Saturday, January 6, 2018

WELCOME TO A COLD 2018 By John Mutton

Welcome to a cold 2018. I cannot remember a winter this cold in the Greater Toronto Area, maybe in the 70's perhaps.

It is too cold for road salt to actually work at this point. The new anti icing spray that our highways are treated with is a godsend.

The bitter cold this January is also followed by many a Municipal budgets that are usually a little better to swallow in election year, however Durham Taxpayers are paying way too much.

As I have mentioned many times, we can bring taxes down in Durham Region, I for one know how and I plan on doing so upon my return to public office.

In Durham we are funding many services that we have no mandate or responsibility to fund. However, the inability to say no to special interest groups and social related issues is putting a financial strain on our residents in the middle, working class, let alone affordability for those making less income.

Upon return to elected office, I will immediately look at what the economic impact has been from the dozens of international trade junkets that have occurred both in the public eye and by stealth. I refuse to pay for a vacation when we don't derive investment or job growth.

Bottom line is that money is being spent where it shouldn't be and when we need real funding for real pending issues like Lake Ontario Shoreline flooding where only beads and trinkets are available in comparison.

Time for change has come, is here and Durham can do better!

John Mutton
President and CEO
Municipal Solutions - Energy and Infrastructure

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