Saturday, May 20, 2023


cut the waste from the top down
By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - You know things are about to get serious when Durham Regional Chair and CEO comes out and talks about it openly. In a statement Henry stated: Durham is likely to be included under any new review of regional governments, following yesterday’s announcement that Ontario government has begun the process to dissolve the Regional Municipality of Peel, according to John Henry, Durham Regional Chair and CEO. The old saying is you want to lead by example. Start by cutting the fat from the top up. Ford in this case has it right with the announcement of Peel soon to be dissolved... Neighboring municipalities are all scrambling to prepare in the event that they may be next. For anyone that knows municipal and regional affairs will quickly tell you that municipal governments are a thing of the past. Modern day municipal office are nothing short of kangaroo governance that only purpose is to shadow the bureaucracy that assists them to make decisions.Then the question. Why do we need municipal representation? When was the last time you seen your council person? Do you even know who or she may be? Hell, do you know who your mayor is? Well in Oshawa how can we not. He is the one responsible for allowing our farm lands to be raped to the north. The downtown over ran by crime, drugs and the homeless. Carter is the one responsible for wasting 2 million of your tax dollars to fund his own private security firm. Sure the Region has been talked into paying part of the bill. But still.... we the people pay for their insecurity... For their administration lack of customer service. Ford has it right. Let’s cut the millions we spend on people that are not worth a dime. Our communities continue to decay and we the honest slaves keep on paying. We need to cut the waste and invest back in our people. Our infrastructure and the quality of life. We need to fight crime and the drug trade. No more excuses... But in Oshawa instead the Mayor finds a need to hire a personal body guard to protect him from his own cowardness and lack of leadership. If he was such a good leader as he lied to the people of Oshawa during the election. Why the need of a body guard. Exactly. It is not his money but yours.

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