Friday, September 10, 2021

Canada's election 2021

Canada's election 2021 by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament . Pickering-Scarborough East In the middle of the election campaign Canadians are thinking about electing a party to form the government which will best serve their interest. It is a strange election in a lingering pandemic with many unknowns for the future. The party leaders are desperately trying to emphasize why their party should win the election. The incumbent liberals are trying to convince the electorate that they have done the best for Canadians in the challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic and for that they would deserve to be left to govern. The conservatives are trying hard to convince the people that they are the best to deserve to govern, pointing out that they would be better at handling the post pandemic recovery. In their quest to achieve power they are trying new tricks; even abandoning some basic conservative principles. They are acting like a real weather-vane on public policy, with their leader saying one thing one day and the exact opposite the next, as public opinion shifts according to the polls. The liberals and the conservatives, traditionally the alternate ruling parties in Canadian history, are becoming prisoners of their own rusty ways. They are trying to lead an ever changing country without sensing the need to really work for the people, rather than this eternal quest for power at any cost, just for personal satisfaction. The NDP on the other hand, has the old socialist agenda anchored in a fantasy world with no real interest in the wellbeing of the people. They continue to preach only that the rich need to be taxed out of their businesses, which would put many people out of jobs. They have a very contorted idea of how the Canadian society should run. They are eternally calling for handouts of monetary resources that they do not have and hard working taxpayers should provide. There is a strange and daunting world ahead of us Canadians with these elitist parties, who seem completely detached from the reality of life for ordinary Canadians, seeking power. They have campaign platforms full of spending more money that they do not have, making promises of a paradise to come with no real foundation. They make phantasmagoric promises in their quest to buy votes to gain power. A subservient media with opinion articles written by journalist in support of these elitist parties give the public a distorted reality. They generally ignore and dismiss new ideas and continue to sing to the tune of the party they support. The time has come for real change with new political forces slowly awakening in support of ordinary Canadians. We need to strive for unity in this country rather than disbanding it. We have a great country. Let's keep it like that and continue to build it as our forefathers did. At this point, the only party really looking out for Canadians, for our individual freedom, which is under threat as enshrined in our Constitution, is the Peoples Party of Canada. Grossly ignored by the main official media, and marginalized as much as possible, is the only new party which does not make empty promises to people and is not there only to buy votes with taxpayers' money. As we near the conclusion of this strange and pandemic election we will need to see if the Canadian electorate is ready for a radical change. Otherwise the new old will prevail. If we take a close look at the liberal, conservative and NDP campaign platforms we find many similarities. The liberals and NDP are making the usual, eternal promises to which we are generally accustomed. The conservatives are a surprise with their definite shift to the left in their quest to acquire votes at all cost. The Conservatives' spending plan pitches an eye-watering set of deficits: A slightly-inflated $168 billion this year, $57 billion next year, $44 billion the year after, $26 billion the year after that, and $25 billion up to 2026. Interestingly enough the leader of the conservatives, O'Toole, doesn't seem terribly afraid of spending more. His platform costing does suggest that the budget will balance itself, thanks to a growing economy, so long as he can get spending under control in the long-term. The budget balancing itself is not new on the Canadian political scene, but it is a quite new concept for the conservatives. Some people will ask then, what is the difference between the liberals and conservatives. With that said, let's hope that the last few days till the election date of 20th of September will bring some new excitement that will result in a Great Canadian Awakening. There will be some exciting days ahead and hope that people will be able to vote for what they believe in. Remember. With your vote, you will elect the government which you deserve! Consider your vote, make an informed decision, but do please vote!

1 comment:

  1. It certainly is interesting times that Canadians face. My concern is how MSM [paid for by the liberals] and if the voting process in Canada is honest. I saw some inconsistencies at the advanced polls -pencils being provided rather than sharpies. If anything the last 6 years - and most certainly the last 2 have me distrustful of my government, our healthcare system, our legal system and the police.
