Tuesday, December 11, 2018


By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
    I don’t know about you.  But I am tired of being raped by Global corporate.   No matter where you go.  You feel it inside you.
From Bell to your local church.   The ‘ME, ME’ mentality is so prevalent.
Look at the recent fiasco with GM.   GM to close down their main plant in Canada and we as good Canadians take it in the ass and nothing is done about it.
Bell, Rogers and many other corporate take away our jobs and offshore hire people to dictate and mandate how we the customers will pay and what services we are entitled to.  If we don’t like it. Tough luck for you.
Is this customer service?   Is this how the world should be.   Corporations not caring about their clients as they base their profit not on customer service but on the bottom line.  Knowing that due to the sheer populations number.  Loosing a few does not really mean anything to them.
Let’s go back to GM recent announcement.  The day of the announcement the line up of political hypocrites flooded television screens.   Out raged and making all kinds of empty promises.
The next day.. .much like a storm.... No one gave a shit.
Like really!  I can understand the municipal government not doing anything about it.  They are a bunch of incompetents.  They rather jockey for where they are going to sit during the new council term...then dealing with a real serious issue like the major industry closing.  Then you have the Provincial circus.   The ‘ME’ mentality reigns supreme....  What are we left with.
The Feds!  The Feds are so wound up with handing out tax dollars to refugees that the closing of GM is like... Who is GM.    We have a Prime Minister that is nothing short of a flag in the wind to social outcry.  
I wonder in all this where is the Union?   The Union President talked big.... talking about meeting with the Prime Minister... what they hell is that going to accomplish them... playing scrabble with the Prime Minister... you may be laughing... but really... it be just as productive to talk to a Prime Minister that clearly does not care.
In most countries an announcement like this would produce a general strike across all unionized industry.  People would take to the streets.  Major protests would follow.   Canada must be the only country in the world that would not dare think to call all unions across the country to unite and shut the country down until the Federal Government came up with a solid proposal to keep GM open.
No instead our Prime Minister is playing royalty in Argentina, kissing Trump ass.
I call on the Union to resolve this.  I call on the Union President to show some balls and stop this corporate raping of our jobs.  Enough is enough.
In Canada we would not dare unite and walk off the job... Hell, even though we feel for our brothers and sisters... ‘i can’t afford to walk off the job at $30 dollars an hour’.    The Union President would not dare call an illegal strike... After all he is making well over $250,000 a year and can’t afford possibly going to jail...   Plus it is to cold to be out protesting...  What about the insurance liability if someone gets injured...  LIKE REALLY FOLKS...  How about growing some balls and putting aside the ‘ME, ME, FIRST MENTALITY’.  Have we not learned from WWII that it does not affect me so I will do nothing MENTALITY is the first step to you being next.
I call on the Unions to unite and call all their people off the job.  Force the government to act and to take action NOW.   Today it is GM closing.  Tomorrow it may be where you work.  If no one is going to help workers in a place like GM. Do you think for a moment anyone will give a shit at the place you are working.   Let’s put an end to this raping of our people.

Big mistake for Mueller to indict Jerome Corsi

Big mistake for Mueller to indict Jerome Corsi
By Larry Klayman
There is an old expression: What goes around comes around! In the context of my client Dr. Jerome Corsi – a 72 year-old, vibrant, renowned and distinguished conservative journalist, investigative reporter and accomplished New York Times best-selling author now in the cross-hairs of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's "witch hunt" to take down President Donald J. Trump – should Mueller and his prosecutorial comrades indict the good doctor, they will have made a huge mistake.

Unlike other subjects or targets of Mueller's runaway investigation, Dr. Corsi does not labor from the near-universal notion that one has to play "nicey nice" with the special counsel to escape unjust prosecution. Indeed, the president himself, at least from a legal perspective, notwithstanding his daily tweets, apparently has been counseled to effectively roll over to Mueller. With the "advice" of his lawyers, The Donald has produced over a million documents and somehow got bamboozled to now submit written "interrogatory" responses to the special counsel, answers that, when compared by Mueller to what others have testified to, could put the president in greater jeopardy by way of a so-called "perjury trap." If I were in Trump's shoes, I would have to say to my lawyers a la Laurel and Hardy, "A fine mess you have gotten me into now!"

I have been asking myself over the last year and a half why the president's lawyers have not directly challenged Mueller's mandate and the unconstitutionality of his appointment in federal court and attempted to have him removed. Save for Andrew Miller, a friend of target Roger Stone, no one thus far has taken this route, and the courts are unlikely to give much attention or credence to a lonely third-tier witness, despite what this crucial issue deserves. But if President Trump had directed his attorneys to take the matter all the way to the Supreme Court, there would have been a good chance the "conservative majority" might have shown Mueller an exit stage left.

Also, puzzling to me is why Trump's lawyers have not gone on the counteroffensive by bringing suit for the illegal surveillance against the president, his staff and his family. This would have been a no-brainer, but then again the president's ego-driven establishment lawyers seem to have been mostly fixated on cable news appearances, rather than taking strong legal action.

So along comes, by the divine grace of the Father and his Son, my esteemed client, a true American hero, Dr. Corsi, who has the "cajones" to stand up to the treachery of Mueller and his conflicted and venomous leftist/Democratic prosecutorial staff. Mueller offered Dr. Corsi what the special counsel in his infinite arrogance considered a sweetheart plea deal if he lied and falsely ratted out Roger Stone and President Trump with regard to alleged Russian collusion, but my client stood his ground in self-defense and told the special counsel to stick it where the sun don't shine. While not equating Dr. Corsi to Jesus, let's not forget how He told the Romans to do the same thing.

In so doing, in the mold of Clint Eastwood's famous line "make my day," Corsi effectively dared Mueller and his political hack prosecutors to indict him, in the process also instructing me and my co-defense counsel, David Gray, to prepare a criminal complaint against the special counsel. This complaint, to be filed with Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker and the heads of the Office of Professional Responsibility and Inspector General of my alma mater, the U.S. Department of Justice, will set forth the crimes of obstruction of justice, witness tampering and witness intimation, among other felonies, committed by the special counsel and his staff, as well as his spokesperson, Peter Carr, and others in his office, who have furthered the criminal leaks of grand jury information not just about Dr. Corsi, but a myriad of the putative and now actual defendants. Stay tuned for this filing this Monday, which will ask for Mueller's removal and professional discipline and much more by way of criminal prosecution for him and his accomplices.

The complaint also will address the unethical if not illegal conflicts of interest of the prosecutors, including Mueller himself, inherent in the ongoing "witch hunt."

And should the special counsel unwisely then seek to indict Jerome Corsi, on "Trumped up" and false charges, this will give my client, through our legal actions, a vehicle to challenge in court Mueller's legitimacy, or rather lack thereof, all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

All of this is long overdue! It is particularly overdue given the previously unchallenged march of Mueller and his collaborators in the now-Democrat controlled House of Representatives, who will use his phony work to ignite impeachment proceedings when the likes of new Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her band of rabid, leftist and anti-Trump comrades take control of the people's chamber in early January 2019.

I feel privileged and proud to represent Dr. Corsi not just because he is in a unique position to legally end Mueller's "reign of terror," but more importantly, because he is exemplary of the courage of our Founding Fathers, who stood up to another despot in 1776 and, through fearless action, formed a new nation. In so doing, our Founding Fathers and later our framers looked to God for divine guidance and provenance.

In rejecting the felonious plea proposal of Special Counsel Mueller and his prosecutorial staff just last week, which called for my client to lie under oath, Dr. Corsi invoked his godly belief that he was doing the right thing, not just for himself but the nation.

That is the true spirit of what it means to be an American – and for those other patriots who feel as if they out there in the wildness without legal recourse to save the republic, let's all take a lesson from this modern-day hero. Dr. Corsi's "last stand" brings hope to those citizens who believe in the rule of law and the Constitution!


