Saturday, January 13, 2018

My Predictions For 2018 By Joe Ingino

My Predictions For 2018
 Prediction #1.  - People of Oshawa prepare to be amazed by another tax increase in the range of 2 - 3%.  Yes you read it here first.  The level of incompetency of our municipal leadership will cost you 2 - 3% on top of the increase you had to endure last year.  One has to wonder with an influx of new housing that taxes would go down or stay the same... No and only in Oshawa.  When we get more tax cash coming in due to development do our cost also go up.  To me it means one thing.... “Poor management”.  Over spending and careless leadership.
Prediction #2.  - I see a new regional Chair taking over the Region.  Someone relatively young with a lot of municipal experience and a proven successful track record.   A person that in part may be considered an insider...but with a difference.   Most insiders only care about keeping their jobs.  This particular since he has been out of the ‘GAME’ for a while is genuine and believe it or not cares about the Region.  Not to mention that he out of all the serving/retired and or out of the ‘GAME’ has proven himself to have the qualification to lead the Region into a new and improved direction.  I will not name anyone as that may be considered and endorsement to political office and since no election has been called it would not be appropriate.   But stay tuned.  The phoenix of change will soon rise in Durham.
Prediction #3. - Oshawa tax payers prepare to be amazed by a Federal fine of about 7 million dollars against the City of Oshawa for failing to develop the Lake front properties awarded by the Feds.
Yes it has taken almost 8 years since the Federal Government has given Oshawa the Lake front property for development and Oshawa had done not a thing.  Is this Mayor Henry blind of the optimal opportunity?  Who is running city hall?
Prediction #4. - Oshawa airport will be sold and turned into a private enterprise for profit with little or no public input.   The airport will feel pressure from the Pickering airport project and the never ending operating cost.   Therefore sale of the airport will be the last resource.
Prediction #5. - During the upcoming municipal election the status quo will be re-elected and Oshawa will continue to enjoy the flat land developments we have.   The key to development is not give out lands to developers so they make money and  run.  The key is to strategically allow developers to develop high rise buildings and change the landscape of Oshawa.   Look at Aurora, Thornhill, Mississauga, Brampton.   What has happened to Oshawa?
Durham region is a fast growing place.   Unfortunately at least in Oshawa we have failed to take opportunity as we should.
We have an elected body that has no real experience in development.  No real practical and tactical vision or plan... I remember years back attending the viewing of Oshawa’s Vision for the future.  It looked great on paper and in the very expensive model.   Yet, it failed to show any clear guidelines on how this pipe dream could or would be attained.
Look at what our municipal elect have done so far.   They built in conjunction with the Feds a new court house on contaminated lands.   Great move.   To ad insult to injury they allow a friend of a friend developer to build a pathetic 5, 6, 7, 8 level condo building... deeming it ‘LUXURIOUS’, my ass.  A luxurious condo on contaminated lands.
What the city should have done is fine a true developer and propose that they erect a 40 level building in the heart of the city.  A super architectural monument exclusive to Oshawa.   No instead they allow erection of another box type structure.
But wait, not to sound grumpy and ungrateful... In GM town... our beloved municipal elect can’t even negotiate a deal with GM for the naming of our beloved John Gray’s white elephant.   Instead our city elect in the tradition of Celina St.  Our city elected opted to lift Oshawa’s dress and fornicate with a friend of a friend developer.  Now the GM Centre is know as The Tribute Communities Centre.  Yes, a ‘TRIBUTE’ to our incompetence and stupidity.   How are we expecting these community elect to negotiate million of dollars worth of development when they can’t even negotiate a mere sponsorship with the Nations largest company GM.  

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