Saturday, January 28, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Have we become so warped in modern society that we surrendered our ability to think rationally and accepted rationalized insanity as prescribed by social norms? Have we stretched compassion to the point that has become a mental illness of it’s own category. Are the inmates finally running the institution we call society? Read this news heading: ‘Youth may be buying opioids from B.C. drug vending machines, recovery centre warns The MySafe machines dispense hydromorphone, a medical-grade opioid, providing people with addiction a lifesaving alternative to the toxic drugs circulating on the street.’ Really--- vending machines!!! You got to be kidding. “PROVIDING PEOPLE WITH ADDICTION A LIFESAVING ALTERNATIVE”. Really!!! Are you kidding me? How did they ever get this past the government? Is the B.C. government heavily taxing? Probably not. Then who in the B.C. government got paid off to actually implement these machines as life saving? Life saving? Now entertain my insanity as I would probably be labeled by some for not conforming to their confusion and delusional thought that having vending machines with drugs saves lives. Picture this. You have an addict. He is walking our streets. They are a little off touch with reality because they need their fix. They may be a threat to everyone around them as they are not mentally sound. Then all of a sudden there is the almighty dispensing life saver making hydromorphone available to them. They consume it on the spot and now they are in the realm of unicorns and rainbows. Which one is the bigger risk to society at large? Now don’t get me wrong. If you have a drug problem. Don’t make it mine by expecting for me to accommodate to you. Don’t expect me to change my way of life so that you can continue to feed your psychological compromise. I think when it comes to drugs in this country. We have taken the wrong approach. Don’t get me wrong. I am compassionate towards those addicts. But, we must stop the transfer or responsibility from them to us the non users. These vending machines are not life saving. These machines are our way of saying, it is ok for you not to get real help... and please here take the drugs and don’t kill us. NO, no more. Lets get tough on this issue. Anyone walking our streets under the influence of drugs. Must undergo a 4 month rehab problem or same time in jail. Put the responsibility where it should be on the addicts. No more excuses or special provisions. We as a civil society should be proud of our civil responsibility and duty. No instead we reward failure and allow compromised to accommodate all kinds of psychological and psychiatric conditions. Just because the numbers have increased it does not make behavior acceptable. Time for change. REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

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