Direct Answers
from Wayne & Tamara
I am a 45-year-old woman married to her second husband. In February he told me he has been unhappy for a long time and wanted his freedom.
This was prefaced by my finding email of a more than friendly nature from more than one woman. I confronted him. He said he was just "having fun" and "a lot of these women think they are in love with me."
I had a hysterectomy in January, and while home recuperating, I happened to find the email. After that there was no turning things around.
I got him to go to a marriage counselor one time. He told numerous half-truths about our married life, then left in a hurry saying he didn't need another appointment.
We live in a split-level home. He moved his things downstairs, but he hasn’t slept there. At first, he said he came upstairs because he heard me crying and couldn't stand it. No sex, but we sleep together like always, most nights wrapped around each other.
We are also having a bad time financially, though I tried my hardest to remedy that. We are selling our house, and I put money down on a mobile home for myself. He wants to live separately. Two months ago he purchased a ticket to Las Vegas, for himself, to go have a good time.
I think the reality of getting a place of my own has affected him, but there has been no overt move toward reconciliation. He hasn't even looked for a place yet.
He knows I love him. I tell him at least once a day. But he has a separate checking account and post office box. He sold his Lexus and is driving a junker. He spends most of his time at home on the computer. I no longer see his contacts because he uses his laptop.
Our house is going on the market next week. He’s leaving town for four days and leaving the cleaning and yardwork to me. He has offered to help me move, pay for my car, and not divorce me because I would lose his insurance coverage. So here we are. I still have hope in my heart that he will come to his senses before it is too late. I’ve tried being strong, and begging and pleading. Oh, he also says it is not me, it is him. What are your thoughts on this mess?
Wendie, when he says it’s him believe him. He is confessing that his feelings for you are not strong enough to keep him in your marriage. He is so certain of that, he won’t let some counselor try to change his mind.
It’s simply the way he feels. You can’t talk people out of their feelings. If you could, they could talk you out of yours. Who is more in the right? You for wanting him to stay? Or him for admitting, once you caught him, that he is looking for someone else to be in love with? You can’t be happy forcing a man to stay against his will. There must be a connection both ways.
People want to blame the internet, Facebook and dating sites for breaking up relationships. All the internet did was shine a light on all the people in broken relationships looking for the real deal.
There is no begging and pleading in love. That’s adversarial. Though you are willing to settle for his physical presence over love, if he doesn’t love you, he is not present. So, what’s the point?
Wayne & Tamara
Send letters to: DirectAnswers@WayneAndTamara.com

Remedies to Prevent Death from AAA

 The Doctor Game

By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.
Remedies to Prevent Death from AAA

          Ask anyone about AAA and they will immediately think of the American Automobile Association. But in this case it stands for abdominal aortic aneurysm.  Sir William Osler once remarked, “There is no disease more conducive to clinical humility than aneurysm of the aorta.” He could have added that it’s a lethal disease, so prevention is better than cure.              

          Every year over 20,000 North Americans die from a ruptured aorta. Albert Einstein, the physicist who expounded the Theory of Relativity, and Lucille Ball, the TV star that made us laugh, both died of AAA.

          So, what causes the aorta, about the size of a garden hose, the largest artery in the body, to rupture?

          Getting a little stiff in various parts of our body is one of the problems of aging. But arterial stiffness, known as hardening of arteries, is particularly hazardous when it happens to the abdominal aorta. A sudden rupture can result in death in a few minutes. And studies show that about 5 percent of men over age 65 have some degree of AAA. It’s also five times more common in males than females.

           Sir William Osler, Professor of Medicine at McGill, John’s Hopkins, and Oxford University, remarked that, “It’s good to be born with good rubber.” In effect, to have soft, elastic, arteries that expand and contract with each beat of the heart.

          But as we age arteries often become rigid, resulting in hypertension, heart attack, stroke and rupture due to an aneurysm. The cause is arterial calcification which can affect the aorta, coronary arteries and valves of the heart.

          To reduce the risk of calcification it’s important to block its penetration into arteries as soon as possible. Several studies show that people with a higher intake of vitamin K2 have less risk of arterial calcification.

          But calcium is also an essential mineral to sustain life. In fact, without sufficient calcium we could not maintain the electrolyte balance needed for the normal rhythm of the heart.

          In a healthy body, 99 percent of calcium is stored in bone where it provides structural support. The amount of calcium allowed into the blood stream is strictly controlled.  

          Dr. Dennis Goodman, cardiologist and Director of Integrative Medicine at New York University, says that “Ignoring vitamin K2 is dangerous. Few are aware of how K2 aids bone health, but even fewer know how it helps cardiovascular health.”

          The great risk is that a deficiency of K2 increases the risk that calcium will be deposited in the aorta. These calcium deposits weaken the wall, increasing the risk of rupture and sudden death.

          A Dutch study of 4,600 men aged 55 and older showed that a high intake of vitamin K2 decreased the risk of aortic calcification by an amazing 52 percent.

          Since K2 is not easy to obtain in the diet, various supplements are available. For instance, K2 drops also contain vitamin A and D as all three are needed for bone health. And as we age, vitamin A also helps to improve night vision.

          What is not mentioned in most studies is that a combination of vitamin C and lysine also strengthens the wall of the aorta and other arteries. This helps to decrease the risk of aortic rupture, coronary attack and stroke. Pills of vitamin C and lysine are effective. But for those who dislike swallowing large numbers of pills  Medi-C Plus and other brands of powdered C along with vitamin K2 Plus A and D drops are available at Health Food Stores.                                         

          Pathologists have known for years that arteries are soft and flexible in youth. But with age, calcification occurs in the soft tissues of the body, particularly arteries. So one secret for longevity is to keep calcium in bone where it belongs, and out of the aorta, coronary arteries and those in the brain where it can prematurely end life.

          Osler was right. It’s good to be born with good rubber. But if this doesn’t happen, vitamin K2 along with high amounts of vitamin C and lysine, is the way to keep arteries elastic and increase longevity.

Saturday, December 1, 2018


By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
    For those that followed me through the Mayoral candidacy race would note that I been harping this for some time...GM IS LEAVING.... AM I THE ONLY ONE WITH EYES OPEN?   Our municipal government has failed us.
In a news report our beloved Mayor was quoted as saying: “ Oshawa Mayor John Henry said he was shocked by news that broke on Sunday that General Motors may be closing its Oshawa plant. “Everyone knew there was an issue with product, but that’ not out of the ordinary they’re always looking for product,” said Henry, but he added that the company has made millions of dollars in investments in its Oshawa plant in the last two years.”
Like really dude... what kind of a community leader are you?   GM went from 30,000 workers to 2,500 and he did not find that  OUT OF THE ORDINARY.  The man is a total incompetent.   GM has been tearing down its south plant for the past 2 years and HENRY has sat on his hands and done nothing. 
He should have planned ahead for the obvious.   Now it happened and Henry says he is shocked....  Shocked would be someone kicking him in the nuts as he lies to the people.
There is nothing shocking about GM announcement.  
I say kudos to GM for picking the perfect time for the announcement.   The old City of Oshawa council in my opinion failed the people of Oshawa by not preparing for the closure.  The new council made up of mostly have beens and wonna be’s....   GM is getting away with murder.
To top off that we have a Mayor that has a mentor, the former Mayor and now Regional Chair.  The man responsible for failing the people of Oshawa to prepare for such an economic catastrophe.  One has no clue where GM is the other pretend to know.  Carter leadership is weak and without backbone to deal with such major economic impact to the region. It appears that Oshawa rewards incompetence.      I am not a politician.  I am a business person and I operate five years ahead of the game. Under my administration. I would have mobilized City Staff under my direction to aggressively work on getting the City infrastructure up to par to attract major business and industry to Oshawa.   I would have been careful of cardboard type development much like the ones spreading like a wild fire north of Durham College.
I would have made sure that GM was on my short leash.   Up to date.  City council feared the loosing of GM.  GM in its corporate arrogance treats City elect including our Mayor as insignificant.  Dogs with no bite.
Under my administration.   I would have made sure that GM paid for all the environmental problems they have cause.   As soon as they announced the closure of the plant. I would have filed a class action suit including the Union for 20 Billion dollars.
I would ask for damages GM has cause over the years to Oshawa environment.
I would ask for damages GM has caused the people of Oshawa for duress of plant closures.
I would ask for damages GM is causing the local economy and it’s affiliated industries.
I would ask for damages to our city image and reputation.
But wait our newly elected council.  Will be to involved on issues like... council meeting protocol or who sits where. I say, make them pay.  Hit them where it hurts.  Why should the people of Oshawa suffer.  Do we not suffer enough knowing many of us will be out of work.   Who will pay for the environmental mess GM leave us in?   I say slap a law suit now.  I say freeze all their equipment and operation in retribution of the billions the Feds gave them.  I say enough of the walking on egg shells and demand what is ours.  Corporation need to learn respect of the communities they silently rape and pillage. In 2022 remember there is an option.  Joe Ingino

Bombs the result of breakdown in justice system?

