Friday, September 24, 2021


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher “I live a dream in a nightmare world” In this era of COVID we sure are getting a wake up call on the realities of ‘isms’. Socialism, Communism, Capitalism and so on. One by one the “Ism’s” appear to become exposed for what they are. No matter the ‘Ism’. The means to the end appears to always be the same. The control and manipulation of the masses has been a real concern in order to maintain civility in a society. This compounded with misinformation. The birth of the ‘ism’s’ is born. Choice is a perception left to personal interpretation. Freedom is highly mandated by wealth/power and social stature. National pride is the bond that unifies an ‘ism’s’ purpose and intensity. The bottom line is that no matter the “Ism’. Me and you the average person is subjected to oppression and economic control. Under the COVID attack we the people are becoming more aware of the fact that our governments are made of people just like you and me that for circumstances have had the opportunity to be exposed to privileges reserved for those in particular social economic position within our civic society. The bottom line is we are lead by people that in many cases have less mental, physical integrity than the average person. But to the fact that they have been elected, appointed, or otherwise. Now sit in a position of power over our futures. In reality they know as much as you and m e. The only big difference is that they rely on the opinion of others that call them selves experts in a particular discipline. We now have concluded and election. The question is will it make a real difference in the average life of citizens. The rule of thumb is blame the previous administration for al the reasons the new administration will increase our taxes and make as many internal changes as one can legally make in order to fill their pockets while in office. No matter the ‘ism’. If you for a moment think it is about the people you are dead wrong. Politicians today are about power and money. You have four years in most cases to fill your pocket in order to retire early on the government pension and live off what you skimmed off the top out of favors while in office. You think I am kidding. Ask yourself how many former Prime Ministers after office all of a sudden have millions in the bank? Leaving the obvious aside. Canada and the world need to restructure politics. Personally, I believe that in Canada at the least we need to get rid of municipal government. It has stop serving the intended purpose. I think for municipally related items. Regional governments are more than appropriate. The question is how do we elect qualified people? I say have standards. Much like any other job. You have to have qualification and education to serve. The way we are doing it now... any show maker can run was great when we had a small population per town, city. Today we need people that know what they are doing. We need to decide based on solid information not a collective brew of confusion. Why do you think we have such an issue with COVID. They all think they know but in reality they do not. DOES THE VACCINE WORK OR DOES IT NOT... IF IT DOES THEN WHY DO WE NEED BOOSTERS. WHY DO PEOPLE STILL GET SICK AND END UP IN HOSPITAL. The answer is simple. Those representing us and those that call themselves experts do not know. Why? Because we are treating this as a simple virus and not as a designed weapon of mass destruction.

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