Saturday, April 8, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Come on people wake up... We had an opportunity to make some serious changes in our community and we sat on our hands and reward people that by their own admission lack the intellectual capacity and or life experience to hold the position that they been elected at any other corporation. We elected as our leader a former homeless and drug addict. On the one hand... We can congratulate him on his achievements. On the other we must shake our heads and wonder... how low have our standards become that we vote on a smile and empty promises. Just recently our beloved Mayor presented before a room full of ass kissers so called businessmen at a Chamber function... Our Mayor boasted on how great our economy is doing... How our development rates are skyrocketing...How during his administration construction levels have gone through the roof. On the one hand. Are the people attending that function that ignorant that stupid and naive to swallow such shit? Really... Let me explain. First of all if we have had a record in building permits. It had nothing to do with our Mayor’s leadership. What we are experiencing if force building compliance due to real pathetic immigration reforms. If we have had such a surge in growth. We missed out on huge opportunities to better our City. Our downtown still in peril. Our airport still and eye sore. Our harbor has been given to Hamilton. Our essential services are a mess. Why do we reward failure. Drive downtown Oshawa. Is that the facade of a successful downtown? What has really changed in 30 years? We have more drugs, more homeless and crime. But wait our beloved failure of a Mayor brushes it off as he was quoted saying during the municipal race. “Oh look at B.C. it could be a lot worst.” REALLY... That is leadership. Yet 18% of you turned out and voted him back in. 82% of you are now faced with a 5% tax increase from the City and 5% tax increase from the region. Out of all the council member we only changed one. Really, you mean to tell me that many of us are happy with the quality of life in Oshawa. I keep shaking my head. I keep saying we do not need municipal government as it is a waste of taxpayers money. We have no representation and those elected have proven to have no real leadership qualities as they make desicions based on staff recommendations. Most on council are pension stuffers and or careered politicians. People wake up. Look at Toronto - Even a former MP from Durham decided for a pay increase and put her name in the Mayoral race. I think that to run for office of any kind there should be standards. There should be requirements. Voters, must be forced to turn out or face fines. I guess this would not be a democracy... but wait it is not a democracy as it is.... only a small percentage of the population turn out and self represent as a majority. Democracy as it was ideologically set out is dead. We have become nothing but mindless numbers. Numbers that have no value but that to work and be compliant with controlled social norms. So much for freedom, choice. REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

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