Monday, January 8, 2018

Oprah Said What!!! by Joe Ingino

Oprah Said What!!!
  Oprah’s God like  speech to the masses at the Golden Globe was a moment of intense viewing... It was as if she was about to split in half and Hillary to pop out.
Instead, Oprah with the flare of Hollywood stood there and said, “I want all the girls watching here, now, to know that a new day is on the horizon! And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say "Me too" again.”
Wait a  minute... is that statement not prejudice?   I can understand the context.  But is the statement not bias towards girls and women?
What if a white man stood there and said the same about young boys and men?  Would it not be deemed as bias and prejudice and totally out of line?
Then the question lingers why is Oprah able to get away with it?  
To ad insult to injury.   The most untrusted news source CNN is quick to deem it a Presidential candidacy speech.   Really?   Are we not out to stop bias and prejudice?
I like the opening statement by Seth Meyers, “Good evening, ladies and remaining gentlemen.”
Part of that had to do with the general side lining of Golden Globes host Seth Meyers. The late-night star described himself aptly as “like the first dog they shot into outer space” as an awards host in the post-Weinstein Hollywood era. And he didn’t seem ready for the altitude at first, claiming early on that he’d been a second choice to host after various women said no.
This was in service of an unworthy joke about how women feel uncomfortable in hotels now because of Weinstein, and worse still, didn’t feel true. (He’s another straight white guy hosting an awards show! What else is new?) What did feel true was a staging of Meyers’s Late Night bit “Jokes Seth Can’t Tell,” in which members of protected-class communities get the opportunity to deliver the punch lines of jokes that, up until very recently, any other straight white guy hosting an awards show would have felt empowered to tell.
Is this going to be the new world order?  Is equality not something all can enjoy?   You have the Trump bashers making statements that Trump is a racist a bigot and does not respect women.    Really, I have yet to see any of those allegations made public.   I believe that Trump in the year in office has accomplished many great things for all Americans.   For the young boys and girls.  For the middle ages men and women.  For elderly men and women.   Not in one instance was there reference to bettering women over men.   Child over adult or youth over seniors.   I have yet to see how a cry to young women as Oprah did can’t be seen as bias and discriminatory. The underlying monster is politics and how battered we as a population truly are.   We suffer from a general overwhelment.   Deep inside we all want good in the world but we fail to understand the world enough to appreciate that utopia is not what we should be striving for as in perfection there is imperfection.
Seth in his jokes made references such as:  Happy New Year, Hollywood! It's 2018, marijuana is finally allowed and sexual harassment finally isn't. There's a new era under way, and I can tell because it's been years since a white man was this nervous in Hollywood. For the male nominees in the room tonight, this is the first time in three months it won't be terrifying to hear your name read out loud.  Satire with a strong social punch.  A punch that at times is hard to comprehend as it brings to question the change that we undergoing if it is for the good or the compromising of our civilization.  There is no question that there should be no discrimination, bias and or prejudice against no one.  If so then why did Oprah draw such line in the sand?

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