Saturday, January 6, 2018


By Joe Ingino 

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
  I say let’s put a stop to insurance companies rip off scheme.  Why should a consumer pay four thousand a year on insurance when their vehicle is only worth five hundred dollars.
Why should insurance companies get away with short changing victims of accidents when it comes to paying out for damages.
Why should insurance companies be allowed to extort and dictate who pays what.
Why should insurance companies make millions a year with little or no overhead...
We live in a shameful world.  It is dog eat dog.  Fairness and doing what is right is a myth.
We are led to think we are on righteous path when in reality we are modern day slaves working to the drumming beats of corporations and social confusion.
I have a plan that the government should entertain.  Instead of sending billions to foreign lands to be used to purchase more weapons to continue the civil unrest so that these nations can turn around and bleed us of more money.  I say put a stop to it.
I suggest the government dissolve all these vultures we know as insurance companies.   Replace them with this system of dealing with accidents.       No one pays insurance premiums.  In the event of an accident.  The government will loan that individual the amounts required to compensate for damages caused.   The individual will be responsible for re-paying back the government in installments, (much like a loan) or their license to drive may be suspended.
With this.  There be no more lawyers, courts and the usual short changing consumers as it happens now.  Did you know that if you are in a car accident.  Some lawyers may take up to 60% off your settlement.
Under the new proposed system.  The money would go to the victim directly to cover any damages.  Adjusters for the government would be sent to assess the damages and issue the appropriate awards to compensate.
Did you know that if you are stabbed or shot on any Ontario street.  That your life is only worth 100k to any insurance company.   Did you know that if you have a million dollar policy.  In some cases in order to collect on that policy you have to prove you were worth one million dollars.
Read the fine print.
You may have figured it out by now.  I have an issue with insurance companies.... the so called professionals...  and we look down at the adult entertainers.... at least you pay and you know what your buying.  With the insurance companies you get fucked month after month only to be denied claims and or given dimes on the actual retributional amounts awarded.
We live in a sea of the ignorant.   The less we know how something works the more corporations make off our ignorance.   Look at the legal system.  You can’t fight a simple claims court without representation of some sort.   Most people have no clue how to fill out the forms and or present.
Why is the system made so confusing to the average person.  Why is it that at schools they don’t teach courses that educate young minds on how to deal with the real issues of our world.
In the case of insurance companies.  How to buy direct instead of a broker.   How to save money when negotiating rates.  How not to be taken by empty fears that they try to push at time of signing.
This planet is a funny place.  Nothing is really what it seems and the more you understand it the more you see it for what it truly is.
 Mark twain said it best.
“The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog.” and this is true for all of humanity.

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