Saturday, January 14, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - The big news today - Pharmacists Now Treating Thirteen Common Ailments and Renewing Prescriptions for Most Medications - What has happened to the pharmacist profession? I remember the days before cell phones, before 911, before land line phones. Places that would have one phone for the town of 200. Normally at the local pharmacy or bar. The phone would ring and someone from the pharmacy or bar would run to your house and holler that you had a call waiting and who it was from. I remember the days when you fell off your horse or scraped your knee. No, 911. No, hospital or ambulance near by. You would walk to your local pharmacist and he would treat you on the spot. Needed, stitches? No problem. Hell needed a tooth pulled. The pharmacist was your man. He would even treat gun shot wounds. Prescriptions what were they? The pharmacist would ask your weight and look at you for a bit and then he would go in to these jars pull out powder, mix it and compress it right in front of you to a pill looking thang. He tell you when to take it and how. Boom. I even remember having the pharmacist mix his mix and put it in an envelop type contraption made out of wax paper and tell you to take a tea-spoon or how much... as needed. I know by making these statements I am aging my self. But history is history.. and modern day society could not survive back then. I remember when being fat meant you were healthy. I remember the days when milk was delivered to your front door in glass jars sealed by nothing more than a foil cap. Or my fav. Having to wait on Tuesdays for the sound of the horse and wagon pulling the fresh caught fish off the peer. The smells, the look f that old wagon insulated by metal sheets dripping from the blocks of ice keeping the fish cool. It appears that today in modern society the pharmacist must acquire degrees to barely read a prescription assigned by a doctor. The pharmacist today are nothing short of pill counters. Many don’t give to much advice as it could hold them liable for misinformation. Others stick to the basics and tell you to go see a doctor. It seems that in modern times. We the people have surrendered common sense and practicality. Everyone needs to be an expert. Everyone needs to protect their best interest. I give my right arm to go back to the old days when your neighbor was like family. When your last name meant something. When people had integrity and basic human decency. Those were the days. REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

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