Saturday, March 1, 2025


congratulations By Joe Ingino B.A. Psychology Editor/Publisher Central Newspapers ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Articles Published Columns in Canada and The United States From all of us at the Central Newspaper. Congratulations to all the winners of the recent Provincial Election. A bigger congratulations to all that put their name forward as representatives of other parties. You always hear people complain. You don’t have to go far to hear political opinion and or thoughts. Anyone can spew what they think or how they perceive their environments. It takes real character to know you do not have a chance at winning but still put your name forward in an election. Conviction, determination and sacrifice is what it takes to be a candidate in any election. It is sad that in Canadian politics we have so many people running under different parties, but unfortunately on three choices. Three choice shrouded by different ideologies employing the same basic core principles. Do things really change when we change from red to blue and or vise versa? Interesting question. I personally hope that he or she that is representing me hold the same ethics and code of civil responsibility in always doing what is best for our people. In Oshawa. Jennifer French won another term. As a contributing and responsible member of society. I do not approve or favor the outcome of the election. But must honor it as that is the will of my fellow Oshawanians. With this said. I do hope that Ms. French attempts to mend and improve on her community relations. Many readers have come to me asking why French does not return phone calls. Interesting question. I know personally that she has yet to return one phone call to the Newspaper. The question remains - WHY? Personal bias? Not supportive of one of her most important local businesses? No time? I am sure that we will never find out. As for the average person not getting call backs. I as a community leader like to apologize that if she does not return phone calls from her City newspaper. What is the average person expect. I hope she proves me wrong and has enough character to do what is right and return phone calls. It is the only decent, honorable thing. Or we the tax payers at large only get to hear from her when an election is called. I hold no grudge and will work with everyone in the community. Haters I welcome to meet with me and discuss indifference. I do return calls it is the only right and civil thing to do no matter who you are.

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