Saturday, April 15, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - There is not one person that has not experienced some form of suffering or another. From the loss of a love to the loss of a loved one. The deep feeling of suffering lingers in our minds and heart impacting our psychology. By definition, suffering is: the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship. distress, suffering, misery, agony mean the state of being in great trouble. distress implies an external and usually temporary cause of great physical or mental strain and stress. the hurricane put everyone in great distress. suffering implies conscious endurance of pain or distress. This in part is why when we see someone suffering we tend to open our hearts and attempt to offer assistance or relief. The government through the media has learned how to manipulate and control this very personal emotion. Pictures of war are presented on our tv screens as to spark and emotion of responsibility, a call to actin to do something for those suffering all over the world. From the UNICEF’s for the world to individuals collecting money for just about every cause. They all play on this emotion. Most recent the media bombarded us with images of civilians being attacked by Russian forces. Bad Russians attackign poor innocent civilians. A war that has been going on back and forth for decades. The government of Canada is quick to send millions of our tax dollars to alleviate the problem. Rightly so if we did not have Canadian suffering right here at home. We the people are fooled to prioritize foreign suffering over our own peoples suffering. Most drive down city streets and notice someone homeless. Most common thought. A those bums. Get a job. Get off drugs. Well maybe that was the case at one time. When every town had one or two of these vagabonds roaming the streets. Today things are different. In Oshawa alone according to a poll taken before the new year. Oshawa had 1,500 homeless. People living on city sidewalks, along rail tracks, in parks, alley ways and or in their cars. This is not just a substance abuse problem any more. Let’s take a hypothetical look at the numbers. If in Oshawa we have 1,500. Let’s assume that across Durham region we have 5,000 people. Across the GTA 50,000 people living in sewers, under passes, drainage pipes, in tents. Across Ontario 200,000 people. Where are the CNN of the world covering this massive human suffering happening right here in Canada. One of the world’s richest countries sending millions if not billions to fight phantom wars? We the people have to stop and realize how we are being manipulated by the government and the media. How we are being played a fool without us not even knowing. Now you may be saying. Well the homeless, the poor choose to live that way. Really!!! Let’s look at your arrogance. Yes, some may suffer from addiction. No question about it. Some may even suffer from mental health issues. But look at all the others that just can’t make it. Not even with three minimum wage jobs. Rents are way out of reach for many. Food and gasoline prices are sky rocketing. You may still say, so what we all have to deal with that. Take this thought with you. You may be comfortably living. But what if your health deteriorates? You suffer financial changes? You loose a loved one? How would that change your current life. What if you loss your source of income? What if you had a stroke of bad luck and your income stopped coming in? What if you faced loosing your home? What if there was no one to help you? Think before you judge. Think before you give. We the people of Canada need the help in order to stop the suffering within our own border as we may at any time become those in need and no one is coming to assist us. Except people like you wrongfully judging those suffering. THINK PEOPLE - THINK REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

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