Sunday, November 15, 2020


Canada's uncertain economic times
by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC,
FEC, CET, P. Eng.
Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East
As the pandemic continues with renewed strength, a weakening sentiment arises in Canada about an optimistic return to normality. The new containment measures imposed to dampen the second wave of COVID-19 in Quebec and Ontario have applied the brakes to economic recovery. The new lockdown measures include closures of bars, restaurants and gyms as well as limiting the number of people at social gatherings.
In addition to causing a steep drop in economic output, the pandemic has exposed risks inherent to how companies operate their supply chains. More specifically, as businesses adapt to the changing economic landscape caused by the virus, the balance between supply chain resiliency and efficiency has come into focus.
Until the pandemic started, efficiency meant economies of scale, just-in-time production and minimal warehousing costs. The shift to resiliency has led to a focus on withstanding supplier and distribution disruptions.
The erratic government mandated shutdowns have created a wide range of issues for businesses. In addition to shutdowns causing obvious backlogs for manufacturing operations, there have also been less apparent problems: backlogs at distributors' warehouses due to companies being closed and unable to receive their merchandise; cargo container shortages causing bottlenecks for companies that need the containers for outbound shipping; and closures of third-party service providers, leaving some businesses unable to maintain critical back-office functions. Domestic challenges are compounded by those at the global level. Companies have seen the collapse of available air cargo capacity due to the steep drop in the number of passenger flights. This reduction is a huge problem, since air cargo delivers 35 percent of the value of global trade.
These domestic and international developments have disrupted economic productivity. In the case of export controls on medical supplies, they have also created risks to Canadians' health.
Another major piece of COVID-19's economic impact is the accelerated decoupling of the US-China economic relationship that was well under way before the pandemic. Concerns about how China responded to the disease, and the growing bipartisan US consensus on the need to take a harder line with Beijing have increased pressure on Canada to align with its American allies. The next element in increasing Canada's supply chain resiliency is to establish criteria for ranking the importance of particular sectors. Doing so is easier said than done. As we have seen during shutdowns earlier in the year, provinces differed widely in how they defined essential businesses. The federal government did not show leadership, only publishing non binding guidance. The net effect of this regulatory incoherence was further disruption for companies that operate in more than one province or territory. Sometimes an activity was allowed in one province but not in another.
Supply chains include both goods and services. While physical products attract the most attention, services are equally important. This category includes financial services, back-end transportation logistics and after-sales servicing, as well as front-end engineering and design. Intellectual property (IP) and data-intensive aspects are also critical for keeping Canadian businesses competitive.
While it may be tempting to make a sharp distinction between the so-called old economy and the new economy, the dividing line is quite blurry. In sectors such as the agricultural and automotive sectors, the knowledge-intensive parts of the supply chai

n are critical to the efficiency of the rest of the chain. They are linked in this sense.
Supply chain resiliency is not simply a matter of building capacity to produce everything within Canada. Doing so is neither possible nor desirable. It would be difficult to create the conditions for companies to profitably produce a volume of components to supply a comparatively small Canadian market.
It is important to remember that Canada relies on exports for its economic security. Using supply chain policies to achieve economic resiliency should be benchmarked against several criteria. First, federal and provincial governments need to assess whether the goods or services are critical to the health and well-being of Canadians, since public safety and security help enable economic activity. Second, they need to determine whether the good or service currently comes from an unreliable source. Third, they must ask whether the good or service is essential to global supply chains that support Canadian economic prosperity. Fourth, they need to decide whether moving the good or service offshore or letting it fall under the control of a hostile power creates a critical challenge.
The list of economically critical sectors under discussion includes specialized engineering services that support functioning infrastructure, manufacturing of medical equipment and supplies, financial services required for business transactions, and the mining for rare earth minerals that come from only a handful of sources, even if they can be obtained from spent nuclear fuel, of which Canada has plenty, but no action has been taken.
Despite this broad list of critical sectors, the government has an extensive range of instruments to elicit outcomes it considers to be in the national interest. These include:
Reshoring production to reverse Canadian manufacturing decline, foremost among them making Canada's tax and regulatory systems competitive. In a post-COVID-19 era where governments around the world will create substantial new incentives to generate domestic manufacturing, Canada needs a compelling narrative to attract capital.
Procurement, to stimulate demand for companies' outputs and encourage local production, while respecting Canada's trade obligations. One justification could be on the grounds of public health and safety.
The government can also deploy a number of measures with an international focus. The Investment Canada Act gives the government wide latitude to deny foreign takeovers to support our economic and national security objectives. However, prudence must not be a back door for protectionism. As a trade-dependent nation, Canada relies on foreign markets to generate income and source products not made here. Canada requires a rules-based trading system. COVID-19 demonstrated how quickly export restrictions emerged, even in countries with which Canada has trade agreements.
The identification of the tools at the government's disposal is relatively easy. The real work comes in the execution where you need competence and determination. This challenge will demonstrate who is up to the task; the Liberals in government or the Conservatives in opposition.
As critical as the economic recovery will be for the government's post-pandemic economic policies, there are basically four concrete ways to move ahead.
The first is having advisory bodies, that rather than looking solely at traditional economic metrics, will consider national security and resiliency where appropriate to reflect all aspects of the national interest.
A second key measure is the pressing need for a comprehensive review of Canada's tax system. Businesses need a coherent and competitive regime to attract investment.
The third step is a reinvigoration of regulatory reform to incorporate economic competitiveness into the mandates of Canadian regulators.
The last step is to review Canada's international policy. The global landscape is rapidly evolving, and Canada needs to make foreign policy and trade policy work together, instead of operating randomly.
Economic security is necessary for economic recovery. In the current global environment, no foreign leader wakes up wondering how to protect Canadian interests. With crucial national security and our economic interests at stake, Canada needs to be both strategic and determined as we chart our course.
Are our elected leaders up for the task?