Bombs the result of breakdown in justice system?
By Larry Klayman
No one condones violence. Indeed, I have always condemned it, which is why I conceived of and then founded both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, to peacefully and legally enforce the rule of law against a corrupt government and legal system. It's why I have for over 25 years brought hard hitting cases and citizens grand juries to enable We the People to mete out justice the right way. But I have continually cautioned that the breakdown in our justice system, from the courts, to our Justice Department and its Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), coupled with leftist calls for violence and actual violence via radical vigilante groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter, funded by the likes of George Soros and supported by the likes of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder and many Hollywood actors such as Robert De Niro, Madonna, and a host of other leftist "beautiful" people in influential Tinseltown, would someday trigger an all out civil war between left and right.

It was only a matter of time until some reactive and unhinged people on the far right – or far left as the current bombing attempts may be part of a "set up" to blame President Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party in the lead up to the November 6, 2018, mid-term elections – fired the final shot that would trigger this war. This, regrettably, as I have warned was going to happen at some point. And, while the bomb threats against Obama, the Clintons, Eric Holder, Maxine Waters, John Brennan, Joe Biden, George Soros, Robert De Niro, and Corey Booker (and counting) cannot be justified under any circumstances, it is likely the frustration if not hopeless desperation among committed extremists which caused them.

While it has always been bad, the leftist media's inquisition against the president we duly elected to "Make America Great Again," coming after decades of failed Democrat and frankly Republican rule with the exception of former President Ronald Reagan, coupled with inaction by our current soon to be "shown the door" Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the crimes of his current and former corrupt political hacks at the department and the FBI such as Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, James Baker, and of course Special Counsel Robert Mueller, obviously lit the fuse.

Notwithstanding that elite establishment criminals such as the Clintons and the cavalcade of others listed above are "above the law," with judges in our court system generally unwilling to go against the persons who put them on the bench, and you have a volatile situation.

But what also has fanned the flames of revolution, dangerously domestic terrorist style, is the profiteering and opportunistic actions of some in the so called conservative media. The best example is some of the prime time hosts on Fox News, who each day and night peddle false hope to the American people that justice is just around the corner. The most extreme and obvious example is Sean Hannity, who each night, with virtually the same "groupified guests," talk of major new developments that will finally end our dual system of justice and hold the likes of Hillary Clinton, James Comey and Robert Mueller accountable to the rule of law. There is only so much of this that any sincere and committed patriot can take before literally throwing up. While offering this warmed over babble may boost Fox News' ratings and advertising dollars, at some point, now the present, in the words of Popeye "enough is enough and enough is too much!"

The American people, while perhaps mildly enjoying the entertainment value of all of this, are fed up to the hilt. They want action instead of false hope!

And, what makes matters even worse are public interest watchdogs, such as the group which I founded, Judicial Watch, using their millions of dollars in resources doing little more than Freedom of Information Act requests, uncovering documents showing corruption, but doing little else. This may get Tom Fitton on television, but it does not bring about justice, as this head of Judicial Watch, who is not a lawyer, then implores if not begs the so called government to take action. But the citizenry know that this is a cop out; there is little to no justice that will be meted out by either the Justice Department, or the hapless fools in Congress that we call senators and congressmen. They too generate meaningless headlines to get their faces on the likes of Fox News, raising money for their political campaigns, and then being reelected to carry on their march to irrelevance at taxpayers' expense.

And the straw that broke the back of any respect among the people for Congress proved to be the now Justice Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. To call this a dog and pony show of hypocrisy, showboating and deceit from all political quarters – overwhelming by the corrupt leftist Democrat ones – is way too kind to describe the outrages that we all witnessed and were forced to endure and swallow.

So there you have it! A total breakdown of our justice system, coupled with the radical leftist media and rabid Democrats running interference for the likes of the Obamas, Clintons, and the other criminals who act as if and in reality have been above the law. Add our generally worthless judiciary, all appointed by the same people they are encharged to hold accountable, along with our corrupt Justice Department and FBI, and some in the opportunistic conservative media led by Fox News and its minion hosts, and the nation has gone beyond the boiling point!

Freedom Watch and I, and our staff, are striving to bring about real justice through our hard hitting cases and citizen grand juries which seek much more than just documents, but prosecutorial accountability. Indeed I am the only lawyer in American history to have a president, not surprisingly Bill Clinton, ruled by a court, before one of the few courageous judges, the Honorable Royce C. Lamberth, to have committed a crime.

But if our nation is not to be torn apart at its seams, this is not enough! I abhor and condemn the attempted bombings that occurred and continue to multiply this week against Democrats and other leftists like Robert De Niro. But I have warned the American people for a long time that if they did not demand and participate in meting out true justice for our nation's corrupt elite establishments, that a real violent war was inevitable. It appears that sadly we may finally have come to this point!

My Experience with adrenal fatigue.

Healthy Eating
from Marissa Liana
 Certified Nutritional Practitioner/Health Coach
My Experience with adrenal fatigue.
‘A constant state of fight or flight.’
   Fatigue and insomnia, digestive tract upsets, irritability and anxiety, prefer being alone, fluctuating blood pressure that is sometimes too low, perfectionist tendencies, difficulty relaxing, cravings for salt, head, neck and shoulder tension, loss of hair, and diminished sex drive.  These are all symptoms of adrenal fatigue and what I experienced roughly 2 years ago when I was in the midst of my near adrenal burn out. What was most concerning for me was the rate at which my hair was shortening, my intense episodes of random anxiety, my inability to properly digest my food and my frequent insomnia. These are the symptoms of ADRENAL FATIGUE, or more bluntly, adrenal BURNOUT. 
So what exactly is adrenal fatigue?
The adrenals are glands that produce stress hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine in response to stress. The adrenals also produce aldosterone which helps regulate blood pressure. The adrenal cortex also releases small amounts of male and female sex hormones. Norepinephrine increases heart rate and blood pressure, triggers the release of glucose from energy stores so we have more glucose as energy in the blood during times of stress, increases blood flow to skeletal muscle, reduces blood flow to the gastrointestinal system, and inhibits gastrointestinal motility. This is why you can not DIGEST FOOD properly when you are in a state of stress and may experience ongoing constipation. Adrenaline from the adrenals triggers our body’s fight or flight response.
If there are constant demands of stress placed on the body including physical (too much exercise!), mental, emotional, environmental, even dietary stress, this keeps our body in a constant state of “fight or flight” while releasing an excess amount of adrenocortical hormone into the blood stream. If the stress persists, this results in exhaustion of the adrenal glands glands. Many people also experience either significant weight gain (espeically around the mid section) or significant weight loss during periods of adrenal fatigue. This is due to the imbalances in blood sugar and cortisol in the body.
So what can you do if you think you are on the verge of adrenal burnout?
1) LIFESTYLE ADJUSTMENTS MUST ALWAYS be #1 priority. You can take all the vitamins and adaptogenic herbs in the world and still be adrenally fatigued if you don’t remove as many stressors from your life as possible. Remember, stressors can be physical, dietary, emotional and environmental.
Stress management techniques such as mediation, adequate sleep, mindfulness and moderate exercise, less often until adrenal balance is restored will also help. 2) Next, include adrenal supporting nutrients. These include vitamin C, B5, potassium, B12, vitamin E, and choline. I recommend a high quality multivitamin as opposed to supplementing with these individual nutrients to avoid imbalances. 3) DIET - Remove refined carbs and sugars. These negatively impact the adrenals, as do caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and sugar.*  4) Include adaptogenic herbs such as ashwagandha, Rhodiola and maca to increase the body’s resistance to stress, lower cortisol and nourish the adrenals.  If you're looking for help to create a diet and supplement plan that nourishes your adrenals, I would be happy to help! Send me an email at marissalianacnp@gmail.com today :).
                                             Until next time, stay well! Marissa

