Saturday, September 25, 2021

Canada's chosen way 2021

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East As we are winding down from a costly election, after more than 600 million spent, the result is the same as where we started on August 15. The Liberals under the leadership of Justin Trudeau aiming to form a majority government failed in their quest. The Conservatives under the leadership of Erin O'Toole failed in their quest to gain power for the second time in a row. The NDP under the leadership of Jagmeet Singh failed in their attempt to gain more seats and become more relevant on the Canadian political scene. So in conclusion the three amigos failed in their objective but will dance together in ruling Canadian lives for more months or years to come. They have plenty of time to continue to impose their agenda. On the other hand, the Bloc Quebecois under the leadership of Yves Francois Blanchet obtained some moderate gains in promoting the issues that matter for the Province of Quebec on the federal scene. The Green Party under the leadership of Annamie Paul, faced with internal problems, failed to improve voters' support but managed to get two seats in the House of Commons. The Peoples Party of Canada under the leadership of Maxime Bernier gained sizable support nationwide getting more than 820.000 votes, quite tripling their previous support of 2019, but did not elect a member in the House of Commons. It is to be noted that the PPC was largely ignored by the media, being a party with very different ideas from those pushed by the main political parties. However, they have demonstrated that with 5.1% of the vote of Canadians, they cannot be ignored any more, despite attempts by a biased academia and media to try paint them as something very different from what they actually are. It is interesting to note the ignorant and biased comments from political science professors with regard to the PPC. Living most of their academic lives in an ivory tower, they neglect or are unaware of the sentiments and feelings of most ordinary Canadians. They would do better to test their theories by running for office and then talk. It would be quite an experience for them to meet Canadians and understand their views before talking nonsense. So we have, after a short and pandemic ridden election, progressed from real pandemic to political pandemic. Time to look forward to what is in store for the future Canadians. Not too, bright yet with the hype of Covid 19 still on the horizon and economic hardship menacing. With the world changing drastically, rapidly drifting toward a society dominated by more government control on your own life, be prepared for a fractured society. Vaccine passports will be the first step in the government telling you what you can or cannot do, where you can and cannot go, all under the guise of protecting you. This concept is quite interesting and reminiscent of methods used in the last century by politicians all under the pretence of protecting you and your life. Not to mention that it all ended very badly with a devastating war and the moral enslavement of millions of people that followed. So here we go again, but this time it's happening in Canada, not somewhere else. We will be facing some real societal problems if the leading political establishment does not pay attention. They should be concentrating on what they were elected for by the people and not only their personal ambitions. This election substantially demonstrated a fractured society with no end of problems, with more problems for the ordinary life of citizens to come. On the political scene the knives will be out, Party members judging how their leaders performed in the election, recriminations flying for not having achieved their objectives. Are there will be many waiting in the wings to challenge the leaders. The game has already started in the Conservative Party with an unprecedented move from a National Party Councillor to start an on-line petition to oust the leader. "Erin O'Toole has BETRAYED the principles that the Conservative Party is founded on," states the petition initiated by Bert Chen, a two-term member of the national council. "Erin O'Toole has BROKEN THE TRUST of the members of the Conservative Party. Erin O'Toole's campaign in the 2021 Federal Election FAILED in electing enough Conservative MPs to form a government. We, the undersigned, request that the National Council of the Conservative Party of Canada commence a referendum to Recall Erin O'Toole as the Leader of the Conservative Party." There is some truth in this, as Erin O'Toole was more like a weather-vane than a leader, repeatedly changing his position on issues according to the latest public opinion polls. He listened more faithfully to public opinion polls than his party or his own election platform. It will be interesting to see what the Liberal Party's plan is for their leader in the near future. Only time will tell. For the moment the voices are quiet because a win is a win even if it was a costly one. Embarking on leading the country, the Liberals will need to find a dancing partner. That will quite obvious be the NDP, and that will drag the Liberals even further to the left. The official opposition, the Conservatives, will be in turmoil, trying desperately to score political points. After two consecutive losses, and having strayed so far from conservative principles, the Party starts to be fractured. Their desperate veer to the left has brought them no success. In conclusion, it will be interesting to watch the politics evolving in this country and what the immediate future holds for Canadians. Certainly by now the new identity card, the vaccine passport, will be implemented, which will segregate you. Be prepared for the new realities of life. Are you ready?

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