By Joe Ingino
“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
What is wrong with people. How can there be so many idiots amongst us? I say this because there are so many out there that clearly lack any self respect and that for their fellow man.
I was shopping at the grocery store... Wearing my riot gear of course. Two condoms,(in case any old lady tries to get frisky in the produce sextion) a jock (in case an eye twitch is misinterpreted as a wink), a bullet proof vest (incase someone disagrees with a ‘ALL LIVES MATTER’ hater), a mouth guard (in case of sudden riot in the fight to get a 12 roll of toilet paper), a mask (to fight the COVID), a shield to cover my shame and a pair of dark eye protective glasses in case of an eclipse... Ok stop laughing... I wore no condom. lol
On the floor of the store there were clearly marked arrows for people to follow and here comes this ditsy blond and her mother walking the opposite way. I told her... Hey are you blind or are you directional challenged. Pardon the language but last time I checked I was red blooded and was on the verge of going postal in that store wearing all my protective gear.
She looked at me and actually said, “actually yes I am directionally challenged as she bounced her way by me.... what could I say... she did bounce by”.
On the next isle there stood a tall husky BLACK LIVE MATTER martyr type starring towards the shelves... standing there staring as if it was an art gallery. As he seen me stop 2 meters away awaiting. He did not seem to care. To me it looked like he was attempting to build courage to actually select an item he wanted to shoplift. My blood was a grocery store is not a place to remnance on full wallets gone by. Buy the dam thing or get out of the way.
Finally he finished and instead of walking in the direction of the arrow. He has the balls to walk towards me.... I said hey buddy.... google why the store puts arrows on floors... He looked at me and gave me some un-understandable dribble that I am sure if it was in English it would have had something to do with my mother. I got in his face and told him... You have two seconds before you become a YOU TUBE sensation. It was la cosa nostra vs black lives matter moment.
He looked at me and he understood that if he did not comply there would have been a huge spill on isle three. Two, three isles passed and everyone seemed to be doing their due diligence. As I reached the freezer isle there stood this young punk. No mask. no care of direction. Going from freezer to freezer. I looked at this guy and almost had a ‘HULK’ moment. I said hey buddy, “CAN’T AFFORD A MASK? I WILL BUY YOU ONE.”
He looked at me and gave me the Trudeau salute. This is where he made a mistake. I quietly walked towards him. I asked him to show me that finger again as I am farsighted. He did with this real intimidating face. So i grabbed his finder and shoved it in his ear. He was shocked as some of the other shoppers. Then I rolled his head into one of the cooler doors and told him. ‘YOU SHOW RESPECT. YOU WILL BUY A MASK AND WEAR IT AND IF I FIND YOU NOT WEARING ONE THAT FINGER WILL COME OUT OF THE OTHER END.’ By this time all his toughness had gone away and he was more in a begging, crying mode. I felt sad for him... as it is not his fault he is a social fuck up. I blame his parents and society for allowing these punks to think that disrespecting elders is OK. It is not....
Now this brings me to the current COVID situation in Peel. How does Peel explain the infection numbers. On Thursday they recorded 472 new cases in Toronto, 448 in Peel Region.
What is going on in Peel? Why so many cases. Where is the Ontario government muscle enforcing the use of masks and social distancing?
This brings me back to my experience at the grocery store.... are people that stupid. That ignorant to not realize the importance of unity during this time of COVID. MUST THEY BE FORCED TO USE COMMON SENSE. Life is not about you. It is about all of us.
I hate to resort to force. After all we live in a free democratic society. Civil liberties are for one and for all... but what much like my experience at that grocery store above. People for whatever reason have lost their value. Their duty to humanity and their fellow man. What has happened to being a responsible member of society. To assure we preserve our way of life by living as a model of how society should be. By contributing and taking a stand when norms and customs are being violated and or compromised. Is it not our duty to contribute and assure that our children are brought up with the core values that has made this country what it is?
It appears that today. It is all about me. You accept me. You adapt to my way of life. You have no say or I will label you.
The problem with society and civilization is that we have stopped being the West and we are becoming a third world country.
From our policies to those in government. Our standards have been lowered so much that we are becoming that of which many people have fled their native lands from.
It appears that today being different is good and conformity for the betterment of humanity is bad.
We are forced to accept when we should be demanding conformity. We are compromising our way of life to accommodate customs and traditions that confuses and changes the quality of life for all including those demanding acceptance and denouncing conformity.
We as people are all good. We as people all have special qualities that can make the world a better place. Sadly our ignorance to acknowledge that we need not all be labeled as equal but as important to the betterment of humanity is crippling society. How do you explain the so many stupid people that are forcing the hand of authority to oppress us. Much like my incident at the store. One is left to wonder if the human conscience can’t exist without oppression of the stupid.
Maybe I am wrong. But God please bless me with mercy as I have run out of bullets an hour ago. I can’t swallow that pill no longer. They say that COVID kills. I agree but our worst killer is our own ignorance and lazy attitude that it is not my responsibility. ALL LIVES MATTER. ALL PEOPLE MATTER. ALL ENTAILS EVERYONE.

Sunday, November 8, 2020


By Joe Ingino
“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
There is nothing more sacred in life than that of the core of humanity.
INNOCENCE. Something we are all born with and sadly loose as
we go through the years. Innocence becomes compromised by misconception,
life experiences, cultural believes and norms. Not to mention
education, religion and socio-economic environments.
All social smokes and mirrors that keep the mind confused and easily
influenced. We believe that we feel not that of which we understand.
Understanding only confuses us further as we are left with more question
that in many cases can’t be answered.
It seems that in modern society we have become numb of the realities
and instead pool into groups of like-wise confusion. Confusion
that has nations divided. That has society torn apart in many directions
and beliefs. From religion to Politics. We live our lives believing that
of which we truly do not understand but instead have a very strong
opinion based on misconception fueled by hearsay.
We believe that we are all good people.... our actions speak other as
there is not one person reading this that can attest to being pure of
mind and body. To have never faulted and or pass prejudice upon
another. To have never regret in the face of adversity.
We are humans. During this period of remembrance one has to
acknowledged the reality of what it is to be human. It is easy to say
and shed a tear... LEST WE FORGET. Then turn around and go about
our way with not truly understanding the emotion and or the meaning
By definition, ‘LEST WE FORGET’ means: formal + literary. : it should
not be forgotten.
LEST WE FORGET that we are all human. That we all share a common
threat of confusion in a society that is set forth to oppress us and
pigeon hole us. To manipulate us and to force conformity through laws,
norms and or peer pressure.
LEST WE FORGET - that in the name of freedom we are led to believe
we have choice. As choice is predestined by wealth. The more
wealth the more choices. In turn the more freedom.
LEST WE FORGET - that power and wealth is attained not so much by hard work as we are
led to believe, but instead by your ability to manipulate the rules/norms/policy/law/.
LEST WE FORGET - that those that follow have given up on hope and have tired of trying only
to be faced with the same outcomes. We can’t all be Kings but we can surely all be slaves.
Slaves to our own surrender of effort.
LEST WE FORGET - that it is easier to pass on responsibility. Rationalize that of which is not
rational and take away ownership of ones duties and responsibilities.
LEST WE FORGET - how we go about our daily routines with little or no thought of what is at
stake in our lives. We say one thing our actions speak another. We love our fellow man only
to turn another cheek in the name of self preservation. In a rationale that has no founding
LEST WE FORGET - that we go around behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards
or more noble beliefs than is the case. Claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to
which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense. Please don’t read this and say in your
mind... OH IT IS NOT ME.... as by making that statement you just proved this to be right.
Remember we are humans. We all do it. Our innocence has been compromise and we are
a confused species... by someone denouncing they are not. They are acclaiming they are.
Part of understanding is acceptance. Acknowledgement and the realization what we are.
But in November 11, we all humbly bow our heads.... as we should and keep in our hearts:
LEST WE FORGET - those innocent lives that fell during war. In their mind and in their soul
they served their countries in hope for a better tomorrow. As we should never forget anyone
that has sacrificed in the name of a better tomorrow. I just wish that we as a race as a civilization
use every day as a remembrance day to acknowledge the good about our psychological
make up and learn from that of which we have been led to live by and as. We as human being
are all good deep inside. LEST WE FORGET that we owe it to ourselves to always remember
and learn from where we been and where we are going.

This Remembrance Day, will be unlike any other and it is time for reflection...

 This Remembrance Day, will
be unlike any other and it is
time for reflection...
by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC,
FEC, CET, P. Eng.
Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East
COVID-19 has cast its influence on Remembrance Day Services
for November 11, 2020. Regardless of the regulations brought by
public health officials to prevent the spread of the virus, we must
take the time to remember our veterans in the 11th hour of the 11th
day of the 11th month just as we have done every other year
before the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic.
The alterations to this year's Remembrance Day are unhappy ones, yet safety regulations are
important to follow as a second wave of the virus has appeared in different parts of Canada
since the late summer and early fall.
The limitations on outdoor and indoor gatherings, along with social distancing measures, have
transformed important annual events across Canada, including the upcoming Remembrance
Regardless of the 2020 pandemic, Canadians shouldn't forget to show their respect for our veterans
this year on November 11 as in times past, but public safety must be kept in mind too.
Wear a poppy with pride.
The remembrance must go on as it went on in 1918 despite the deadly Spanish flu which continued
to inflict a devastating blow on a nation that had already faced the trials of war. Their
endurance and sacrifices in face of the war and pandemic should be an example for our generation
and generations to come, in preserving our national unity and identity.
November 11th is a day to stand in silent reflection of so many other days that have come
before it. It is a day that remembers those brave Canadians who consolidated our nation.
At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, more than a century ago when the guns of
the Great War at last fell silent, the fury of conflict was replaced by a deafening silence.
After more than four years of this intense conflict of country against country, human being
against human being, we were faced with all we had done, all we had lost and all we had sacrificed
as a nation.
Despite detractors and those who would rewrite history today, in an attempt to minimize this
important event for our nation, Canadians will stand strong in defending the sacrifices of their
ancestors for a better, free and strong Canada for centuries to come.
We need to remember the wise words of Nobel peace prize laureate and holocaust survivor Elie
Wiesel: "Without memory, there is no culture. Without memory, there would be no civilization,
no society, no future."
Remembrance Day isn't just about war and those we've lost, but about ideals and what we
stand for. It's about respecting our past and looking hopefully forward, and more than anything,
thanking those who have served our country Canada with pride and dedication.
From the trenches of the First World War, to the Second World War and the Korean War, to the
deserts of Afghanistan, years and generations have passed defending the beliefs and values
that we as Canadians stand for.
One hundred and two years ago, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh
month, the armistice between Britain, France, and Germany went into effect, bringing an end to
the First World War.
More than 625,000 Canadian men and women had served, 154,361 had been wounded and
61,082 had lost their lives-a full 10% of those who served our country, lost their lives for our
The year 1918 and the end of the First World War-the origin of Remembrance Day-seem so
very long ago in the context of many of our lives here today.
But at the same time, the reality of war is only as far away as a veteran, a family member, friend
or neighbour who has been touched by that war or those that have followed. Similarly, much of
who and what we are as a nation, was defined by war.
And so today, we take the time to reflect, remember and honour those who fought for our freedom
in the First World War, the Second World War, the Korean War, Peacekeeping operations
and the recent war in Afghanistan.
We also remember those who stayed in Canada, and served on home soil in supporting the war
efforts. On this day we remember the brave members of our Canadian Armed Forces who left
behind what they loved and lived for to carry out their job with purpose and pride.
It's a feeling many of us will never have to experience.
As husbands and wives, sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, and brothers and sisters,
these brave citizens are certainly not faceless.
They are friends and neighbours. They have dreams and goals.
And they have plans for the future.
That's why it's important that Remembrance Day has become such a significant part of
Canadian culture and will continue to be.
Over the course of November 11, communities across our great country will gather this time
merely spiritually around cenotaphs and war memorials to honour our men and women in uniform
and the sacrifices they have made and will continue to make for this great country.
We are not celebrating war; we are celebrating freedom and nationhood thanks to those who
made the ultimate sacrifice for us and future generations of Canadians.
We pause to reflect on those who've, indeed, made the ultimate sacrifice. They put themselves
on the line out of a sense of duty, to defend our freedom, human rights, democracy and the rule
of law. Their unwavering bravery has made all Canadians proud.
That these brave citizens would put themselves on the line to defend freedom, human rights,
democracy and the rule of law is most honourable. We owe them a debt of gratitude the rest
of us can never repay.
Let us also remember in these difficult times the words of John F. Kennedy:
" Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, we shall pay any price, bear any burden,
meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success
of liberty." The least we can do is to come together in spirit to show our respect during a moment
of silence, to think of them, the risks they took, and their sacrifices.
We'll forever remember, never forget.
Lest we forget!