Extreme Sport

Direct Answers
from Wayne & Tamara
  I began seeing a man three years ago. We’ve gone through two breakups. Each time he realized he was not ready to give me the commitment he knew I wanted. But each time we resumed our relationship, things have been on a deeper level and more committed than before.
Last spring, he called when I had decided it was time to move on, though I knew in my heart with him was where I wanted to be. We attended family functions, went on vacations, and spent weekends with our children from previous marriages.
He says after two failed marriages he is not sure he is capable of having a successful marriage. He believes he is supposed to spend the rest of his life alone. And he accepts that.
At times he says he enjoys the things we do together, feels a connection between us, and is amazed how we are able to communicate. On my part, I feel a level of comfort and security when I am with him that I never experienced before. I can easily imagine a satisfying future spending the rest of my life with him. Here’s the question. If he’s concluded he’s supposed to be alone, am I a fool to stick around? Should I hope he realizes the tremendous possibilities we have to offer each other?
Part of me wants to believe it’s just his fear talking, and he will realize our true potential. But I don’t want to be naïve.
Ingrid, he is walking the knife’s edge. He says just enough of what you want to hear, just enough to placate you, just enough to keep you engaged. He has you hoping, can I win him over?
On the other side of the knife’s edge is, “I don’t want to marry her.” He is walking the blade perfectly, satisfying himself without losing his balance.
What do people say who live on the edge? It is thrilling. It is like skiing a black diamond ski run. Fresh powder and danger even for the most experienced. Fall, and you drop a quarter of a mile before you stop. He is living the dream. His dream. He is happy and content. A victory for you, whether it’s marriage to him or finding someone who loves you, would be his defeat. Either of your wins is his loss.
You want to stack up minutiae as if they are something. We get along, we vacation, our connection is deeper… On a scale, those are feathers compared to the lead weight of your past breakups and his refusal to marry you. You deserve to marry a man who wants you as badly as you want him.
Saying “I will be alone for the rest of my life” is the one lie he is telling. He is likely to be alone in the future the same way he is alone with you now. Men like this will never be alone. They will always find a woman who sees their “potential.” For them it’s a sort of sport, like running with the bulls at Pamplona. Only he will be pursued by women in white dresses pleading, marry me, marry me.
The two failed marriages are the excuse you cannot change or satisfy. He has the ecstasy of living on the knife’s edge, while you are afraid to take a leap at finding the man for you.
Wayne & Tamara
Send letters to: DirectAnswers@WayneAndTamara.com
Extreme Sport

What Can a Psychiatrist Tell Us About Vitamin D?

 The Doctor Game

By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.
What Can a Psychiatrist Tell Us About Vitamin D?
              Winter’s coming, so how much vitamin D do we need? How much time do you have to spend in the sunlight to obtain adequate amounts? How does obesity affect the dosage? How many diseases can be prevented by adequate amounts of this vitamin? And what can a psychiatrist tell us about this vital vitamin?

          Years ago I reported that Dr. Catharine Gordon, a professor of pediatrics at The Harvard Medical School, tested the vitamin D levels of teenagers 11 to 18 years of age. She found that 14 percent of these adolescents were deficient in vitamin D. Today about 30 percent of adults are low in D.

          Dr Glenn Braunstein, Professor of Medicine at the University of California, said her research was a wake-up call. It showed it’s not only the house bound, or the elderly in nursing homes, that are getting insufficient sunlight.

          In the 19th century, large numbers of children suffered from rickets due to a lack of sunlight. To resolve this problem children with rickets were taken for long voyages on what was called ”Boston’s Floating Hospital” to expose them to the health benefits of sunshine.

          Today we know that adequate amounts of vitamin D are needed in the bowel to absorb calcium and keep bones strong. Vitamin D also acts on bone cells to release calcium and maintain normal blood levels of this important mineral.

          Can a lack of vitamin D protect against infection? You would expect to get this answer from an infectious disease expert, not a psychiatrist. But Dr. John Campbell, a U.S. psychiatrist, noted that when the 2005 flu epidemic struck the Hospital for the Criminally Insane, the infection spared those patients who were taking vitamin D!

          Another researcher, Dr. Mitsuyoshi  Urasima, Professor of Epidemiology, in Japan, reports in the American Journal of Nutrition, that patients given 1,200 IU of D were less likely to develop influenza than those not receiving it.

          Dr, Jo Ann Manson, Professor of Medicine at The Harvard Medical School,  reports strong evidence that high blood levels of vitamin D protect against colon cancer.

          To get still another opinion I interviewed Dr. Andrew Saul, Editor-In-Chief of the Orthomolecular News Service, a world authority on vitamins. Saul says that colon cancer is clearly related to vitamin D deficiency. He adds that inadequate vitamin D levels are also associated with ovarian cancer. And that research by the National library of Medicine reveals there are 300 papers on how vitamin D helps to fight prostate and breast cancer.

          Dr. Michael Holick, at Boston University, an authority on vitamin D, believes vitamin D’s greatest strength is its role in fighting cancer. He says studies show that people living in higher latitudes who get less sun exposure have an increased risk of dying from almost all types of cancer, particularly breast, colon, prostate and skin cancer.

          Since we’re approaching winter, I asked Dr. Saul about Seasonal Affective Disorder, a condition when people feel “psychologically down” during the winter months. Saul says that vitamin D acts as a mood stabilizer. He recommends vitamin D to fight this disorder.

          In the book Saul authored with Dr, Abram Hoffer, “Orthomolecular Medicine For Everyone” he reports that a lack of vitamin D is also associated with psoriasis which can be treated with topical vitamin D. And that a deficiency of D is also linked to diabetes, heart failure and hypertension.     

          But don’t most of us receive enough vitamin D from the sun? We get some, but not as much as you think. It depends on where you live. For instance, if you live at a latitude above 35 degrees north which includes Boston, Philadelphia and all of Canada, vitamin D production from sunlight ceases from October to the end of February. Due to the angle of the sun’s rays you could stand outside naked all day and not receive enough sunshine to produce vitamin D!

          What is the right dosage?  The answer is not easy as there is some debate. Obese people need more vitamin D as fat holds onto it making it less available to the body. Dr. Saul claims 10,000 IU daily are safe. Others suggest a dosage of between 1,000, to 3,000 IU daily. So check with your own doctor.
  Online docgiff.com Comments info@docgiff.com

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Those Dam Russians...

