Saturday, May 13, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - This past week you were subjected to a mass EMERGENCY ALERT - notice. In it. It stated: This is a test of the Ontario Alert Ready System. There is no danger to your health or safety. If this was an actual emergency, you would now see instructions for protecting yourself. Really!!! How considerate... I appreciate the vehicle they are using to stir fear of safety and compliance. After all would we not want to know if something had happened that may affect our health or safety? On the other hand. Is this not a form of control and proof of the power of cell technology as tracking surveillance tool? Even thought the concept may be beneficial in a time of emergency. Does this give the powers in control of cell technologies including government to send a message directly to my phone without permission? The tech minded folk will say. Oh it is an open system message and it goes to everyone. OK. Acceptable. Then they are admitting that this so called open messaging system exists. This giving to the creditability that every phone number may be accessed without consent. INTERESTING. Let’s think about this a bit more. Our so called ‘SMART PHONE’, for the general population of tech dummies is the ultimate tool go where no man has gone before in terms of access to personal information, tracking and surveillance. I remember my years as a private investigator. To the lengths that we use to go to track people. To the primitive methods... to some of the illegal methods that would allow us to develop tips and the ability to stay one step of the perpetrator. I can just imagine the technology available for both tracking, monitoring and intel gathering. By the government own admittance. They can send us a mass message. This means they can also receive as they are broadcasting over an open public medium, primarily cell. If so, then ideally anyone that has access to this type of technology may include a series of a million phone numbers and monitor all activities from these devices. In other words, a huge violation of your human rights, privacy. Remember not all criminals are caught in the act. Many arrests take months of preparation and intel gathering. From a government perspective. What better way to monitor the population at large then by having access to their most intimate means of communication. Both through speech, text, and travel. You say impossible. You say oh you are becoming paranoid and falling for conspiracy theory phenomena. I can see that thought and the rationale behind it. But think about this for a moment. Governments throughout history have rule by controlling the masses. What better way than to be able to stay one step ahead of trends and interest. Is this starting to take some resemblance to how intel services work? Government rule of governance. Keep them ignorant and make them do as we dictate. Anyone opposing us, will be deemed a threat to national security. Do you still think last week Alert was just an innocent alert? REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

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