Saturday, January 20, 2018

Job growth, career growth and economic development By John Mutton

 Job growth, career growth and economic

While some politicians like their Economic Development officers to go after big game like auto plants and factories, the truth that the real growth is existing business growing into broader national and multi-national markets.
With job growth comes less unemployment, comes less people on Social Assistance, comes the economic multiplier of increased disposable income being spent in our communities, however a Durham co-ordinated approach is far from being achieved.

Programs such as Employment Ontario being administered by the great people at the Durham Region Unemployed Help Centre offers programs and assistance to employers and those wishing for employment of any kind in Durham. Seven sites that administer this program in Durham with a total funding of 3.5 M dollars and supply chain and employment recruitment make the DRUHC one of the most powerful tools available for economic development in Durham, yet it is the best kept secret but with an incredible track record of success.
If you are a Durham employer, a job seeker or work in business development in the private sector or economic development in he public sector I urge you to look at the programs at Don't let the name fool you, this is a huge granting and business development agency.
As we move into the Municipal election period after the Provincial election, I am committing right here, right now for the FIRST time in any Municipal campaign to actually put in job growth targets in Durham Region both cumulative and over all as well as sector based achievable job growth. The time has come for data based economic development that has job targets and is reportable and accountable by the Region rather than economic development by stealth or smoke and mirrors.
Till next week...
John Mutton
President and CEO
Municipal Solutions - Energy and Infrastructure
development are so essential to raising the quality of life in "Anytown" Ontario that while it is sexy talk, we rarely have a handle in what is going on.

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