By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
Those Dam Russians...
  The headlines read..... “Trudeau must come clean about Russian interference in 2015 Canadian election: Conservatives.”
Really..... Like, I don’t know how many times I read that....I keep saying.... LIKE REALLY.
The Russians interfering with Canadian politics....   As if Canadian politics are not messed up enough on their own?
If I ever read ‘fake news’... this has to take the cake.... As if the Russian even know where Canada is or care for that matter...
Canadian politics is so messed up that we could actually have Russian confused on who to back...
The Liberals are no different then that of the Conservatives.  The little engine that could NDP’rs are so desperate that they are the gray line between the Cons and Libs.
It must the only country in the world that it really does not matter who wins.... Nothing will change. 
The cost of living will continue to go up...our dollar keep sliding and jobs keep going south on us... Why would the Russians want to waste time in Canadian politics.
My understanding is that any government entity is only interest in another country political condition is if there are any gains to be made by doing so.
Most countries collect intel from one another to keep tab on the local economies and or any military movements.
Canada the cocktail of ethnic make up... has lost it’s unity.... If it is not for the Quebecois holding small pockets of culture, intellectual reservation and preservation of tradition.   Canada, has become a stew of cultures that can’t be defined other then called foreign.
Then the question... why would the Russians want to waste their time and resources on manipulating political outcomes?
We can stretch that thought even to the U.S.    Why would the Russian want to mess with American politics and if so... Why would the help the Republicans win?
Trump has turned that country on it’s head...   The Russians would want someone in power with more of their political inclination... not a guy like Trump.
CNN and it’s ever ending wet dream of impeaching Trump.... will go to any lengths to drag this out... As for the U.S. Russian investigation...That has to be the worlds biggest joke.
Like really...
It is a modern day witch hunt that serves no purpose other than to deviate from the real world issues.
Issues like the China move to take over the south seas and control shipping, industry and commerce coming in and out of the region.
Russia messing with Canadian politics.....   I can’t stop shaking my head at the stupidity of the notion.
Personally I think we need to restructure Canadian politics and take out the financial factor out of it.   Eliminate the factor that only the wealthy amongst us can afford to run for office.  We must eliminate and educate on the value of serving the people of the land.    We must re-allign our view when it comes to how we treat all our people.   Not some.  We need to put priority in building Canada.

Joe Ingino

Latest outrage from the D.C. swamp

Latest outrage from the D.C. swamp
By Larry Klayman
It never ends! The so-called Washington, D.C., establishment swamp grows murkier and more deadly with every passing hour! Needless to say, it is on the verge of swallowing up the vision and creation of our Founding Fathers. The federal judiciary is a major occupant of this swamp!

While I will get into this in depth in my weekly show on Radio America "Special Prosecutor with Larry Klayman," which airs each Sunday, and is podcast as well (go to www.freedomwatchusa.org for local listings and to hear my podcast), let us take a brief walk down memory lane of the corrupt judicial week that was.

First, "hot off the press," there is the ruling of the Honorable Timothy J. Kelly, incredibly granting a temporary restraining order in the lawsuit filed by CNN against the president and his staff for revoking the White House press pass of the "Communist/Clinton News Network's" Jim Acosta for improperly touching a White House female intern. Incredibly, and most tellingly, CNN was supported by Fox News, which increasingly has been moving left thanks to its new chiefs, the Murdoch sons, both of whom are dyed-in-the-wool liberals. (See Adriana Cohen, "Bill O'Reilly: Fox Has Gone to the Dogs," Boston Globe, Nov. 15.) More importantly is the sellout by this Trump-appointed Judge Kelly in ordering the president to give the vile Acosta back his press pass.

Not only is there clearly no First Amendment constitutional right to own a White House press pass – as CNN is free to send another, hopefully this time respectful reporter to cover the administration, among many other legal grounds for Kelly to have denied the CNN complaint – but this incredible ruling underscores what I have been preaching about the federal judiciary in particular for many years since I conceived of and founded Judicial Watch in 1994.

Put simply, the overwhelming majority of the jurists selected by both Democrat and Republican presidents are the compromised product of the establishments of both parties. They generally got their jobs by not ruffling feathers and not taking strong, principled positions. In the case of Kelly – a Trump appointee likely recommended to the president by Don McGahn, the former White House counsel and himself an establishment Republican who eventually was shown the door by The Donald, likely for his backstage collaboration with Special Counsel Robert Mueller – this is a jurist who not only lacks courage, but also is weak.

In a case I had before him recently, he ignored false testimony by the head of a prominent "conservative" public-interest group, mostly likely because to go against him could have harmed his standing in the conservative community. This person had submitted a sworn affidavit, under oath, attesting that he knew nothing about the underlying facts for a lawsuit I had filed, when testimony from a fellow board member later proved otherwise. The reason for this affidavit was so the head of the group could try to escape being questioned under oath about the case.

For a federal judge to look the other way to protect his own derriere was simply despicable, much less a violation of his oath of office to uphold the integrity of his own court and the justice system as whole.

But now Judge Kelly has gone a step further in revealing his true stripes; and they are not stripes of a judicial tiger. They are the stripes akin to the cowardly lion in "The Wizard of Oz." This is because not only does Kelly obviously want to keep his membership and "press pass" credentials in to the establishment "D.C. Swamp Club," but, like nearly all the judges I have encountered over the last 41 years of my legal practice, the jurist does not likely want to get on the bad side of a powerful media organization such as CNN, owned and operated by the mega Time Warner/ATT conglomerate. He obviously does not want this media conglomerate powerhouse, and its leftist competitors, to be trained on him.

Years ago when I was running Judicial Watch, I brought a libel suit against the Washington Post for having allegedly defamed me. As is true here, the District of Columbia Superior Court judge assigned to the case, sat on it for several years, only to later dismiss it, disingenuously claiming that the alleged defamation was a "close question" and that the benefit of the doubt had to go to the Post. After another several years of appeal, the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia affirmed the dismissal, also citing a so-called "close question."
The bottom line is this: Judges are afraid to take on the media for fear that this will generate bad press for them down the line.
This is obviously not the way our judicial system should work, but it does show why the nation is going through an increasing downward spiral to a complete breakdown of ethics, morality and legality.

Judges are in principle our most important public servants, as they are not only empowered to protect We the People from not just the tyranny of the deep-state-controlled government, but also wrongs committed elsewhere. When they bail out, and not over Tokyo, and abdicate their judicial responsibilities to further their own cowardly skins, then the republic is in serious trouble.
And, the smaller lesson here is that even Republican-appointed jurists can be part of the problem, including the ones appointed, based on bad advice, by our chief law enforcement official, Donald Trump. With the growing and never-ending Mueller witch hunt and the the new reincarnated Nancy Pelosi-run House of Representatives, the president and his agenda, if not his longevity in office, are in serious jeopardy. Few have his back, even so called conservative jurists!
The days and months ahead will be fateful times for the survival our nation. Judges such as Timothy Kelly do not give us must cause to hope that the legal system is up to the task of protecting our constitutional democracy.
We the People, through citizens grand juries and other legal means, must, more than ever, rise up to save the nation. Go to www.freedomwatchusa.org to sign up for Freedom Watch's Justice League and our Judicial Selection Strike Force, designed to put principled judges on the bench. Please join the fight before it is too late!


Healthy Eating
from Marissa Liana
 Certified Nutritional Practitioner/Health Coach
Are you counting calories but still not losing weight? It’s important to know that not all calories are created equal. Here’s why????
1 Nutrient density is not the same as calorie density. Nutrient density refers to the proportions of nutrients, specifically the vitamins and minerals that are contained in a food. Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients because they are required to perform hundreds of roles in the body that keep us alive and healthy. They help strengthen our bones, boost our immune system, convert food into energy, repair muscle tissue, and increase rates of detoxification.
Too many people are eating calorie dense foods that lack nutrient density, which therefore sets their body systems up for failure. It is 100% possible to be over-fed and under-nourished.
2 Hormonal response of food. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins all generate different hormonal responses in the body. Carbs increase insulin, the hormone responsible for fat storage. Proteins increase glucagon, which helps to burn/break down stored fuel sources including fat stores. Fats do not increase insulin, help to keep us full and cholesterol is actually needed for proper sex hormone balance (like estrogen and testosterone). The way food affects your hormones has a huge impact on your body composition and the way you look.
3 Food impacts your gut’s microbiome. In order to manage your weight, hunger and body composition, you must keep your healthy gut bacteria flourishing. Those who struggle with obesity actually have different microflora (good bacteria/probiotics) in their G.I tracts than those who are comparatively lean! Gut bacteria play a large role in extracting energy and nutrients from food. If your gut flora is compromised (from a diet high in refined carbs and processed food, diet low in fiber, diet lacking in raw, fermented foods) you are not probably utilizing your food for fuel and can carry excess weight. .
If you’re ready to start a meal plan that balances your gut, hormones and replenishes your nutrients, visit www.marissaliana.com or email me at marissalianacnp@gmail.com to set up a consult now.
                                             Until next time, stay well! Marissa