What Lies Beneath

 What Lies Beneath
All of the women out there will probably hate me, but for the last
14 months, I have been the other woman.
I’ve known my boyfriend almost 15 years. I was married to my exhusband,
had no kids, and he and I remained great friends. My
boyfriend was married with two young children when I met him, and terribly unhappy. He
stayed in a loveless marriage for the sake of his children.
I never considered dating him, but I often heard stories of how unhappy he was. Now his kids
are grown and out of the house, and one night it just kind of happened. We fell deeply in love.
I mean deeply in love. He never knew he could be this happy. Neither did I.
He told his wife almost immediately, and she did not take it well. She is a good woman, but
entirely dependent on him both emotionally and financially. He hasn’t loved her for many years.
His daughters swore to never forgive him if he leaves their mother, and he has been riddled
with guilt. He is a wreck. Meanwhile we’ve been seeing each other every day.
He keeps breaking up with me to try to get his family back together, and it never lasts more
than a week or two. His wife makes no effort to change, and he misses me dearly. This week,
it came down to the wire. He was supposed to be in divorce court but backed out at the last
minute. He fears growing old without a family. He called me crying and asked me to meet him.
He cried and I cried, and he told me he will love me forever, but feels too much pressure from
his family. He said he can never ever see me again because when he does, he just misses me
and wants me so much it is so hard for him. It will be hard never to see each other again. We
belong to the same volunteer organization, and it means too much to both of us to expect the
other one to quit. I know he is making a mistake. His marriage counselor even told him his
marriage is dead, and if he stays with his wife, it will just be because of guilt. How do I get him
to see he is making a big mistake before it is too late? I love him so much, and I have no doubt
that he loves me. Kinsley
Kinsley, the best case for you is that he is a weak man who doesn’t do what he needs to do.
But you can never trust a person with a weak character. One of their telltale signs is that they
publicly badmouth their spouse. Think about it. Why would a good person disparage their partner
in public? It doesn’t solve anything and openly whining makes them look bad.
A smart woman would think, “I would never marry a man who could broadcast things about me
to strangers far and wide.” We see this scenario often in cheating letters, and we can only view
it as a tactic by a cheater to get what they want. The person who becomes the other woman
(or other man) discovers the one they have their eye on is married to a “bad” person.
Permission to cheat granted. What a surprise! The tactic he used has two stages. He gave
you the justification to get involved. “Ours is a marriage in name only.” Then you learned his
second stage. “I’ve got to stay for the sake of the kids.” What he didn’t tell you is that when
both stages were exhausted, he would come up with a third level justification. “My wife is
dependent, the kids are fighting it, I will have no family.” On and on it goes. All his family knew
he was cheating. Now he claims the pretense of a family must be held together because, “I
won’t have a family when I get old.” You invested your life savings in an unregistered security
and the fund manager embezzled it all. There is no reason for other women to hate you. There
is reason for them to feel sorry for you. You still haven’t learned the lesson, and you’ve lost
years of your life. What do you think he tells his wife? “I don’t know why I did it. It was madness.
It was her fault.” But staying with his wife is what he wants. Other things are more important
to him than you. Crocodiles’ eyes often moisten while eating their prey. That’s where the
expression crocodile tears comes from. Those were the tears he shed with you.
Wayne & Tamara Email us at

Shaking: An Annoyance or Parkinson’s Disease?


Shaking: An Annoyance or
Parkinson’s Disease?
W. Gifford-Jones, M.D. and Diana Gifford-Jones
It’s fair to say, these are shaky times! In keeping with the
rocky ride of 2020, have you noticed your hands shaking
lately? Are you having trouble tying your shoes, signing
your name, or embarrassed that the glass your holding is
shaking? You think of those suffering from Parkinson’s
disease. And you wonder if you are experiencing first
signs of this trouble.
Parents may also have concerns if their child has shaky hand movements. A report from the
University of California says that a condition called essential tremor can occur in young children
and young adults. This problem increases with age. At around age 60, about 5% of people
notice a slight tremor. Another study states that about 1% of the population suffers from
Essential tremor is the most common form and usually involves the hands and arms, less often
other parts of the body. It occurs with movement, not at rest.
This slight shaking can also affect the head, with movement from side to side, or up and down.
On rare occasions, it involves the vocal cords, and the voice becomes halting. It may also be
associated with poor balance.
No one is certain of the cause. Researchers are studying a part of the brain called the cerebellum
which plays a role in movement and muscle control.
Doctors can usually make the diagnosis when symptoms have been present for at least three
years and no other signs of neurological disease are evident. But there are differences
between essential tremor and Parkinson’s disease that help doctors to distinguish one from
the other.
For instance, considering statistical chances is helpful. Essential tremor is approximately eight
times more common than Parkinson’s disease.
Essential tremor normally occurs during action, such as writing, eating or extending an arm to
shake hands. But in Parkinson’s disease, the tremor occurs when the arm is not being moved.
This is a “resting tremor”.
There’s a difference in the tremor’s frequency and the magnitude. For essential tremor, it’s
usually of higher frequency, with more repetitions over a length of time. In Parkinson’s disease,
the frequency of movement is slower.
A look to relatives may provide clues. A family history of essential tremor exists in more than
50% of cases; whereas in Parkinson’s disease, only 10-20%.
In terms of symptoms, in essential tremor, the primary issue is anxiety regarding the shakiness.
In Parkinson’s, other symptoms appear apart from the tremor, such as rigidity, slowed
movements and balance issues.
Treatment of the two is different as well. The majority of people who have essential tremor do
not require treatment. In fact, researchers report that those with this condition rarely bother to
seek treatment. Or they wait for many years before seeing a doctor.
A change in lifestyle may ease mild tremors. Since sleep deprivation aggravates tremors, the
answer is to get more shut-eye.
There is little doubt that anxiety plays a major role with tremor. Sufferers indicate they try to
avoid stressful activities such as public speaking due to the visibility of hand tremors. Yoga,
stretching and relaxation exercises can be beneficial. Alcohol also has a moderating effect on
tremor as long as used in moderation. Smoking must be eliminated as nicotine aggravates
For patients with Parkinson’s disease, alcohol has no effect on the disease. But drugs such as
levodopa usually provide some improvement of symptoms.
And for parents who notice a child with shaky hands, have a doctor follow the case and keep
a journal of what you see. As the child grows and becomes self-conscious of tremors, help
them gain confidence through understanding of essential tremor.
Sign-up at to receive my weekly e-newsletter and follow me on
Facebook and Twitter @giffordjonesmd. For comments,


