Saturday, August 12, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Canada ‘absolutely’ can’t build more houses without more immigrants, The Honorable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship says. Canada aims to welcome 451,000 new immigrants in 2024. By 2025, the number is expected to go up to 500,000. Miller said he was not considering slashing these targets. You got to wonder how these people get appointed to the positions they have. What planet does this minister live on? Walk across any city downtown and you will see how his thinking is way out of wack. We can’t house and feed what we have and we are going to bring in 451,000 new people that many do not even speak the language or have no inclination to adapting to Canadian culture and traditions. Instead he thinks this is the answer to the housing problem. MY MIND KEEPS SPINNING ON HOW WE AS CANADIANS WE CAN HAVE SUCH PEOPLE IN POWER. PUSHING SUCH AGENDA. Agenda that benefits the Liberal party as all this minister is doing is buying foreign immigrant future votes. Insanity. We as Canadian taxpayers have to sit and swallow the garbage he spews. Let’s take the assumption that we are Canadian and we welcome immigrants... and there is a big difference between and immigrant and a refugee. An immigrant has to qualify to enter Canada. A refugee just has to plea that he is being persecuted by his national regime. These are people that carry a heavy anti government chip on their shoulder and in most cases once allowed to enter Canada end up pushing their homeland cause here in Canada. Now what does refugees have to do with housing? Your son or daughter as it stands today. Can’t afford to go out and buy a one million dollar shack. How is an immigrant with no real Canadian work experience to afford one. How is a refugee that in most cases leave their homelands with nothing but what they have one to afford one? What are we the taxpayers expected to pay for them... Under multi culturalism... are we to put some foreigner over our own children's needs? Your son and daughter are forced to work for minimum wage. Knowing that home ownership is as far as some of these refugee’s home lands. I say, if this is the Ministers perspective. He needs to resign. We need to call for his resignation as he is a threat to national security. We, don’t want refugees to continue their homeland causes on our Canadian soil. We want the Minister to focus on working with the Prime Minister to find a way to subsidize all minimum wage earner. Subsidize, in a way that will give those working their asses off a chance at buying a home. Force all multi billion dollar companies that pay minimum wage to contribute by having them pay their employees a minimum of $25.00/hr. No instead we let these multi billion dollar company keep making billions while our people starve. Look at the rate of homeless in our country. Are we to let our standards down so much that we put a refugee’s suffering over our own home folks? I say we have an imbalance of logic when it comes to the out of control rental, home prices, food prices and wages. Why is the government allowing the gouging of food prices? Where is the Minister, these food retail chains keep making billions. To think we need more refugees or immigrants to resolve the housing crisis is pure insanity all we are doing is importing other nations problems. What’s your take?

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