Can’t Buy Me Love

from Wayne & Tamara
Can’t Buy Me Love
  I am 26. A year and a half ago I got into an arranged marriage.
I got to know my husband through a family friend. I started to Skype with him on the initial days before my engagement, as he was in Germany. After a couple of days of chatting, my parents and his parents decided to set the engagement date in one month.
I was very much unsure about this. I strongly believed courtship was important before marriage, and I felt this was too soon. A day before my engagement, I met my husband in person. He looked a little nerdy and very robotic. I am not a person who goes after looks, but of course in an arranged marriage the first impression matters most. When I got home, I felt lost. I was scared and didn’t want my family to feel let down, so I went with the flow. The engagement took place the next day, and the wedding date was set in three months. I asked to set the marriage later, but no one from my husband’s side agreed. Here comes my wedding day. With a heavy heart I get married. That night I told my husband let’s not have sex. I am not sure why, but I wasn’t physically attracted towards him.
We honeymooned in Australia. It was an awkward two weeks. I didn’t hold his hand. I didn’t have sex with him. I could not physically connect with him without love, and I tortured myself and my husband at the same time. He left to go back to Germany, and I went back to my home country. Getting my visa to come through was a major issue. I stopped calling my husband. Over a text message he asked me if everything was okay. That’s when I burst and told him I don’t like this marriage and don’t want to come live with you. He replied that he is an optimistic person and things are going to go well, which only made me angrier at him. A year passed, I have my visa, I am in Germany. It’s been a month with my husband and his parents. We barely talk to each other. I feel violent and aggressive towards him. I am not sure why. I hate myself for being that way. In return he has not done anything bad to me. I told him many times I want to go back home. Everyone asks the same one question, which I am unable to answer. What made you dislike him to the extent of hating him?
Lea, there doesn’t have to be a reason why we love or don’t love. You don’t love him There is nothing anyone can do to make him into someone you will love. Your husband sounds like a perfectly decent human being. Give him credit for not being violent or forcing you—things which occur in some arranged marriage letters we receive. Your anger isn’t at him. It is at yourself for going along with this arranged marriage and trying to save face for your family. You are kicking yourself for not standing up for what you felt is right. That’s where the anger and venom come from. That’s the lesson here.
When we make a mistake, the only thing to do is acknowledge it. That’s painful, especially in serious matters. But when we recognize our mistake and go through the pain, we learn a lesson we will never forget. You now know you must act from within yourself and what you know of yourself, not from what anyone else wants. The more you take this on yourself, the more his family will accept it. You fell for a myth, a fable that is part of your cultural tradition. That’s all. Now move on.
Wayne & Tamara
Send letters to: DirectAnswers@WayneAndTamara.com

Ovarian Cancer, the One That Whispers

Ovarian Cancer, the One That Whispers 

          What couldn’t I believe? Discovering that it’s been 42 years since I last wrote about ovarian cancer! During my time as a surgeon, what was my primary concern about this malignancy? And what has happened in the last four decades to bring hope to those diagnosed with this disease?

          Ovarian cancer is the third most common malignancy of the female pelvic organs, after uterine and cervical cancer. But it is also the most fatal pelvic malignancy.

          The risk of ovarian cancer increases with age. It’s also more likely to occur if close relatives have developed the disease. Also at risk are childless women and those who have had breast cancer. Vulnerable too, are those with early onset of menstruation, or a late menopause. And some women inherit genetic mutations that place them at increased risk.

          Epidemiological studies also show that the incidence of ovarian cancer varies from one ethnic group to another. Japanese women are less likely to develop ovarian cancer. Conversely, the rate is high in Swedish women. In North America there’s another interesting discrepancy. The disease is higher in whites than non-whites. And, in Africa, white women have double the rate of ovarian cancer than black women.

          So what did I worry about as a gynecological surgeon? It wasn’t the possibility of making a technical error during surgery. It was missing the diagnosis.

          Ovarian malignancy has been called the silent disease, or the disease that whispers, for good reason. For instance, women with this cancer often complain of constipation, increased urination, mild digestive symptoms, loss of appetite, weight loss, and abdominal bloating. The problem is that many other women, who do not suffer from this disease, have the same vague symptoms.

          Another problem is female anatomy. The ovaries hang from the fallopian tubes like pillows on a clothes line. This means that loops of bowel are easily pushed aside while the tumour continues to grow, which can result in a large ovarian mass before pain occurs.

          What about tests? The Pap smear is quite accurate in detecting cervical cancer cells, but rarely picks up those from the ovary. Another test, called the CA 125 is more reliable, but again there are diagnostic problems. Women with ovarian malignancy often have elevated levels of CA125. But others never show an abnormality. To add to diagnostic difficulties, patients with benign tumours, such as fibroids, pelvic infection, and endometriosis, may show increased level of CA125. So, false reports can lead to other tests that cause further complications.

          Even the annual pelvic examination which should always be done, but isn’t, presents potential trouble. Ovaries are the size of a walnut and difficult to feel if patients are obese, or if they haven’t urinated before examination, or if the bowel is loaded with fecal material. In these cases the doctor may decide that an ultrasound may be useful in evaluating ovaries. But it may still not reveal early malignancy.

          So what has happened in the last 42 years? And why has it been so long for me to write again about ovarian cancer? The simple answer is that there hasn’t been any good news to write about in all these years. We have all seen huge advances in many aspects of medicine and surgery during this time. But for ovarian cancer, too many obstacles remain for researchers.

          Standard treatment following diagnosis has been surgical removal of both ovaries and uterus, followed by either chemotherapy, radiation or a combination of both therapies. But unfortunately, the recurrence rate continues to remain high.

          So, after 42 years what is the good news? During my last visit to the Harvard Medical School, I learned how researchers had finally cured cancer in rats by immunological therapy. What does this mean for humans?

          Similar research at the University of Toronto reveals that several immunological studies are being done that promise new hope for women diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The immune system is a powerful weapon in fighting infection. The next step is to utilize its full potential to eliminate one of the great killers. I believe it will not be another 42 years before this happens.