Homemade Solutions
Written by,

harleen Cainer, BSW RSW
Last week, Welcome Home for Less attended a live virtual information
session which was held to address any concerns the community
may have in regard to the Beaverton project, which is scheduled
to open in May of 2021. Several people from Beaverton were
scheduled to speak and did so quite eloquently. Several concerns
were raised during this meeting. The Townspeople expressed concern
about an additional 50 people coming to join the Beaverton
roaster, when Beaverton is presently struggling with a marginal or
missing infrastructure. Other concerns raised by these good people were about the lack of
transparency in the development of this project. As the townspeople navigated through the
smoke and mirrors of the projected plan for development, they became more and more concerned.
One person asked how the 50 people were chosen for this project, and it seemed that
the reason was that Beaverton had a property that was already zoned for this kind of project.
Quite frankly we are all a bit concerned about who these 50 people are going to be, and what
is the criteria for choosing them. WHFL is particularly concerned about a fair representation of
Indigenous people and others of colour. What are the special needs of the individuals who were
going to be placed there, and how would they fit in with the Beaverton population? We then
learned that when opening day in May 2021 not all 50 people would be in residence. A psychologist
called in to comment on the impending institutionalization of the 50 new residents, who
would never need to leave the building as everything was to be provided for them in the facility.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Allow me to introduce to you, Welcome Home for Less
(WHFL). We are a group of professional individual entrepreneurs who have come together to
address the need for emergency shelter and sustainable housing. Welcome Home for Less is
not just an alternative housing program; we represent real innovation in housing during this
pandemic era. We are here to tell you that the institutionalization of people is the gateway to
becoming unsheltered and then destined to street life. When the kids age out of the CAS, where
do many of them go? The street. When people are released from prison they often end up on
the street. When mental health facilities discharge, many discharges end up on the street. Need
I go on? Unfortunately, the people of Beaverton were admonished during the virtual meeting.
They were seen by the speaker of the house to be ungrateful for the hard work that had been
done by the Commissioner of Social Services in developing this 50-bed facility for Beaverton.
The people calling in were told that they were being very unfair to the Commissioner of Social
Services because she had done everything, and they are being disrespectful. The offensive
part of the whole ordeal was that the people of Beaverton were respectful and somewhat confused
due to the lack of clear and present information. They were then admonished by council
for asking what was about to become of their town and how had this whole plan been devised.
Our mission at WHFL is to move people from street to home and interrupt the avalanche of
homelessness; To Provide medical & rehabilitation services; To Provide an opportunity for
home security and food security; To Increase the social awareness of the vulnerable low
income and the unsheltered in our "There but for the grace of God go I" strategy. We aim to
improve community safety and restore harmony.
Our Home Team with combined professional experience of over 120 years are experts each in
their own right: in social structure, financial, legal, Indigenous community development, engineering,
and construction services. We have come together through our common interest and
concern for the underhoused, unsheltered and the financially vulnerable. We agreed that our
mission statement is to combine our expertise and provide the best home for less with the
required supporting programs.
Welcome Home for Less has collaborating in the development of a concept for emergency
micro housing. With 2 of containers we can shelter 4 women and 4 men, while taking into consideration
the need to address the issues of grey water, and sewage, while adhering to the protocol
of social distancing during this time of pandemic.
The Regional Council has granted pre-budget approval for a micro-homes pilot project. It is a
proposed project of approximately 10 units to provide temporary housing on Regionally owned
lands in Oshawa for 10 people. Hamilton was just granted $10.7 million from the federal government
to implement homeless housing projects. In keeping with our concept and the vision
put forth by the Regional council, Welcome Home for Less is in a position to erect 10 units,
thereby housing 40 residents at a proposed fraction of the cost of a projection such as the
Beaverton Project. Our units could be erected and operational within weeks. We could end
homelessness on the streets in the Durham region by this winter. Whereas the Beaverton project
will not be finished or occupied until 2021.
In their publication on the council website there is an expression of interest from the council for
micro-home manufacturers to showcase product offerings. We at Welcome Home for Less
submit an expressed interest in collaborating with Council. We will be presenting in early
November, to the Regional Council, a full presentation of how we can rectify the region's issues
with the exploding numbers of homeless and vulnerable people in the community. With your
support and understanding this can be done. This is your community.


By Larry Klayman
In the final days of the presidential race to the White House, it's not just
social media companies that have set their leftist sails to take down
President Trump and put the malleable and brain-dead Joe Biden and
his evil witch of a vice presidential candidate in office to pursue their leftist
agendas, but also the Lachlan Murdoch inspired new veneer of now
leftist-oriented Fox News.
When I first conceived of this column – which I postponed for a few days
over a development in my lawsuit over Joe Biden and his campaign's
interference in Freedom Watch's YouTube Channel, which occurred after
I broadcast over a year ago that we would commission a citizens grand
jury to seek the indictment of "the zombie" and his formerly drug addict son Hunter over the
Ukrainian, Russian, Chicom bribery money laundering caper – I thought I would embed just my
weekly radio show, as WND is kind enough to allow me to do. But after watching Chris Wallace
last Sunday morning on his show "Fox News Sunday," I find it incumbent also to showcase this
leftist's treachery with both his vicious and hateful interview of Trump adviser Cory
Lewandowski and the powder-puff interview of the two-faced and ever-phony-smiling Amy
Klobuchar, the Democratic senator from Minnesota and a likely choice for a Cabinet position in
the unfortunate event of a Biden/Harris presidency and vice-presidency.
As I predicted, Wallace, who literally foams at the mouth with a sick smile every time he seeks
to damage the president, raked Lewandowski over the coals (of course, if Biden wins there will
be no coal industry to rake anyone over in the future), but he allowed Klobuchar to trash the
president over COVID-19 and a host of other matters. You have to watch these interviews,
available here, to fully understand what I am saying. Yes, a picture does speak in this case
more than a thousand words.
Notably absent from Wallace's questioning of Klobuchar was any inquiry into the new
irrefutable evidence that has arisen over the Bidens' Ukrainian/Russian/Chicom shakedown
and play-for-play scheme, which lined their pockets with millions of dollars and compromised
national security to boot. No wonder Klobuchar was smiling as her half of the interviews ended.
She happily walked off counting the days when she thinks she will be rewarded by Joe Biden
and Kamala Harris for her newly found loyalty to their cause – despite having trashed both of
them during the presidential primary season.
The interviews of Lewandowski and Klobuchar are more than important coming just two days
before the presidential and congressional elections because not only will they be used by the
Democrats and the left against The Donald and his supporters, but if there are swing voters out
there who watch Fox News, they could be highly influential in the closing days of the campaign,
particularly coming from what independents incorrectly think is a pro-Trump Fox News.
Chris Wallace falsely prides himself on being a hard-hitting "neutral" journalist, but he is hardly
either. To qualify as hard-hitting, you have to have your facts straight, and to be neutral, it's
best not to gloat over every loaded question that lands a blow on the president's political jaw.
I have been constructively critical of President Trump myself from time to time. For instance I
have questioned why he was not leading the charge to have the Communist Chinese pay dearly
for the huge damage to our health, lives and economic well-being by supporting the class
actions I have had to file, as our sitting attorney general, "Blowhard Bill," of our so-called Justice
Department, hides under his desk. He also fails to lock up all the leftist hordes who are rampaging
through our cities and towns pillaging, burning, maiming and killing like Attila the Hun.
But I have never, repeat never, wavered in my support of President Trump and certainly do not
want to see him taken down.
Unlike Chris Wallace, I am seeking to hold Biden and his equally corrupt son and campaign
accountable under the rule of law. As I alluded to at the outset of this column, last Thursday I
had a court hearing with a Florida state court judge – one elected by Floridians and not chosen
as federal judges are through political influence and campaign contributions. I write about this
in my new book, "It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!", which can be purchased
from all major booksellers online. Quoting from the court transcript of a hearing over whether I
could take the deposition of Biden himself – that is, his sworn oral testimony – here is what this
jurist said at the beginning of the hearing to Biden's lawyer, who predictably opposed putting
brain-dead Joe under oath:
"If you (Larry Klayman) represented Donald Trump here, we would get a different point of view
from Mr. Barnhart (Biden's lawyer), so he is in lockstep with his client. … So let me ask this,
guys, this question. I agree with Mr. Klayman that this lawsuit with respect to your right to take
depos. I got that you (Larry Klayman) are right."
So in the final days of the presidential campaign, contrast the ability of yours truly to ask questions
of Biden under oath, with the refusal of Fox News' Chris Wallace to ask even one simple
question about this bribery caper to the candidate's surrogate Klobuchar. Disgraceful at the
As I write in my new book, it's time for you fellow patriots to stop being "entertained" and get
up off of the couch and turn off the likes of Fox News, which has become the face of the despicable
Chris Wallace, its "premier" host in its news division. Then join me in waging a second
American peaceful and legal revolution!

