Monday, January 23, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - For the 82% that surrendered their right to a municipal voice in 2022. Now open your wallets and pay. You have no voice. You have no reason to complain. I may be sounding harsh and hard but it is the reality of your irresponsible actions and lack of civic duty. In 2022 only 18% of you came out to vote. 18% of you are deemed the majority in our City. It is beyond shameful. It is beyond words to think that no one would care enough. Today your lack of civic responsibility is going to cost you and it is going to cost you dearly. As for the 18% that voted the same incompetent municipal government back in with the exception of one. Hope you can afford the increase during one of Canada’s worst economic downfall. Some news reports on the increase have councillor Brian Nicholson Safety & Facilities Services Chair puts the blame squarely on the shoulders of Ontario Premier Doug Ford and his government and specifically Bill 23, which limits the ability of municipal governments to collect development charges to pay for growth. He was quoted as ““We have been pretty good at keeping our tax increases under two per cent in the past but that’s not possible anymore,” he said. “We have a Premier who is like a boy in short pants with no understanding about municipal government.” This is the same guy that in my opinion has no real life qualifications to make budgetary desicions. Here we have a councillor that has no real life business experience. A careered politician that instead of leading looks for ways to pass off the responsibility and or the buck. He points his fingers at Ford. When Nicholson only real source of income is that the government gives him. Really, Brian. Your envy is showing. I put it on his shoulder and that of Carter that this economic hardship of 4.98% increase could have been averted. Clearly council does not care about the average tax payer. It is after the election and common sense is no place to be found. How dare they borrow against a reserve fund.... A reserve fund!!! Do you hear that. They have RESERVE FUNDS. What does this mean to you.... That the City has numerous ‘RESERVE FUNDS’. That we already paid into. Meaning that the City is profiting by claiming loss. I never graduated from Harvard business. But I surely am not a Brian Nicholson nor a Dan Carter. Business sense would have told you that the key to being economically responsible during this tough economic time. CUT WASTE... CUT EXPENSES... FREEZE WAGES. You want to buy new trucks. No problem. Bill 23 has limit the amount you can charge. Fine. This does not mean that the City can’t pass by-laws mandating that developers enter in partnerships to better the community. The saving from the Bill 23 mandates would be offset on the partnerships. A good business sense to abide by the legislation and yet get what you want. No instead Carter and his council of incompetents take the easy way out. Borrow and dig further into the tax payers well. Our city is being run by incompetents without the ability to use common sense. This is not a budget. This is a rip off at the hands of incompetents. REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

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