Saturday, August 26, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - What is it about human psychology that out of suffering comes relief and out of optimal relief converts back to a new kind of suffering? Think about it. Today we celebrate ‘LABOUR DAY’ as a great human rights achievement. A movement that at the time of inception was much needed. A time in history when workers were taken advantage, abused and neglected. Practically forced to work in some of the worst working conditions for minimal or no wage in dangerous environments. Something had to give. The birth of a united workers front evolved. At first workers would unite to speak as a unified voice against all kinds of neglect, abuse and most importantly pay. Unions normally were made up of workers within a shop that had enough and would utilize all kinds of tactics to get through to management. Management in the name of keeping production and profits going would give in to the workers demands. This carried on in individual shops until the word got out on how well this new ‘union’ concept among worker was working.... this fanning a fire of desire by other shops. Many attempted and many failed. As management would heavy handed oppress any union or request of better working conditions and or pay at their shops by closing shops or firing workers. This gave birth to ‘unionized’ trades. For example the auto workers union. One union representing one industry across the board. Workers pay a union fee to belong and enjoy the benefits of the union representation. Today just about every profession, trade or group has realized on the benefit of unionizing and followed the lead from previous workers. No matter how you look at the worker. They have always been the engine that keeps any industry, trade or commerce going. The modern day slave that would work for minimal reward and benefits. The modern day slave that had no ownership other than that of his own psychological confine. Forced to enter a daily routine out of necessity for survival. Unions gave the modern day slave, hope, purpose and a false sense of worth as now they had perceived rights. I say perceived rights as unions in their collection of dues... They themselves become a form of management. A management that in principle to represent the workers or modern day slaves. Instead in many cases these unions have become political entities pushing agenda other than that of the workers best interest. Using their membership numbers as political tool to influence the outcome of the democratic process. Unions in modern times have gone from being the shield against management oppression to the middle man in the process of fair treatment. Unions in many cases are the hard hand that oppresses worker to conform to their policy and agenda under the guise of representing what is best for the entire union membership. This twist in representation, now leaves the workers with a two tier management process. At the corporate level. The average worker has little or no voice as they are directed to deal with their union rep. At the union level, workers are forced to comply with all unions policy and agenda to get adequate representation. At the end of the day. Who suffers? The average modern day slave. So what has changed? Well some argue that something is better than nothing. Happy Labour Day from a proud modern day slave.

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