Saturday, September 4, 2021

Comrade Ford

and the New deal for Ontario by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East By now it is well known that the weather vane syndrome is working more efficiently that the Covid-19 pandemic, as the so called conservatives waver in the wind, conservative in name only, far to the left of conservative in their actions. Premier Ford's recent announcement of the vaccine passport is a striking example of just that. At first he was fiercely opposed to the idea of vaccine passports, yet now he is fully endorsing them. What a turn around in a few months and again, hiding behind questionable scientific advice. Never mind. It is all about controlling you, the humble Canadian. Controlling what you do, where you go, who you associate with, maybe even extending to where you sleep, in the not too distant future. All of this is for retaining power at all costs; there is definitely no thought for your children's and grandchildren's future. The mask is off for now. Soon Ontario residents will have to show proof they've been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 even to dine indoors at restaurants or go to gyms and theatres - but not necessarily to enter retail locations - the province announced Wednesday. The "enhanced COVID-19 vaccine certificate" system, as the Ontario government is calling it, will come into effect on Sept. 22, interestingly enough, after few days of the conclusion of the federal election. Premier Doug Ford said the new system came from "in-depth conversations" with experts based on "evidence and best advice." "We need to protect our hospitals; we need to avoid lockdowns at all costs. We want our kids in schools, and our businesses to stay open," he said. If you notice, he speaks first of protecting the hospitals and not of protecting you. Lockdowns work in favor of large companies, but against small business. He has already used lockdowns to put many small businesses out of business. He is silent, however, on large companies. At first, fully vaccinated Ontarians will need their current vaccination receipt with a valid photo identification to enter premises covered under the new system. Let's go over this proposal and analyse it briefly. The receipts of proof of vaccination can be printed or downloaded from the provincial government website. "Fully vaccinated" here means having had two doses, with the most recent at least 14 days prior. At first, fully vaccinated Ontarians will need their current vaccination receipt with a valid photo identification to enter premises covered under the new system. So already "show me your ID", sounds very familiar for people who experienced communism! What about people vaccinated overseas with two same vaccines and not the cocktail ones? Ontario officials quickly pointed out that the enhanced certificate system is meant to be temporary, though how long it remains in place will depend on how the fourth wave of the pandemic unfolds in coming months. We all know by now what temporary means in government speak. Read permanent. The government says that on Oct. 22, it will shift to certificates that include QR codes containing much of the same information included on the vaccination receipts that are already available. That shift will be accompanied by the release of a "verification app" that can be used to validate the QR codes and provide the vaccination status of an individual. Nice, where is privacy for now? Big Brother will control you. Ontario officials said the purpose of the app is to relieve businesses and facilities from having to determine whether a patron has been vaccinated or not. The intention is that the enhanced certificates be usable in other provinces with vaccine passport systems in place, and eventually for them to be integrated with the federal passport for international travel. "We need to be proactive to avoid reactive closures," said Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore Wednesday. He said this will also be an incentive for more people to get vaccinated. Nice again, the question in how you apply it in the field. Read it to mean more bureaucracy and more useless work for well paid government workers for hire. Finally, enforcement measures for the certificate system will fall under the Reopening Ontario Act, the same officials said. Businesses, facilities and individuals who refuse to comply can face fines. We do not yet know the details, but this most certainly means further limitations on the freedom of movement and individual rights. No reactions from the major and elitist parties involved in the federal elections. Notable exception is the People's Party of Canada. They are standing fast for freedom, fairness, respect and individual responsibility. They are the only ones who oppose this blatant assault on your right to control your own body. The Conservatives are conspicuously silent on the matter, their comment will come after a polling taken to see where they can harvest more votes. In conclusion, dear readers, be prepared for a new politics of fear and division in our society with comrades like Ford shaping your future. It is time for a Great Canadian Awakening!

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