Friday, September 10, 2021


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher “I live a dream in a nightmare world” I think Curly, Larry and Moe could have done a better job at the latest Federal Canadian debate. Thank God they only host 2 or else no one would vote. What a Canadian shame. I could not help but to feel disgusted that these are our choices. It is as if we do not have a choice. Justin, zigging and zagging. Ducking and jumping through the issues. You can tell he is full throttle doing the best he can do with his limited understanding of politics. You can almost feel the strings as they are being pulled by the party master minds. Erin O’Toole attempting to smile his way through it. Tossing pie in the sky answers. Doing the usual say this do that politics. You could almost hear him clicking his heels ‘One of the most famous lines from The Wizard of Oz is "Click your heels together three times and say 'There's no place like home' and you'll be there." Yes you ruby slippered politician... NO PLACE LIKE BACK HOME IN DURHAM... As he will do anything to move to Oshawa. During the debate he filled his mouth on how much he will be doing for Canadian businesses... yet he fails to give business to his local businesses. He is all that the conservatives are supposed to be against. We do not need another opportunist in office. Then we have NDP leader Jagmeet Singh. He attempted to attack anyone and everyone. He surely had it out for Trudeau. Unfortunately his attacks at times seem to resemble that of a de-railed train. Great power and presentation. But kept being derailed on the delivery of his resolutions. If we are one nation. Should we all not be doing all we can to be one people. Personally his wearing of the turban is an open defiance of unification. His individuality, his religion is no place in Canadian politics. His reluctance to recognize something as basic as that. Makes me wonder about his true alliances to Canada. Green Party leader Annamie Paul only mission was to show her bias and prejudice towards the Quebecois. Annamie was rude and off topic. In order to unite a nation you must keep under control your personal bias and prejudice towards a people a culture that is one of the founding Canadian institutions. Then comes Quebecois leader Yves-Froncois Blanchet. I have a question for Quebecers... Do you not have anyone you can elect that does not look like he has a chip on his shoulder and just finished drinking at 1am? Man this guy as hard as he tried he looked like he was way out of his league. He make a better Soprano character then a party leader.... The highlight of the evening I think was when they asked about RECONCILIATION. Personally I think that was an unfair question and a loaded question. As obvious all the candidates failed to recognize the loaded question and jumped on the tear jerking wave and attempted to care. I say that the question was loaded because. First and foremost. We are one people. Canadians. The indigineous people are by division attempting to gain special recognition. This in my eyes is wrong. The problem of the native Canadians is not a problem of the native or isolated. It is a problem we share as a nation. The recent finding of bodies at schools. Is not a us against them problem. It is a Canadian problem. A problem that is not to point at the Federal government and shame. But one of acknowledgment that we as Canadians allowed this to happen. We as Canadians should not be apologizing. It was a dark event in Canadian history as many others that we will never fix with shame and blame. But instead by learning from our mistakes so that they will never happen again. We not need to devide a nation but to build is as one people for the people. A peoples problem is a Canadian problem. Let’s stop dividing Canada by labeling and demanding special rights based on perceived false entitlement rooted on historical bashing of events that benefit the agendas cause.

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