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween 2020

 Halloween 2020

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC,
FEC, CET, P. Eng.
Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East
Halloween, is a holiday celebrated each year on October 31, and Halloween 2020 will occur this upcoming Saturday. It is a holiday that brings Canadians together over a shared love for candy and costumes, especially enjoyed by kids.

The tradition originated with the ancient Celtic festival when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as a time to honor all saints. Soon, All Saints Day incorporated some of the Celtic traditions. The evening before was known as All Hallows Eve, and later Halloween. Over time, Halloween evolved into a day of activities like trick-or-treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gatherings, donning costumes and eating treats.

Halloween will look very different during the actual Covid-19 pandemic. The coronavirus pandemic is putting a damper on traditional trick-or-treating this year, a disappointment for kids and candy and party lovers alike.

Though celebrations might be different, a beleaguered nation hopefully will be able to find some holiday joy whether from behind a webcam or in a socially-distanced holiday attraction. But even though the coronavirus's easily transmissible nature has made many Canadians wary of traditional holiday activities, even shopping, Halloween is indeed happening.

The uniquely Canadian adoration for Halloween will push many people to find new and responsible ways to celebrate. Virtual activities like drive-thru haunted houses, pumpkin carving and home decorating will see increased participation.

With each passing year since Halloween's popularization in North America during the late 19th Century, participation in trick-or-treating, pumpkin carving and costume contests has become further woven into the Canadian way of life. Seemingly even before the summer is out, store shelves are stocked with sweets and decorations, supermarkets offer pumpkins for purchase and seasonal costume shops reopen.

Halloween is a holiday that revolves around hordes of children marching from house to house, sharing germs as they reach sticky hands into buckets of sweets - seems like an underdog against a global health pandemic. But as the month of October nears its end, businesses such as candy retailers, costume shops, pumpkin patches and tourism centers say they've found a way to celebrate safely. It's good timing, especially when the world is desperately craving something to celebrate in this sad times.

As families reconsider Halloween traditions in this particular setting, companies that usually rely on Halloween for sales have been struggling to adapt.

If people aren't trick-or-treating in droves, what happens to the industries that are dependent on families around the country stocking up on sweets and chocolates and other Halloween specific goods?

For candy companies, for example, Halloween is the biggest season for sales, and the pandemic threw them a curveball.

Halloween celebrations are unpredictable this year, but candy companies should still be optimistic, consumers will continue to shop for candy for reasons that don't include trick-or-treating: For example, candy sales increased in April, at the start of the pandemic, indicating that "people are viewing candy as comfort" while they are staying at home and social distancing.

But not all Halloween-reliant industries have fared quite as well. Without the resources to make major adjustments to their own products, it's essential for smaller businesses that Halloween isn't cancelled - especially costume retailers who depend on foot traffic inside their stores to stay afloat. However in keeping with Covid-19 safety, many shops are benefiting from selling new masks that are smartly designed to fit an outfit's theme while also providing protection.

Of course, like most small businesses caught in the pandemic's wake, Halloween shops are struggling as well.  This is why it is important that governments find proper ways to protect both the public and the livelihood of many small businesses.

Families really want to do something that lets off some steam, and
finding any way to keep the doors open is important for business owners whose livelihoods centre on Halloween.

For this shared passion for the spirit of 31 October  public and businesses alike need to think even more creatively about how best to adapt to such grim circumstances induced by the coronavirus pandemic.

It is important to respect the safety of the public as recommended by the authorities and at the same time enjoy the spirit of Halloween.
So where it is possible, trick-or-treaters should only go outside with members of their own household and only collect candy given to them outdoors.
Those handing out candy should use tongs or other implements to drop the item into children's satchels, without anyone touching it.
In addition, everyone out for Halloween in regions that allow it should wear a mask at all times.
Those handling candy should use hand sanitizer or wash their hands often.

So have a safe Halloween and enjoy it with family.

Happy Halloween!

Scary Word: Segregation

 Scary Word: Segregation

By Joe Ingino


“I live a dream in a nightmare world”

   In order to break down the cultural barriers the Canadian government introduced multiculturalism.  A great idea on paper... and as always it got blown out of proportion.    
Why is it that anything social  that is started for the good always ends up the same as that of which it was set out to defeat.
The feminine movement.  A great cause only to end up being used as a political tool against men.   Turning upside dow social norms and rules in order to accommodate what was deemed a bias system of dealing with sexes in society.
The Martin Luther King movement.  A great cause all to bring equality to blacks and all people of color.  Martin Luther King Jr. was an American Christian minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the civil rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968.
Today, Martin Luther King in my opinion memory is being tarnished as equality has now turned to inequality.
During this Halloween season we are quick to be frighten by make believe entities.  A season to let your hair down and be silly.
Well, as  a society we can’t get any more foolish in our quest to equality.   All colors fought hard to eliminate segregation and in turn we achieved it only to now have overturned and primarily people of no-color to be segregated.   What is wrong with humanity.  Can we this confused.
By definition - Segregation:   the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart.  the enforced separation of different racial groups in a country, community, or establishment. "an official policy of racial segregation".
This week I received a very disturbing news released that proves my point.   My first thought was how blinded are we that we do  not see how prejudice good intentions can become.  How they are segregating people of no color.... This includes Asians, South Americans, and most of europe genetic pool by people of color.  IS THIS RIGHT?
The press release read:
The Canadian Black Chamber of Commerce Announces National Grants  Program in Support of Black-owned Businesses with Facebook Canada
TORONTO, Oct. 29, 2020 /CNW/ - To mark Black Business Week 2020 in Canada, the Canadian Black Chamber of Commerce (CBCC) is pleased to announce their newest initiative with Facebook  Canada to assist Black Entrepreneurs who have been adversely impacted by  COVID-19. Facebook Canada is contributing $500,000 in funding to the  Canadian Black Chamber of Commerce in support of their new grants  program to assist Black-owned business. This national grants program is  available via online application to eligible candidates from the CBCC membership and the Black  community. CBCC President, Andria Barrett, launched the program at a  live fireside chat this morning with Garrick Tiplady, Managing Director  of Facebook Canada, as part of C2 Online.
"We are thrilled to partner with Facebook Canada to support  Black Canadian Entrepreneurs and their social media presence during this  unprecedented time. With these grants, we can strengthen Black  Entrepreneur's online reach and capacity. Having this announcement in  the midst of a Black Business Week which coincides with a difficult time  for Black communities, underscores our intentions toward positive  economic solutions for Black Canadians, and to the overall Canadian  economy." Andria Barrett, President, Canadian Black Chamber of Commerce.
First question:  why is there a need for BLACK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE?   Does this imply that if I am white I need not apply?   Do they allow non black membership?   
Secondly: Are we to assume that Facebook Canada is racist?  As we already know that FB practices censorship and or plays political favorites to friends and contributors.
Thirdly:  By the statement above are we to assume that normal Chamber of Commerce's are all white?  Are we to assume that the need for a Black Chamber that non-blacks have some sort of special status that is not being addressed by regular chambers.
Is free enterprise not about working hard.  Not about government interventions in subsidies?  Is FB acting as a government entity shrouded in the plight to assist one racial group over another in the name of COVID relief?
By definition - Free enterprise is a type of economy where products, prices, and services are determined by the market, not the government. It's capitalism, not communism. Things that are free are unconstrained, and a business is an enterprise. So, free enterprise refers to an economy where businesses are free from government control and or external manipulation.
We can’t never be considered to be equal as long as we have this type of prejudice in our societies.  FB is clearly prejudice and backing a  chamber  that by it’s name practices segregation against those they try to force acceptance from they cry segregation from. Prejudice or Not?

