Saturday, April 29, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Well, it appears our war mongering attention is being re-directed from the Ukraine to the Sudan. I guess by now we have all come to the realization that Russia is not such a big bad super power after all. Russian can’t even invade a neighboring country. What are the chances of them invading Europe or the West. The sad reality is that we are paying for the politics being played out in that region... Not to mention the huge cost of civilians in those affected areas. We the people are nothing but a number in a global bingo game. When the powers in charge feel they have some sort of gain. Our numbers are called one by one. Knowing that eventually we all have to face the same fate. The power pulling the strings decided the longevity of our predestine. The conflict in the Ukraine vs Russia is not something new. It has been going on back and forth for decades. We the west get suckered in due to the fact that governments play on the media to tear our hearts open and rip our pockets for aid. For the past two weeks reports from the Ukraine have dropped. Does this mean the war is over. NO, the war still on. I think the people have realized that in the Ukraine there is no win. That even if the Russians pulled back and out. That area still going to see turmoil. Then why are we in the west in it? Politics. The U.S. through Bidens son are committed to support the war effort. We as good Canadians follow. Now that the billion of dollar tap is slowly shutting down. The world turns to another conflict. This time the Sudan. A nation that has suffered more political strife than any nation in the free world. Why all of a sudden the Sudan? Other nations in Africa on a daily basis are having to deal with all kind of human rights violations. War, famine and political not to mention tribal in-humanities. Wait, I am getting a call from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lybia, Lebanon.... you mean to tell me that all of a sudden all these regions have settled and are living in harmony? NO, the human suffering is astronomical. Why don’t we hear about them in the news? As a member of the media, I strongly believe that the world today is being manipulated. Without force or military might. It is being controlled by misinformation and tailored agenda. Just recently the Canadian government reported the problems of getting Canadians out of the Sudan. I am no military strategist.... but has the Canadian government not have a military. In the Sudan they are killing kin. In the Sudan they are using stones and sticks. How hard would it be to land a strong force. Get what you wanted and get out. No instead our government is starting to tap on our hearts.... to make it look like the Sudan forces are so mighty and powerful that we may have to consider sending in troops... or at the least that we should be seeing foreign aid for those suffering. Get what in a matter of weeks we as good Canadian sheep will open our wallets and give. The question is... why are we so quick to help those suffering abroad and not those suffering within our own borders. It is estimated that there are over 5 million Canadians living on the street or in cars. People that can’t afford a place to live or to put food on the table. Forget about the days, when those struggling would loose their homes. Today, we have become the Sudan. People are living on the street, in make shift camps, in cars. Who is going to help our suffering folk? Who is going to stop this human suffering? Should we like in the Sudan take up arms and demand to be treated like human beings? Who will come to our aid? Better, who is coming to our aid? REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

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