Friday, January 5, 2018

John Mutton and 2018

As we enter 2018, I will be very active on issues effecting Durham Region as a whole and the best practises that I have learned across the cutting edge municipalities in Canada and the USA that I have a privilege to work in.

This year I will tackle the issues of:

•Taxes: Yes we can hold the line and pay less in Durham Region. How...well watch me and find out.

•Health Care: We can do better with our own mandated responsibilities, this will be one of my in depth focuses for illumination to the residents.

•Crime: The answer to better policing in Durham lies with our front line divisional staff who know their divisions better than anyone. I will have an exclusive on this with advice and recommendations from our officers that actually work our streets.

•Affordable Housing: Again, North American and European best practises have proven examples to follow. We need to embrace change and I will show you how others have broken down the barriers to affordable housing.

•Poverty and Homeless initiatives: We are living in the era of the disappearance of the middle class or perhaps to be put better, the increases in struggling of the middle class. Stay tuned for ideas around affordability, non profit housing and a strong economy having programs for inner city youth and those impoverished.

•Transit: it can be better if coordinated GTA wide properly with egos set aside and more affordable with proper purchasing and tendering policies. No more upside down bridge installations.

•Emergency Management: Never again should we be caught unprepared for the massive flooding along our lakeshores. For a municipality that has the best emergency planning for Nuclear, why can't we deal with other emergencies such as flooding in a well practised, scripted and plausible plan.

2018 is going to be an exciting year, it is a year for change across the Province, Durham and our local municipalities. We have grown tremendously, we need thought leaders to govern accordingly.

Till next week....

John Mutton
President and CEO
Municipal Solutions - Energy and Infrastructure

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