and that they seem to feel they are above the law. That’s it for this month’s Robinson’s Council Highlights. For more information on any of these topics or anything else you would like to know about, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Happy to chat. God Bless "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

Beheading Canadian History

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East With summer around the corner, Canadians are getting ready to celebrate Canada Day on the 1st of July. Unfortunately, a recent trend in Canada works to ignore and minimize the achievements of our nation’s builders, and even demonize them. It has become fashionable to demolish statues and change the names of streets, public buildings and other commemorative spaces, in an attempt to erase any trace of our historical greats. This reminds me of what went on in communist Romania during my youth. At that time, there was an avid tendency to rewrite history with an emphasis on what was politically correct and in line with the thinking of the then current regime the law and order; to toe the line of the respective doctrine. After more than half a century, I see that very similar things are happening in my adoptive country, Canada. I would never have believed, in my wildest dreams that I would have to go through this experience again. These trends are especially harmful for the youth of this country. They are the most affected by these radical changes to our history, promoted so enthusiastically and consistently by our homegrown globalist influenced delusional elites. Youth are no longer encouraged to find common bonds, but are pushed to focus on what divides them, instead. Wander the halls in any public high school in Toronto and the GTA, and you will see displays and murals commemorating Canada’s sins: Murdered and Missing Women and Girls, Black Lives Matter, Trans Rights Matter. Kids are fed a culture of division from their earliest days. Schools supposedly advocate inclusivity, but what they practice is segregation. Everyone must be labeled, put in a box. You belong to this race, this faith, this sexuality, this victimized group. You are this first, second and third, and then, somewhere at the end of the line, presumably, you are a humble Canadian. Not long ago, students used to sport the maple leaf when they backpacked abroad. Our nation’s leaders used to say “the world needs more Canada.” Not any more. Today, we are encouraged to be ashamed of the bad, ugly, colonialist and racist Canada. Having served the country to the best of my abilities in the Canadian Armed Forces and the House of Commons, I am now puzzled by what Canada has become. I am proud of Canada but I feel that it is no longer fashionable to say so out loud. Rather than acknowledging the complex history of Canada, Canada’s historical narrative is being actively rewritten by a politically correct, left-wing elitist minority to present a sanitized and ahistorical account that aligns better with the “values” of contemporary Canada. The significance of historic actors is being diminished through studying legacies with the lens of morality, intent on condemning imperfections. The way Canadian history is being dishonoured and diminished is revolting. What intrigues me most is the treatment of the memory of one of the greatest Canadian statesmen, Sir John A. Macdonald. Revisionist history has set its sights on Macdonald and will not relent until his image is totally destroyed. It seems to me that thoughts and opinions about him are forced into and distorted by today’s biased vision, which insists on pointing out only the errors he might have committed in a different century when he may have had good intentions that were executed badly. Not long ago, Canada’s first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, used to be regarded as one of Canada’s greatest statesmen. Looked upon with reverence, his name adorned public institutions and his image was crafted in bronze monuments that towered over city streets. Today he is considered a disgraced politician, despite his momentous achievements and commendable dedication to building Canada. His memory faces the wrath of cancel culture and woke ideology that seeks to thrust the stains of Canada’s history onto a single individual. Few figures, if any, in Canadian history have suffered recently so drastic and unforgiving a decline as Macdonald. In 2018 the City of Victoria removed its Macdonald statue, built in 1982 following public donations. In 2020 Macdonald’s Wilmot Township statue in Ontario was removed, despite being part of a publicly funded project that sought to commemorate every Canadian prime minister. In April 2021 the Regina memorial to Macdonald, built following intense public lobbying over 75 years, was removed in secret. In May 2021, the Charlottetown statue of Macdonald was removed following a unanimous vote by Charlottetown City Council. The removal came after consulting a local Charlottetown First Nations community who did not call for the statue’s removal, but rather, provided recommendations on how to update the statue to better reflect their historic experiences. In June 2021 Macdonald’s statue located in City Park, Kingston, Ontario – built in 1895 following public desire – was forcefully toppled. Toronto’s Macdonald statue is currently encased in a wooden and burlap tomb where it has been in hiding for nearly four years. I am wondering whether, maybe, the Covid-19 pandemic brought on a new disease affecting our history, perhaps an unrecognized side-effect of the known dangerous effects on our general health. As of 2024, there is only one Macdonald statue left standing and uncovered in Canada, located on Parliament Hill. Fuelled by growing trends of revisionism, presentism, and “woke-ism,” Macdonald’s legacy is being destroyed as Canadian history is increasingly studied through the lens of contemporary morality, condemning imperfections and ignoring historical context. As a result, the grievances of contemporary Canada are heaped upon Macdonald as a way to help Canadians come to terms with the elements of Canada’s foundation that do not fit into the narratives of “progressivism,” “tolerance,” and “multiculturalism.” Macdonald’s image is distorted, questioned, and actively diminished. It unfairly renders him guilty of past injustices. Today’s Macdonald is often viewed as a racist, genocidal tyrant, reduced to a caricature of his shortcomings and diminished as a drunk. I hope that this nonsense will end soon, and reason will prevail so Canadians can reclaim the accurate image of Sir John A. Macdonald and others who had a role in making Canada the great nation of today. No one has the right to judge only the negatives of Canada. We all need to find a way to improve our country and not demonize it gratuitously. Let us hope and work for a summer to be proud of, with the Canadian flag flying high!