Saturday, March 31, 2018

Stormy Bullshit By Joe Ingino

Stormy Bullshit

By Joe Ingino
 You have to wonder what would happen to CNN if there was no Trump?  What would they go making up?  Who would they go after?  Or have they become such a Republican bias news media that all they know to do is bash cops and the president.
In the latest saga.  It appears that Trumps sexual past should be something that in the eyes of CNN calls for impeachment of the President.   Like really?  So he banged a porn star... Like really in these days when a person like Bruce Jenner is deemed a fucking hero for cutting off his penis and deeming himself a woman....   We are going to go after the President for banging a cock cushion like Daniels.... and no my language is not harsh nor sexist.
No more sexist then when a man like Tiger Woods admits to having affairs... He is all of a sudden deemed a pervert and sex addict.... I guess that would make 99% of the population a sex addict.
Like really.  What are we becoming as a society that a man is deemed the weakest link.   If he exercises control over his family.  It is deemed abuse.  If he has an affair.  He is a sex addict.
In this most recent Presidential saga... Porn Star Stormy Daniels went public claiming that  she didn't go to cops after being threatened because she didn't want to "embarrass" her family.
She was a porn star.
What could possibly embarrass her family more than that??!
Then again... How often do women like that get work and or see a lump sum of $150,000?
She knew what she was into when she had sex with him... It is not like she was forced and I am sure she did it with the intent to put Trump’s name on her ‘sex trophy’ case.
If I had to bet. I would say that this has been Porn Star is back in the lime light only to exploit her affair and possibly make money and or be brought back into the porn scene.
What other reason could there be for Stormy to come out against the President?   The real question is would she had come out if Trump was not the President?
An even bigger question.   Could CNN be behind all this?  How is it that no one is investigating the motive behind Stormy coming out?  Investigations in the U.S. have become some what of a joke.  The FBI is spending more time chasing it’s tail attempting to make some sort of a case against Trump for allegations of associations during the election as if that is some sort of big breach of security.    In the same breath the FBI failed to investigate the 30,000 plus missing from the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.
Talk about a leak. Talk about a real threat to national security.   Hilary the person entrusted to keep us safe could not tell the difference between a government secured server and a personal one that just about any kid with a computer could hack into it.   I am sure the Russians and the Chinese had a field day with constant flow of sensitive information. 
Think about it for a moment....  Hilary actually admitted to 30,000 plus...  When anyone in government admits to something it is usually the tip of the iceberg.   God, knows how much sensitive and classified data was released.   I  bet my bottom dollar again that in part this is where WikiLeaks, Brian Chomsky got most of his classified leads from... then it is just a matter to keep hacking into others named in those documents to paint the pictures WikiLeaks has painted for the world to see.   You got to remember the intelligence community is not that intelligent as it is highly dependent on the population being stupid.   If the population becomes as intelligent as they are... then they no longer are deemed an intelligence community... and most of their techniques obsolete.   This is why most government oppress intellectuals.  The Trump, Stormy bullshit lingers as the CNN of the world keep misinforming the masses to keep us stupid.

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