  Online docgiff.com Comments info@docgiff.com

Friday, October 19, 2018


    I do not understand it.   I put my name in the race for Mayor of Oshawa out of duty and service.  I do not need the job as I have one.  As the editor and publisher of our community newspaper.  I have heard from many of you about  the things that need improvement  in Oshawa.   From taxation to public safety and every thing in between.  I am not a politician. I am a hard working business person.  Someone that values a hard earned dollar and knows first hand what 12 - 14 hours work days are all about. 
I share with you the hardships and economic restrictions that keep us showing up at the work place day in and day out.
For the past 20 years I have seen our city on the decline.  We live on one of the most beautiful cities in Ontario.  A city that has great potential.  Yet, we are southern Ontario’s best kept secret.   We have lost are way.  We have been governed by administrator and not visionaries and or business people.
In today’s multi million dollars corporate municipal environments.  Holding the line just does not do it.   We need to engage in change.  We need to truly care about our people.   Not like my  fellow candidate Dan Carter and attack just  because someone does not agree with you or has a different opinion.   As you read by now.  After the most recent debate.  Carter publicly attacked me after I approach him to kind of condole him for in my opinion the barrage of attacks he was taking from fellow candidates. 
Carter turns to me and says to me ‘SEE YOU IN COURT’.   I was a little surprised.  Why would he take me to court?  If I had done something to offend him one would have thought he would have wanted to set up a meeting discuss it.   NO. He attacked me.  I can understand he was flustered as he was constantly being thrown off his game.  Still that does not given him the excuse to attack.   Is this how he will respond once he is mayor?   Is this a good quality to have as a community leader?
Personally if someone has done something against me.  The last thing I would consider is a legal challenge.   A smart business person knows. You get more out of negotiation then you do out of litigation.   Case in point.  City of Oshawa vs Durham Region.   Instead of prolonging it and negotiate a settlement with the Region.   Mayor Henry in an attempt to gain points with the Region.   Settles weeks before he announces his candidacy for Regional Chair.
Now we the people are stuck with 9 million dollars and about 1.5 million in lawyers fees.
Is this good governance?  
No wonder we have sat dormant for 20 years.  Our elected officials appear to be out for themselves and utilizing our resources to up their careers.
Look at Carter and his action.  Instead of negotiating and discussing indifference.  He threatens to run to his lawyer... Like really.   Is he not aware that by filling a claim against one. It is the quickest way to have a counter claim filed against you.  
Are legal challenges the way to settle indifference?
I put my name to do good for this city.  I put my name not to go after people.  I put my name to help build our downtown not threaten their pocket books with frivolous law suits.
I am a grown man.  I only become offended by something if it is true.  If there is no truth to the allegation.  I walk away and do not become concerned with hearsay and ignorance.
Carter if you feel so damaged and hurt... meet with me and at the least let me know why.
I feel I been victimized and  as a victim it is hard to understand the aggressor if you do not understand what you have done wrong.
I think if anything Carter’s actions are abusive.   Abusive from the point of view that he attempted to intimidate as he is a city councillor.   Intimidate as he has the independent wealth to file a claim for unknown reasons against me.  Or is Carter going to free load and use city legal department to draft his paper work and make us the taxpayers file on his behalf?
I sometimes get penalized for asking key questions.  Questions that many don’t want asked.
As a responsible member of our community it is my duty to find the truths that are  hidden from us.
Much like why do we pay such high hydro bills?  The rates are low but the surcharges kills us. Why do grandfathered properties pay such high property taxes.  Should we not be rewarding home owners that have been part of our community for over 30 years.   Should we not do more to address the ever ending problem of addiction, homelessness and those in need?
Should we not be more worried about the creation of jobs for our graduating students from High School, College and University?
Should we not be putting our minds to finding way to attract major developers and opportunity to Oshawa?
Is this the kind of leadership we need?  We want?  Or we need?
On October 22nd we are all going to be faced with some serious choices.   Do we vote the status quo in and expect 3 - 7% property tax increases to offset bad decisions like the THREATENING OF LAW SUITS.   Or even worst. Wasteful expenditures as Mr. Carter and his council are guilty of doing?
My Oshawa is not about going after people but about bringing people together.  Bringing opportunity by utilizing our resources to attack developers, investors and most importantly industry and trade.
We have a lake front/air port/downtown/ that will never be developed under the current status quo.  Investors will not come and have to deal with the red tape.  With council made up of under qualified individuals in the field of investment and or economic development.  Individuals that are easily influenced by public opinion and rely on consultants.   Council members like Carter that when confused and cornered run for legal council instead of resolve.
WE NEED VISIONARIES AND TRUE COMMUNITY LEADERS.  Leaders with a back bone to stand against the winds of adversity and the perseverance to over come adversity at all costs.
Community leaders with a proven success in business and service.
I have served our community for over 20 years as your community newspaper editor and publisher.  I have served in just about every service group in our community.  I have initiated the downtown INGINO initiative in order to stimulate growth, traffic and interest in our core.
I know Oshawa.  I have a proven record of leadership with a no nonsense approach that yields optimal results.
We are at the even of further change.  From the marijuana legislaltion to affordable housing.  We need to address the never ending population growth in our region.  We must invest in preparing with a solid plan of action.  A plan of action that will include proper execution of stages in order to achieve the bigger goal.
A goal that will transform us from being dependent on GM. To finally be able to once again stand tall in trade, industry and commerce.  
A Plan that will takes us from the  1920’s we are today to the global stage.  A transformation like never before.  Opportunity like never seen before.  Now is the time to act.  There is nothing in it for me but the knowledge that I be in part responsible for making history in the transformation of this great city in to a global beacon for future generations to follow. 
Please be part of Oshawa future on October 22, 2018
Joe Ingino
With your help we can make it happen.
Vote Ingino for mayor in 2018

Monday, October 8, 2018


By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
    Oshawa is a City with great potential.  Oshawa the crown jewel of Durham has always been the envy of neighboring municipalities for decades. A giant among smaller neighboring municipalities.  A giant that has sat dormant for to long.  A giant that need and will be awaken into a giant of opportunity for all.  
GM made Oshawa great.  It created opportunity and jobs.  Unfortunately, GM is not what it was.   Corporate Canada has changed due to technology.  As technology has forced us to enter and operate in a global theatre.     An environment that is mandated by the bottom line.  Corporate pride has been compromised.  The integrity of workmanship has shifted and today robotics replace good old fashion engineering.    Line work has become a commodity that can be shifted and moved around. 
This shift, has unfortunately cause Oshawa jobs and economic stature.   Today’s Oshawa is hurting.  We are a small town mentality running a what should be a world class city.   Our Oshawa has the potential but not the drive and or intellect to drive it out of it’s economy quick sand.
Our City Staff include some great minds and intellect within their professional disciplines.  Unfortunately due to poor leadership or lack of leadership.   City staff must rely on policy as a guideline to hold the corporate line.   For this reason nothing gets done... and it from red tape to committee back to council only to be referred back to staff.
We have a city council that lacks vision and direction.   We have council members that have no world experience in the fields of investment, development, finance, industry, trade and commerce.  Then how is it that we as taxpayers expect them to bring world class opportunities to our doors?
One of my first meetings will be with city staff.   To assure them that they shall not fear job loss for taking chances and making positive decisions.   To contribute to the process without fear.
I as the new Mayor will be the CEO of the corporation and will take personal responsibility for any of the City employees decision.  I entrust that they have the expertise and knowledge to expedite and cut red tape.  Together we will bring the city back to the people.
No more freedom of information requests for simple and easy to access information.  This has been the complaint of many.   We need to open the books, open the doors and return city hall to tax payers.
From the days of Nancy Diamond.  Diamond a top notch administrator with vast knowledge of staff and political infrastructure.   She was not a visionary or true community leader as her biggest job was to hold the political and social line.   Her approach towards the community is ‘make no ripples in the water’ and the people will love you.   Diamond was a political dynamo in that she manipulated her environment like no other.   When John Gray defeated her, people thought there would be change. Unfortunately, Gray was no leader.  He was another Diamond in the rough.   A person that sat through council with little or no affect in changing Oshawa.  The Nicholson/Gray team had reached it’s peak.  Gray, plagued by controversy.  From the camaro purchase to the building of the GM Center using OPUC money.   He had to go.  Then the people of Oshawa made the same mistake and swapped another ‘status quo’ member (council).   John Henry.  A city councillor and moved him up to Mayor.   The same disastrous outcome.  HAVE WE NOT LEARNED.  We can’t be pulling the same tools from the same tool box when it has shown time and time again that these tools are not getting the job done.
Now in 2018, we have Carter.   One of the biggest tools we ever elected to office attempting to move up in pay.   This is all it is.   I say this with such conviction because... what has he done for the people of Oshawa in his four years?   Look at downtown.  Look at the only store front he is able to secure a campaign sign.   AN EMPTY FOR LEASE UNIT.    Really this is leadership?  This is what Oshawa needs?
In a public appearance Dan Carter made it public how he recollected his first week as a councillor.  How lost he was.  How he turned to Nancy Diamond and confided in her that, and this is in his own words, “NANCY I  THINK I MADE A MISTAKE AND DON’T THINK I AM CUT OUT FOR THIS TYPE OF WORK”.   According to Carter.  Nancy turned to him and said, “I want you to go home kiss your wife on the cheek.  Come back tomorrow and tackle this with intent”.  What this meant was Nancy just gave birth to another of her rookie council ‘YES MEN’.      Even though Henry was mayor.  Nancy Diamond and Nester Pidwerbecki ran the show.
The question now is he fit to be Oshawa next mayor?  According to his own admission he also suffers from a learning disability.  Is he able to go through all the material that is required in order to run a city?
Some have speculated that this in part is why Henry endorsed his buddy in crime Dan Carter.
Henry weeks before his announcement to run for Regional Chair, settled a 10 million dollar pending law suit with the Region.  This was quickly expedited.   Could it be that Henry wanted to look good before the Region.  Could it be that once again Henry sold out Oshawa tax payers for his own personal gain?  The people of Oshawa are now on the hook for 10 million and 1.4 million of legal fees to the Region.  THANK YOU HENRY.
Could this be why Henry endorsed Carter...  Thinking he would use Carter name and voter following to win the region and in turn knowing that Carter was not mentally able to run the city to run the city from the region?
Interesting speculation.   The bigger questions is.. are the people of Oshawa that stupid to fall for it again.   To draw a tool from the same tool box to rebuild our City.  When it has proven time and time again that we need a new tool box.   A new vision and leadership.
Under and INGINO administration.   Red tape will be gone.  Access to information and procedure will be the new Oshawa.  Open door policy to my office and council will be job one.
My goal and primary function will not be to run the administration, as we have staff to do that. My goal and primary function will be to open the doors of prosperity and opportunity.   To search find and bring to Oshawa partnerships from all levels of government, industry, trade and commerce.   I will entrust all staff when given an task that they will executed quick and to the best of their knowledge.
No more waste, No more consultants.  No more us against them.  We will act as one corporate body on one corporate mission.  Save taxpayers money.  Stabilize taxation.  Make what is good about Oshawa better and what is better world class.
We will not cut corners when it comes to safety, security and assurance that all citizens are guaranteed the basic living needs.   We must assure that everyone has access to services and systems that are essential to quality of life.
We will open our ears to ideas in the community that have in the past been shun and or silenced.   
The time for change is now.  The time for opportunity has never been better.   Think of your children, grand children.  Do they not deserve opportunity, security and good paying jobs.
In 2018 you can vote Carter and endure tax increases, the usual statistical dribble and a fake smile.  Or you can vote for real change and a new Oshawa. It is up to you.
In 2018 vote INGINO.
Joe Ingino
With your help we can make it happen.
Vote Ingino for mayor in 2018