Monday, April 20, 2020


By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”

  Where I come from if it has feathers, and wabble wobbles as it walks and if every other step it quack and shits.  I think it would it would be safe to call it a duck.
    Some called it a conspiracy.  Others deemed it factual.  Today after the fact and many death the headline read: 
The Wuhan disease lab is the focus of suspicion and conspiracy theories about COVID-19's origins
A plausible, if unproven, theory is that the coronavirus had natural origins but leaked accidentally from the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab.
The basic facts are admittedly ripe for conspiracy theory: China’s only high-security infectious-disease laboratory is located in Wuhan, the city where the coronavirus behind the COVID-19 pandemic first emerged. And the lab is famous for its sometimes controversial research on just such pathogens.
Most of the online speculation, evoking chilling scenarios of biological weapons and the like, lacks credible evidence. Some has been directly refuted by science.
But a new report suggesting U.S. diplomats voiced serious concern about safety at the lab in 2018 has added circumstantial backing to a more plausible, if unproven, theory — that the virus had natural origins but leaked accidentally from that Wuhan Institute of Virology lab.
Let’s go back pre-COVID-19 leak.  Remember the problems China was facing?  The civil unrest.  The Pro-democracy demonstrations.   What happened to that. In order to understand a problem one must first understand the root and all that goes with it.   The root is China, a communist country.  A regime that has little or no respect for civil right and or life of it’s own citizens.  A theory that has emerged was the the Chinese government was feeling threatened by the ongoing unrest.  The Chinese speculated that the civil unrest would quickly escalate.  The theory is that the government intentionally released the virus in the community to take the heat off the unrest.   To one way or another regain control of its people.  What better way then to force them to stay in their homes in fear of death by virus.
   This makes sense if you think about it...  what better way. The problem is that they never figured that it would blow up the way it did and go global.  Now to be fair toxic material leaking from facilities is not something news.
there is precedent for such “escapes,” usually via inadvertently infected lab workers, both in China and elsewhere.
They include a 1977 flu pandemic traced to a lab mishap in China or Russia, three or four accidental releases of SARS virus from a Beijing lab in 2004, and the repeated, unintentional escape of smallpox from a British facility in the 1960s and 1970s.
Now with all this in mind.  One has to wonder.  Who is responsible if anyone?  If we take this as an accident.  We can look at Exxon model and clearly state that if they had to pay. Why should not China?    If we take this as an intentional release as a weapon!!!   Is this not an act of war?  If we assume that it was an honest mistake, or even what if had happened in Britain, France or the United States.  Would the world not want someone to take responsibility.
If so then is that not an admittance of guilt.  Much like bombing innocent people.   Or collateral damage.
To what length should admittance of an event be measured to some sort of liability?
I guess this is up to culture.  If it had happened in the west.  The world would be an uproar and demanding compensation.   We in the west question China’s motives, intention and subsequent aftermath and we are deemed 
Sinophobic - Wikipedia -(Anti-Chinese sentiment or Sinophobia is a sentiment against China, its people, overseas).  So now if we point fingers of blame we are deemed to suffer from some sort of neurosis and labeled.  Is this the new normal?   We must die without question or compensation for the loss?
What happened to  Anti-Western sentiment, also known as Anti-Atlanticism, or Westernophobia (from a Germanic word passed into some Romance languages and Greek  phobos, “fear”) refers to broad opposition, bias, or hostility to the people, Western culture or policies of the Western World.
Could it be the world suffers from this and we the west can’t find fault as it is easier for them to label us and be effective then the reverse?
After all for anyone that has travelled... you see the looks we from the west get.  Friendly but an outsider type. We are forced to respect their culture and customs yet back in our home countries we are subject to forced acceptance of foreign customs and cultures.
This global catastrophe can’t go without punishment as it has touched every life across the planet.   Personally I see this as an indirect attack against the world.  Intentionally or not.  The damage is beyond scope of forgiveness without compensation for the severe damage caused by irresponsible behavior from a foreign lab.  Exxon had to pay. Should not the Chinese government?
You decide.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic Leads Us Into A
Wartime Economy
by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC,
FEC, CET, P. Eng.
Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East

  As we go deeper and deeper into the pandemic state we can see the wartime analogy more and more clearly. It seems that we are in a War Word 3 (WW3) situation, the only difference being, that the enemy does not use conventional or nuclear weaponry to kill people, but a very simple creature, a creature of which we do not even know if it is alive or dead; the virus called Covid-19. This conflict touches practically every country in the world. We are not talking of systems of government or alliances or power influences anymore, because the virus attacks everyone, rich and poor, powerful and powerless, believer and non-believer alike.
Here in Canada we are in the process of seeing the government borrowing massive amounts of money, close to 10 per cent of the GDP, into bankrolling equally massive amounts of spending. This sort of spending only happened in recent memory, during WW2. The central bank has reduced its prime rate dramatically to salvage the economy. In these early stages of the pandemic we have already seen close to one million people applying for employment insurance as of 16th of March. That number could rocket higher to 4 million, given that more than 2 million Canadians are without permanent work arrangements, according to RBC Economics.  The economic situation  is devastating, especially in Alberta, where the price of oil e is collapsing to previously unseen lows due to infighting between Saudi Arabia and Russia, on top of the Covid-19 pandemic.
One by one, provinces are declaring a state of emergency, with the forced closure of restaurants, public events and non essential businesses. It is left to the federal government to react in the future, if required, to declare a national state of emergency.
Here we clearly see a real wartime economy evolving, which is designed to do one thing above all: win the war against the enemy - in this case, the virus. Everything else is subordinated to that singular objective. Productive resources that might have been devoted to making consumer goods are diverted to the medical devices industry instead, and by and large the public accepts the sacrifice, in part because it's temporary.
The containment of the pandemic is essential and citizens are asked to contribute. It must be a collective effort based on individual responsibility.
For a couple of weeks now we have seen a completely different approach to the economy. Gone are the days of sterile economic punditry. Hot potatoes are everywhere, deficits aren't the devil's handiwork anymore, printing money to pay off debt is not so crazy after all, and basic income for the people is not taboo anymore.  It looks like industrial policy is back in style in order to convert normal production to war like measures to combat the virus.
Food, drugs, medical supplies such as ventilators are, or will soon be, in great demand. Welcome to the survivalist economy, where production is stripped down to bare bones; things that people cannot do without or they will literally die.
Governments at all levels have declared local food stores an essential service, drug companies are racing to find treatments and vaccines, and auto manufacturers are retooling their plants to produce life-saving medical equipment.
But what about the rest of the economy?
Money will be beyond tight. Every purchase will have to be weighed and calibrated. Middle-class people who took casual consumption for granted will tell their kids to use both sides of every scrap of paper and save not only leftover bits of dinner in the fridge, but even bacon drippings. The impact of this change cannot be overstated. It goes beyond businesses, economies and borders. It goes to the very core of our consumption-fuelled society. It will affect not only the people and companies who produce goods and services but our world views as well. Reusing and repurposing will not be virtues, they will become absolute necessities.
Whether it will represent a short-term period of personal austerity or a permanent paradigm shift remains to be seen. But for the next few months, or even years, it will be the new reality. Small businesses will go under in droves as demand for their products dries up and delivery channels are shut down.
The biggest casualty of this new reality might be the digital economy, previously heralded as the economy of the future. The most obvious victims will be online services for which demand will precipitously decline, such as travel apps and travel ads, when you have nowhere to go. This crisis will also affect online media platforms. No products, no money, no ads, no jobs.
Of course, not everyone will suffer in the new economy. Indeed, some sectors may actually thrive, but it will be a painful readjustment. This new reality is thus not an immediate and total economic shutdown.
We will see a domino effect as one business falls, another gets taken down, and yet another will rise in a quick succession.  This will provoke a cascade of further consequences.
This rapidly evolving new economic world will raise important considerations for the civil service, politicians and policy-makers as they attempt to navigate this new reality and stop the bleeding. They'd better be well prepared for these dramatic changes.
Instead of aiding every sector equally and immediately, they will need to monitor and project where the fallout lands and target help accordingly as each wave of dislocation moves through. They will need to consider social impacts, including crime that could flourish in this new environment. They will need to sustain people so they do not have to make harmful choices to survive, choices that could have long-term personal and social consequences once the virus is subdued and lockdowns are lifted.
This crisis will end one day and human ingenuity and the desire to survive are two constants that have triumphed over the darkest challenges, from plagues to famines to wars.
But what our lives will look like after the Covid-19 crisis recedes will depend on the choices we make right now as we navigate the crisis.
From staying at home to staying afloat, citizens and governments need to work together to come out better on the other side.
Are we prepared for this new reality?

