Saturday, September 25, 2021

Hey where are we going with this!

By Rosaldo Russo Allow me to begin this column by thanking the newspaper for allowing me the opportunity and access to the press. Not to many if any allow an average person like me to tell the world what I see and think. My name is Rosaldo Russo. I came to this great country to make a better life for myself and my family. I thank Canada for everything it has allowed me to do. I worked construction all my life. I know the value of hard work and honesty. I remember as a boy my father always telling me to work hard and buy land. I remember days when I did not have enough to eat or go to work... but I did not wait for hand outs. I rounded up my pride my skill and my determination to succeed and went to work. In those days the only benefits we received was the fact we were employed. Before retiring I was the owner and operator of local material supply company that allowed me to retired without worry. Now that I have time to enjoy life. I look around me and have some concern for future generations. I see that the world is finished. Not to sound cold. Are we doing the right thing by bringing all those Afghanastan refugees over? Canada has their priorities all backwards. How can we bring people from another land that do not even speak English in some cases and expect them to integrate and or contribute to the Canadian way of living. And don’t go telling me that bull of that Canada is about all the different people. Canada is about all the different people working hard to becoming Canadian. I am Italian. I love Italy but have my true love in Canada. The land that gave me a life. A future. That gave my children the opportunity to live free and without the worry of where their next meal may come from. I worked hard to become Canadian. I want a taste of my past I go to the Italian club. Once I step out the doors of that club I am Canadian and devoted to Canadian ways and culture. Come on people wake up. I can’t stand watching people from other lands dressed in their cultural attire. I think that is a slap in Canadians face. It is an open act of social defiance. You are in Canada dress like the rest of us Canadians. I love all people and strongly believe everyone has the right to opportunity. People have to make the effort. They have to put their ways, cultures on the back burner and practice them in their privacy or at a club. We need to stand together as Canadians and not as people of many nations living in Canada. What do you think?

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