Saturday, September 9, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - The BIG MAC, THE KING BROILER, WENDY’S TRIPLE, KFC CRUNCHY CHICKEN, POPEYE’S CRISPY CHICKEN, SUBWAY SUBS and so on and so on commercials are misleading. The Big Mac in their advertising makes it look like it is the size of a dinner plate. In reality today’s Big Mac is more like the size of an oversized twooney. Have you seen their breakfast menu. I find more taste on the grease in the wrapper than the actual food. Is it legal? Burger King - Another that commits the same legal crime. In the advertisers the burgers look the size of a frisbie. In reality, even though bigger than the Big Mac. Far from a frisbie. My favorite posters are that of the Wendy’s line up with special mention of their TRIPLE. The advertisement would convert any vegan back to meat. In reality, they meat in most cases is dry. Has the texture of a Mr. Clean sponge and the taste of my dogs treat. Is this legal? Now to the chicken platform. KFC, the pride of fried chicken, at least in my experience... when have they changed from chicken to pigeon? The portions appear to be smaller and the crispiness has gone aside. Is this legal? Now Popeye’s attempt to crispy chicken is something to acknowledge. Their advertisement offers a particular taste but delivers the cook of the day consistency. I found that depending on the store and or region. Chicken can go from tooth breaking crispy to a soggy mess. Is this legal? But my favorite commercial of deception has to lie on Subway. They spend millions on celebrities and athletes pushing their product. The sandwiches they showcase in their advertising are out of this world good looking and delicious. Then you visit a franchise and reality hits you. Every shop is a little different. Each store dispense topping as if it came out of the employees wages. Nothing like what they advertise in my opinion. Is this legal? What is happening to modern society. We are constantly being mislead through a bombardment of misinformation. It appears that we have become numb of reprisal. We have been conditioned to just accept and pay. Remember the days when MCD was the place you knew was the cheapest meal in town? In most cases you got what you paid for. I must say back in the day. A Big Mac was a big deal. Most of us would buy the regular burger or if we had coin go for the cheese burger.... All came in a paper wrapper. The regular burgers in a blue wrapper and cheese burgers in yellow. It was the poor mans cheap meal. Today, to eat a MCD, you have to hold down two jobs. So how does corporate rationalize the cut in size and increase in prices. One, McD is the brand you are paying for. Two, the corporate make the excuse for the smaller buns as it is healthier for the consumer. Less calories, good for your health. But not for your wallet. As for BK, KFC and subway. The rates are nothing less better. In my opinion the quality of food at these fast food outlets leave a lot to be desired. Consumers do not visit on taste. Instead, name recognition. I rather eat a mom and pop type of diner and know my meat comes from a cow. That my portions will be in accordance to what I pay, as they want my business back. Service will be friendly and courteous. I rather even pay more knowing it is going to help someone pay their mortgage and not some greedy corporate head. We the consumers need to take control of where we spend our dollars and send a message to corporate. That we ARE THE CUSTOMER - NOT A NUMBER THAT GENERATES REVENUE.

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