The Weakest Point
Is Our Strongest Hold
    If anything this recent global attack on civilization should be a wake up call to be better prepared in case of another global calamity.
 Some have been calling  that China should be held responsible for this  horrific attack on civilization.   The London Press published an article  entitled, “Did coronavirus outbreak begin from infectious disease lab in Wuhan?”  
  Before anyone goes and gets all huffy and puffy.   We as an educated civilization must ask the right questions in order to prevent future incidents.   We must cut through the politically correct and call it as it is.  The facts don’t lie and if there is blame to be placed on any one country we must find the facts.
You must remember we are dealing with a communist country that are notorious for misinformation and covert undertakings.
Whether this global epidemic was caused by design or by human error. The world needs to know and those responsible should be held accountable as lives have been lost and liabilities in the trillions are still surging. 
The London Press article went on to explain:
 The National Biosafety Laboratory, located in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, is the only lab equipped to handle deadly coronaviruses.  And Wuhan is at the centre of the outbreak, with nearly 77,000 people infected and more than 2,500 deaths in China.
  The virus may have been carried out of the lab by an infected worker or crossed over into humans when they unknowingly dined on a lab animal. Whatever the vector, Beijing authorities are now clearly scrambling to correct the serious problems with the way their labs handle deadly pathogens.
However, the Wuhan lab said the accusation that the outbreak was caused by a leak has caused great harm to our research staff on the front line of scientific research.
China has all to gain and nothing to loose.   Before the attack.  China had just lost a huge trade deal with the U.S.   It appears that Trump had halted the decade long of raping and pilaging of the west for their own industrial benefits.
China was on the ropes.  Logically speaking.  What better way to retaliate the world then by attacking it’s people.
China is not known to be a military actions first as America is.   China much like they did to our trade and industry.  They are silent oppressors.   They slowly and calculatively take over and control market places.  This in part is the Chinese success. 
Some may argue... how can you say Joe that China would kill it’s own people.  That is absurd.
Yes it is.  For us in the west that is unheard of.   But we are talking a culture across the globe that does not like us.   A culture that is them first everyone else second.   A culture that has been killing it’s own people for decades.   From political oppression to general events that the rest of the world will and never hear about.
We must look beyond our logic our common sense in order to understand the Chinese end game.  Surely highly speculative, but the facts are out there.   We must put on our global eyes in order to make sense of their possible attack on the world.
Since Trump came out and publicly stated that this was “China Flu”.  China, has gone public stating that they now have no new cases other then those that foreigners are bringing into the country.  Like really.
One of two things.  One, they are all infected and they stop reporting.  Or two, the communist way of informing people has kicked in.   They failed to report cases and anyone reporting will be reprimanded with extreme prejudice.
The question that lingers in my mind is... what ever the source.  We have as a civilized society failed to be prepared.  The global think tank believes that if we stay away from each other long enough the virus will die off.   The question is that a real remedy.   As we stand in the first three weeks in Canada of this threat.   We lost a lot of life and affected our economy.
I don’t sleep at night wondering.  What if now that we are at our weakness.  Our water supply becomes compromised by yet another foreign attack?  What then. Would it be the end of civilization?  One thing for sure about modern civilization.  The worst is yet to come and when it does... this  is when we become strongest.   Sad that we must wait till such threshold.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”

   As of Thursday March 5, 2020 news report read:  Two new cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Ontario, bringing the province’s total number to 22.   Of all the cases, the first four in the province have been resolved, with each of those patients testing negative consecutively at least 24 hours apart.
The question remains.... those sent home.... do they still carry the virus?  What certainty can the government give that these people are not carriers.
After all no one seems to pin point how the virus is transmitted.   Everyone speculates but no one can give any solid answers much like the vaccine for this virus still not available.   What is the complexity, could it be the governments of the world have no interest in developing a vaccine?
Just this friday March, 6, 2020 this headline was published:
All Protocols Followed and Risk to Ontarians Remains Low
TORONTO — This afternoon, Dr. David Williams, Chief Medical Officer of Health, confirmed two new positive cases of COVID-19 bringing the total number of confirmed cases in Ontario to 28. Of these, four cases in the province are all resolved, with each of those patients having two consecutive negative tests at least 24 hours apart. 
The Canadian government does not seem to put to much worry on this epidemic and keep telling the general public that Canadians have nothing to worry about.
The real question is how many lives will it take for the government wake up and realizes that 1. we have no vaccine for this virus and up to now we been treating as if it was the regular flu.  2. We have no real plan of action in order to avoid the spread.  The TTC this past week sprayed anti bacterial   solutions on key high travel areas.
What is the Canadian government waiting to do something about it.  Why does the chief medical officer keep telling the general public that there is nothing to worry about when people die and the virus is spreading at an alarming rate right across the planet.
Personally, I believe Canada and most world governments are being caught flat footed on a very serious public health tidal wave.
I would go as far as speculating that this was a plan by design to see how far  a virus can go through the globe. 
Sociologist for the longest time have been warning that over population is the beginning of the end to any civilization as eventually all resources become depleted and disease over takes life.
Governments have also know that population explosions are controlled in three ways,  1. War  2. Famine 3. disease.  If this stands true then what are we to make of this COVID 19 VIRUS?
Is this an attempt by the Chinese government to control population?  Could it be that this attempt to control their population through a planned disease that is now out of control?
Could this be the beginning of mass detention centers across the country in order to take control of the virus spread? 
The United States has already set out military facilities as centers to monitor, treat mass numbers of people in the event of a epidemic across the United States.
What will it take for the Canadian government to wake up and realize that this trojan horse is a very serious threat to national security and public health.
How many of us must die before the government says enough is enough.  One lost life should be one to many.   In the medical profession there seems to be this theory that every 50 years or so humanity is faced with an outbreak of some sort of virus... that it comes and goes...  Can we afford to sit and wait?   Today if you go to your doctor, they take your temperature, listen to your lungs and in most cases deem it the flu as we are in the flu season.   How do we know that thousands are not being misdiagnosed and sent back in the general population infecting even more people.   I think the Canadian government is acting irresponsibly by not taking a more pro active role in combating a virus that has no remedy other then drink  fluids, rest and possibly take antibiotic.  Can we afford to wait and see?  The trojan has been deployed how many Canadians must die before we take it as a serious national threat?

