Sunday, August 6, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - They say that a man is the king of his castle when it comes to family. That the Kings role is to supply for his courtship. Lead by example and always maintain the best interest of family. A natural understanding that has been with us since the beginning of time. Unfortunately in modern society, where men can be Queens and Queens can be men. We have become some what confused. But let’s not just blame modern norms on this one. We have to blame the church for failing to uphold moral values. Instead the church has been proven to be nothing short of a corporate entity pushing antiquated doctrine. This in contrast with science and technology. The church has failed to maintain the integrity of the family institution. So what do we have? Social chaos. No one respects no one. Everyone looking for an excuse to justify failure. Look at all the out of wed mothers. Look at all the divorce. Look at kids having kids. Look at the level of despair across society. Just this week it was announce in no other than a social media site that Justin Trudeau and his wife are separating. Wow, the social populist once again championed all that is wrong with Canada. Primarily the morality of a nation. The priorities of his personal life mirror that of the nation. How are we to trust a man that can’t even keep his home kingdom. How are we to trust that he is doing the right thing for the nation. Then again. He is following his fathers foot steps. Justin election win by many has been seen as nothing short as pay patronage by immigrants that were brought to this country during Trudeau father governance. If Justin’s last name would had been.... Smith. Would he have had the same opportunity to become Prime Minister? Many doubt it. History is repeating itself once again. Justin is following the Liberal play book by buying future votes. I was reading a report released by the Federal government stating that they project a major need for workers. That Canada has to many jobs and not enough workers. This giving justification to the opening the flood gates for people from all over the world. People that have their best interests at heart and not that of building a nation. Not only that. The jobs that the Feds claim to be so abundant are jobs that are minimum wage at best. How can the government go public with such false statement. First, those working those minimum wage jobs today. Can’t afford to live in most Canadian cities. Rents at an all time high. Property values through the roof. Food prices out of touch for many. And the feds want to bring more people. Justin, how do you go to bed at night knowing there are so many people in your country suffering. Going to bed without a home. Without proper food? But wait let’s worry about the suffering in the Ukraine. I think the priorities are confused. Politicians like to volley the responsibility by comparison to other places that are worst. The reality is simple. One get tough on drugs. Much like ‘NO’ means no. The same should apply to all illegal drugs. Including the cannabis market. We need to take back control. No more paying for a woman having 5 kids from 5 different men. No more million dollar shacks... No more rents beyond one third of anyone’s income. Stop the food giants from raking in billions from gouging prices. No, instead of fixing the problem at home. Justin, decides that the answer to a serious national problem is to bring more mouths to feed. Many that don’t speak the language and have no intention of learning it. What am I talking about. Justin fixing problems at home.... He can’t even fix his own personal family at home problems. It is not that we expect to much from someone that rode his daddy’s coat tails. It is that we the people are to blame for voting him in.

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