Saturday, September 2, 2023


By Joe Ingino ‘You voted him in - the man is a moron.’ Unfortunately, that is even an insult to poor morons. For those intellectually challenged, that become easily offended by words... Moron by dictionary definition: Moron is a term once used in psychology and psychiatry to denote mild intellectual disability. If this definition does not perfectly depict\ our beloved Oshawa Mayor, I do not know what does. People wonder why Oshawa City streets are flooded with drug users, hookers, and the homeless. Why Oshawa is so dangerous to visit that the city passed a bylaw restricting the mere thought of having a picnic without a permit. Forget walking our parks and creeks as many are a public health risk area from becoming pricked by a drug users needle. Oshawa use to be a heaven for good life. It use to be a great place to raise a family and live the life. For the past 20 years life has gone from good to bad. The question. Why? We keep electing the same incompetent council term after term. We elect mayors that are administrators not leaders. Currently we have a former drug addict, homeless person. A person that was illiterate until his late 20’s. Now we the people reward him with the top job? You go to be kidding. His lack of leadership is directly the reason for our core our downtown being the way it is. One bad decision after another. We have a mayor that spends more time being led by staff and upper tier politicians than he does representing the people of Oshawa. A Mayor that wasted 30 million of your dollars on a park in the south end so that during the election he could rally NDP votes. A mayor that has allowed the raping of prime lands to the north with these future to be ghettos. Town home and close proximity estate homesthat for anyone with half wit would realize that today they are new homes. In 20 years those 4 - 5 bedroom homes will become rooming houses. As many even today are being bought and rented out to multiple families and or as rooming house. Our Mayor blames theProvince the Feds for the out of control building spur. I say malarkey. If you have the intellect. The life experience. You would quickly note that even though something is forced upon you by law... You can work around it and control the dispensing, the implication and the application. What do you think lawyers do for a living. To just put up your arms and surrender is irresponsible and far from leadership. Our Mayor is being manipulated by the Durham Realtors indirectly.Look who was his mayoral campaign manager. A scoundrel of a person.A former councillor, the former chair of the Durham Realtor Board. It is open season forrealtors, developers and anyone wanting to make a few billions. But enough of the obvious and history. Just this past week our beloved leader released this: Statement from Oshawa Mayor Dan Carter on the Oshawa Executive Airport. As Mayor, I am extremely disappointed to learn about a groundbreaking ceremony for a 30,000 square foot hangar expansion at the Oshawa Executive Airport. This development has been reported in the news as supporting expanded flight training. According to Durham Radio News, “The expanded facilities will support the growth of\ aviation activities in Oshawa, providing a new home for businesses and aircraft displaced\ from Buttonville as well as building on general industry expansion and flight training demand.” I am frustrated as this does not support balancing the quality of life of our residents with the economic benefits of the airport. The expansion of flight training is not consistent with the Council-approved 2021-2022 Oshawa Executive Airport Action Plan outlined in Report DS-21-137, which addresses the impact of flight training schools on the surrounding neighbourhoods. As a tax payer I am extremely disapointed that he keeps denouncing good project for Oshawa. Developments that will benefit Oshawa and at no cost to taxpayers. City of Oshawa airport for the longest time has been the center of controversy. From the area neighbours complaining about noise. To the tenants at the airport screaming foul play by the city and it’s future plans for the airport. The airport sits on prime real estate. Developers for years have been trying to close the airport. Airport associations and patrons. Not to mention those that run training and very lucrative business out of the airport.... have been wanting more support from the city and the Provincial and Federal government to look for ways to expand. The airport for any municipality is a ticket to the world. You can export and you can import just about anything. The problem with the City of Oshawa airport is management. The people of Oshawa have been stuck for the past 20 years. The rule of the game is keep the status quo. Council approved 2021-2022 Oshawa Executive Airport Action Plan outlined in Report DS-21-137 is a joke. It is nothing but a tool of deception. A way to keep the surrounding neighbourhoods silent and continue the attempt to justify the closure of the airport in favor of the developers interest. The City as it stands is being run by staff. Not city council. City council have proven that they can’t put two thoughts together without the dependence of staff. This is not leadership. Leadership would be to develop ideas, plans and use the expertise of staff to bring it to reality. City council wastes money on projects like 30 million on the Ed Broadbent park. Meanwhilepeople are living and dying on our city streets. Developers are making billions and we the peopleof Oshawa must endure 5-10% property tax increases. And the Mayor is ‘EXTREMELY disapointed’. Do the taxpayers of Oshawa a favor quit in your disapointment. Hell no. Who orwhere on earth will this mayor ever get a cherry job that pays what it pays to waste other people’smoney? GOOD LUCK WITH THAT THOUGHT... I am extremely disapointed. Aren’t You?

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