Major infrastructure projects of national importance needed in Durham Region

Major infrastructure projects of national importance
needed in Durham Region
by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC,
FEC, CET, P. Eng.
Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East
   Durham Region is a fast growing; dynamic region located east of Toronto, and is home to a highly skilled workforce, quality education and health care institutions, a growing technology sector and a unique rural / urban landscape.  Many of the communities appear in the national 'top 10 lists' of best places to live or start a business. They have an exceptional quality of life with communities that maintain the balance between urban amenities and green spaces as they are located in the proximity of the Rouge Urban National Park and the Lake Ontario waterfront.
   Unfortunately Durham Region had some major economic and social problems related to the recent closure of the General Motors facility in Oshawa and more problems are forthcoming with the imminent closing of the Pickering Nuclear Power Plant. That closure will create a drain of skilled workers from the region if no adequate measures are taken soon.
Durham Region does have several strategic priorities for the benefit of the residents and businesses to overcome these issues. It focuses on innovative projects and improvements to support the continued growth and prosperity of the Region.
Durham Region is committed to support some major infrastructure projects identified in the area but needs financial and related political support from both the federal and provincial governments.
This support is needed to continue to build a thriving community and overcome the infrastructure deficit estimated at a ratio of 1 in 10 when compared to the west end of the GTA.
The major infrastructure projects that are envisaged include:
1. The advancement of an airport and related industrial development on the federal lands in Pickering, which have been underutilized for close to a half of century, thus enabling the vision of a Toronto East "Aerotropolis".
The approximately 8,700 acres of land is sufficient to accommodate aerospace-related economic development, including transportation and logistics facilities, and indoor, year-round agriculture. The attraction of aviation and related companies to an airport complex will create thousands of high quality jobs, spark growth in the innovation corridor, strengthen Canada's global competitiveness, reduce traffic jams and strengthen business development in the region.
2. Invest in the implementation of a viable route planned for the Lakeshore GO East extension, which runs north of the 401, to ensure the transit expansion completes the integration of all GTA transit systems and meets the needs of the community and local business.
Metrolinx and the Province of Ontario committed to extend GO train service through Oshawa to Bowmanville along the CP rail line, with stops at Thornton Corners, Downtown Oshawa, Courtice and Bowmanville. The extension is supported by an approved environmental assessment, detailed planning, land acquisition and infrastructure improvements along the planned route.  All that is needed is action to implement the plan.
This project will provide the best opportunity to realize investment from the private sector, aid communities in revitalization of the downtown areas and allow residents to use public transit or active transportation to move between their homes and places of work rapidly and efficiently.
3.Partner with the Province of Ontario to ensure timely intake and approval of projects to build Durham's Integrated Rapid Transit Network.
The Region of Durham is developing infrastructure to continue to attract employment and residential growth. Forming a truly integrated network, the rapid transit lines will enable fast and reliable mobility for residents and visitors as they travel between the east GTA growth centers of Downtown Oshawa, Pickering City Centre and Scarborough Town Centre, connecting transportation, business and education hubs and contributing to the GTA's overall economic prosperity. Durham Region Transit (DRT) priority infrastructure projects will require support from the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) funding with additional costs borne by the Region. The federal government has already committed $95 million towards transit in Durham. Receipt of ICIP funding is crucial for Durham to move these important transit infrastructure projects forward to meet the needs of our growing community.
4.The Connect To Innovate program to provide all Durham residents with broadband access.
Broadband (high speed Internet) provides connectivity in a world that is increasingly moving online.  Access to broadband is associated with quality of life and the economic competitiveness of communities. There are service gaps in Durham's rural areas and upgrading or installing broadband infrastructure is cost prohibitive for businesses, preventing them from taking advantage of innovative technology and increasing their economic vitality. In particular, Durham's rural communities need access to broadband due to the increasing use of Artificial Intelligence in farming. Connecting Durham Communities is of the utmost importance.
Presently the political representation for Durham Region at both the provincial and federal levels of government has the potential to give strong support to these initiatives. On the provincial side we have two senior ministers representing the Treasury Board and Finance Ministry, which are pivotal to providing financial support for capital projects. On the federal side there we also have Members of Parliament who are knowledgeable about the needs of the Region and senior enough to have a weight at the national level in promoting projects of national interest in the Region. If they are really interested in developing the Region I hope they will be able to work together for the benefit and advancement of the community.
Don't  you agree?

Solving homelessness without government

Solving homelessness without government
By Bryan Fischer
Homelessness is reaching epidemic proportions in America. On a single night in January 2018, there were 552,830 people experiencing homelessness in the United States. Slightly more than 1/3 of them – 35% – were unsheltered individuals. Government policies clearly have something to do with the problem. According to HUD, California has more than half of all the unsheltered homeless people in the country (108,432), with nine times as many unsheltered homeless as Florida, even though its population is only twice that of Florida. The states and jurisdictions with the highest rates of homelessness have all been governed for decades by Democrats: New York, Hawaii, California, Oregon, Washington, and Washington, D.C., which has a homeless rate of six times the national average. Los Angeles is awash in 50,000 homeless folks. San Francisco is being overrun with people who sleep in doorways and attack strangers with no provocation. The City by the Bay just lost a $64 million high-tech conference because conferees don't want to have to navigate piles of human waste on their way to dinner. Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington are likewise up to their earlobes in the problem. Santa Rosa, California is pursuing the most bone-headed non-solution in recent memory. City fathers there intend to spend $3 million to buy three buildings, buildings which right now are inhabited by renters. The plan is to kick all the renters out and move all the homeless in. Apparently no one is bothering to ask exactly how you solve homelessness by creating more homelessness.
All of these "solutions" are enormously expensive and absolutely not a single one of them will work. New Mexico is looking to taxpayers to cough up another $14 million to build a new government-run shelter, in what will prove to be a vain attempt to slow its 27% increase in its homeless population in 2019. Brain-dead regressives will simply throw more money at the problem, expanding the size of government exponentially and expanding the population of the homeless at the same pace. You always get more of what you subsidize. You want more homeless people, subsidize homelessness.
And homelessness is expensive. Nearly a third of all emergency room visits are made by people struggling with chronic homelessness, 80% of them with illnesses that could have been treated with preventative care. An average of $18,500 per year per person is spent on the homeless who visit emergency rooms. The optimum solution to chronic homelessness is what's called "supportive housing," which provides not just a place to sleep but help with life issues like mental health and character development. A solution must be found that provides supportive housing but does not involve government resources or the problem will never be solved. Government blights everything it touches, because just throwing money at a problem almost never fixes it. What follows is my suggested solution to start the discussion.
The fundamental solution is quite simple: get the government entirely out of the homeless problem. Phase out all taxpayer-funded government programs and transfer the responsibility entirely to privately funded non-profits. This must be accompanied with a resolve never to coerce taxpayers into coughing up dollars again to solve a problem government cannot solve. And it must be accompanied by an unambiguous commitment to religious liberty for these non-profits.
In my hometown of Boise, Idaho, the city tried to run a homeless shelter and miserably failed. So they donated the facility they had built to the local Rescue Mission, which was doing a fabulous job of, well, rescuing homeless men from the streets. Immediately, regressives went to work insisting that the Rescue Mission refuse to require residents to attend a chapel before receiving a free meal. The Rescue Mission had to go to federal court to protect a practice that was central to their ability to help vulnerable men. Doing all this will control public costs and place a cap on the number of homeless people any one city can absorb. Once the cap number is reached, and every privately-funded bed is occupied, vagrancy laws and public camping laws can and should be rigorously enforced. If recipients refuse to cooperate with non-profit homeless shelters, they can be given a bus ticket to the nearest city that still runs taxpayer-funded shelters. If that is the kind of help they insist on, then in Christian compassion let's help them get to places that offer that kind of help. Such government-run shelters are infinitely expandable whether they are helping anybody or not, since bureaucrats can always soak local taxpayers for more money and harangue them as cold-hearted if they balk at the astronomical tab.
Non-profit shelters, 90% of which will be run by people of Christian faith, will not just provide a bed and a meal. They will offer classes in developing responsibility, self-reliance, and a growing faith in God. There is nothing noble or compassionate about fostering a lifestyle of government dependency, which is all any government-funded programs do. The principle at a non-profit shelter will be simple: if a man will not work, he will not eat. Work might mean something as simple as becoming a volunteer member of the grounds crew for the local park system. (Back in the day, as Marvin Olasky writes, some shelters would send a resident across the street to chop firewood for his supper.)
If residents refuse to follow the simple but clear rules, they can be invited into the main office and given a bus ticket to some place where the government will take care of them as only the government can.
The role of elected officials will simply be to serve as cheer-leaders for the non-profits, helping by speaking at fund-raisers and cutting the red tape and regulations that stifle compassionate innovation. They also can use their influence with wealthy businesses and businessmen in their community to engage in genuine philanthropy. Not only is government-run welfare outreach doomed to fail, it is also unconstitutional. James Madison, the Father of the Constitution, voted against a congressional appropriation to help victims of a natural disaster. When asked why, he explained. "I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents." Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan, the Bad Priest, and the Bad Levite is on point here. The priest and the Levite avoided the beaten traveler like he carried the bubonic plague. But the Good Samaritan showed genuine compassion – not by running off to the nearest city council and demanding a new program or a new building – but by reaching into his own pocket to help the helpless victim. Liberals believe generosity is giving away other people's money, while Christian constitutionalists believe generosity is giving away your own money.
And note that the Samaritan didn't have to take the traveler into his own home to receive the praise of Jesus. He found someone who was better at taking care of travelers than he was, and paid out of his own pocket to free the innkeeper up to do his thing. We've tried it the government's way. Let's give James Madison, Jesus, and their philosophy a shot. It can't be any worse than what we're doing right now.