Monday, January 8, 2018

For The Love of Hate by Joe Ingino

For The Love of Hate
  What is wrong with America?  Have we finally lost our common sense and National pride?  I can respect freedom of speech and human rights.   What I do not understand is public defiance and civil unrest in the name of democratic freedoms.
In these modern time it appears that as soon as a white police officer wrongly uses excessive force against a minority that it has granted minorities a license to go out and riot.
It appears that in these modern times, to hate a President is the ‘IN’ thing.   I wonder if during Kennedy’s Presidency the same took place.   After all Kennedy was one that took the world by the horns and shook it.
Trump seems to be doing the same.  Trump in my opinion is a man that has his own cosmic significance and purpose.   He has gone up against the system that was stacked against him and has come out on top every time.  Yet, Trumps sublime TV network CNN can’t go 15 seconds with putting out his name to millions of people.
We the ignorant population eat it all up.   We talk about it during out day and we create opinion based on hearsay. 
We have become a population of people that love to hate and hate to love progress and change.  It appears that due to our daily failures we have  become blind and are easily manipulated to oppose success.   To look for fault and or fracture.
We live in a system that is not for us to succeed but for us to fail.  A system that has as oppressed by our own ignorance of the actual facts.
I remember at the University during my graduate years... a professor joking and stating.  We are the educated ignorant as no matter how smart we know within our disciplines.  We know nothing but what we are told and hear.
The system has each one of pigeon holed into a mind set.  Outside of that mindset we are truly ignorant of the real facts.  As I written. We are modern day slaves.  Instead of chains we are held in captive  by our necessities/commitments/responsibilities.    We are constantly punished and made to work harder through our many financial commitments.   We live in a world that has us believing we have choice.  In reality our choice is controlled by our ability to work hard for the system.
Romantics have noted that ‘Love and Hate’ are the means to the end in a philosophical “yin yang” model.
Instead of praising a President that is actually making significant changes.   It appears at least according to CNN that the village people want him out.
Now since when has bias news reporting been confused with ‘fake news’.   Or is ‘fake news’ the new or old ‘bias news’. 
As a journalist I remember the many phone calls for being labeling a particular slant based on what was printed.  In reality in 99% of the cases it was what it was.   If a particular side was predominant then that was what it was.  Today it appears that due to financial gains, bias is predominant... and when money can’t reach you.  Some media outlets like CNN have turned to ‘fake news’.  I say this due to the fact that look at the experts they bring on their show.   Everyone is an expert...  DAM now I am doing it... I am turning on to a CNN.  Every time I rag on CNN I am giving them public exposure.   For the love of hate.  Can we just all wake up and see the truth?   Ha, keep dreaming Dorothy.  The truth is not for all to know as much like in that Tom Cruise movie.  “WE CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH”.   If anything we are good ignorant modern slaves with opinions.   

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