Natural Remedies and Illogical Attacks

Natural Remedies and Illogical Attacks
          Break a law and you end up in jail. “Ignorance of the law is no excuse” it’s said. So should ignorance of medical facts excuse anyone? Time and time again so-called medical experts publish illogical reports without repercussion. Recently, a physician stated publicly, “There is no case for vitamin supplementation in normal, healthy, non-pregnant adults who are receiving the recommended daily intake of nutrients”. But is this medical fact or fiction?

          Bill Sardi, a commentator on health issues, takes issue with this statement in the well-respected publication, Orthomolecular News Service.

          The doctor offered so-called proof of his statement that serious toxicity occurred in Arctic explorers who consumed the liver of bears, which is rich in Vitamin A. This caused increased pressure in their brain, vomiting, double vision, and convulsions.

          But Sardi explains that bear’s liver contains millions of international units (IU) of vitamin A. So obviously humans should not eat bear’s liver. The Council for Responsible Nutrition adds it would take 25,000 to 50,000 IU of vitamin A supplement daily for several months to cause liver problems. So why worry patients when taking the normal dose of 5,000 to 10,000 IU daily has a long history of safety?

          The same doctor wrote that vitamin D is not needed, unless there is clinical   indication for it. This, in spite of the fact that an Institute of Medicine report indicates that 25 percent of North Americans are at risk of vitamin D deficiency.

          Office workers get limited sun exposure. And a study showed that children only receive 7 hours of sunshine a week. Moreover, during winter months, due to the angle of the sun’s rays, it provides zero amount of vitamin D, even if people were to stand out naked in the noon day sun.

          What borders on insanity is another statement that the daily amount of vitamin C should not exceed 45 milligrams daily. I wonder where this critic has been hiding for so many years. We know as proven fact that, eons ago, a human gene mutation stopped the human production of vitamin C. Animals, with the exception of the guinea pig, were fortunate and escaped this mutation. Dogs, for instance, manufacture 5,000 mg of C daily. But should a dog develop an infection, or be injured, it will manufacture up to 100,000 mg daily!

          I find it amazing that this critic has not heard that several hundred thousand milligrams of intravenous vitamin C saved the life of a New Zealand farmer dying of Swine Flu virus. Moreover, it is well documented that Dr Frederick Klenner, a U.S. family doctor, saved 60 polio patients from developing paralysis during the 1948 epidemic of this disease by prescribing intravenous C.

          Today, in spite of these historical facts, it’s appalling that many physicians still do not know that polio, meningitis, encephalitis, other viral diseases, and even the bite of a rattlesnake, can be cured by large intravenous doses of vitamin C.

          What I am writing about is not science fiction. It’s a fact that a pill containing 500 mg of C is not going to protect you if faced with devastating infection, severe emotional stress, or major surgery. These problems immediately decrease the reservoir of vitamin C in the blood. In these situations 10,000 to 20,000 mg of oral C daily are required to restore blood levels. And since C is water soluble, and lost in the urine, this amount should be taken in three divided doses.

          Sardi’s article points out that 100 million diabetics in North America have a greater need for vitamin C. So do 50 million Aspirin users and millions that still smoke, abuse alcohol, or take drugs, such as diuretics that deplete blood levels of vitamin C.           

          Sardi adds that hospitalized and nursing home patients all require additional vitamin C. And an often neglected point, so do growing children. Sardi concludes that out of a U.S. population of 325 million, 200 million have inadequate amounts of vitamin C and must rely on vitamin supplements. Medi-C Plus and other forms of high-powered C can be obtained at Health Food Stores.

          Ignorance of medical facts, even by physicians, continues to be a stubborn enemy of truthful therapy. These facts must be repeated until everyone listens.     

  Online docgiff.com Comments info@docgiff.com

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
not the actual problem?
   Have you been told you have IBS by your general practitioner? I was there, and it was HELLA frustrating because GPs diagnose you with this only when they actually have NO clue what’s going on (basically once they’ve ruled out that you don’t have celiac disease). Sad but true. This can be extremely frustrating when you're looking for answers and treatment to this inconvenient and often debilitating problem, which I should be clear, is NOT a ‘normal’ part of life. .
Understanding the ROOT CAUSE of WHYyour bowel is so irritated is the only way to find relief.
So I wanted to share with you what worked for me, and what common triggers (root causes) of irritable bowel are:
1. You have an underlying food SENSITIVITY.It is important to know there is a difference between a true allergy (IgE immune-mediated) vs a sensitivity IgG immune-mediated). Both cause inflammation and damage in the body, but a sensitivity IgG response is DELAYED vs. Immediate, such as in a true allergy or an anaphylaxis response.
For me, I removed gluten and it was LIFE CHANGING. See a Naturopathic doctor for a food sensitivity test, not a GP.
2. Imbalance of gut flora.You have an overgrowth of bad bacteria and yeast (Candida) and lack beneficial bacteria. This is a HUGE culprit. Excess bad bacteria worsen cramps, pain, diarrhea and bloating. Get yourself on a high quality probiotic, avoid antibiotics, BC pill and eat the rainbow! (No processed Sh*t)
3. STRESS. Don’t underestimate the impact of stress in relation to your gut. There are more nerve cells in your gut than almost anywhere else in the body. The gut is actually now referred to by scientists as “the second brain”. Try to meditate, exercise, or find lifestyle changes you can make to reduce stress in your life.
Special considerations:
Work with a wellness professional such as myself to identify your symptomatology in relation to the possibility of a food sensitivity, imbalance in gut flora, and to identify the health of your adrenals. I also have an Ebook BIKINI BOD BEAT THE BLOAT - created entirely for you, Digestive Health suffers. visit www.marissaliana.com under the SHOP tab to learn more!
                                             Until next time, stay well! Marissa