Saturday, November 13, 2021


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher “I live a dream in a nightmare world” It appears that in the never ending quest for politicians to find new ways to tax us they hit the mother load with this so called “GLOBAL WARMING”. Common sense will tell you the more people in the world. The more need for resources. The more pollution of all kinds will be produced. The modern day trend for most politicians is to make it look like they one understand the theory of Global Warming and the other that they care about the environment. In reality their care and perspective comes from interest on how this new golden goose that will lay hefty golden eggs can be implemented without much opposition. After all one ignorant pill for the politicians to push the cause. Another ignorant pill for the population at large based on the fear that the end of time is around the corner if we do not do something about it today. What better way to tackle the problem of global warming if not by taxing industry and making costly changes to our communities and societies... Meanwhile not showing the taxpayers the books of where these so called carbon taxes end up. How much kick back do some of these politicians get in supporting billion dollar so called energy efficient and carbon cutting programs. What next they will want to tax you on how much methane you excrete? They will have a formula. Height x Weight x Age, you will be responsible for so much. The same tax formula could be used to tax you for the air you consume yearly. Imagine having to pay all that tax. Income, Sales, Property, Carbon, Methane, Regional, Municipal, Water, Carbon, Oxygen.... the thought is insane. I have a question. Why is it ever since Trump lost the election. Our gas rates at the pump have gone sky high almost to Obama’s administration levels? Trump seen the rip off of saving the planet so he pulled out. He stuck it to the Oil producing nations and he was keeping China on a short leash. China felt threatened. The oil nations, cut throats by nature. Had to take out Trump. Assassination would have been to easy. How about going after the West success. Their economy, their people. COVID in my opinion will go down in human history as the ultimate biological weapon. A weapon that hit the world like no other. A weapon released by a nation that has had world domination on it’s sights for thousand of years. The world should be worried about retribution not a long standing theorem of global warming. Under Trump. He was slowly getting America back to where it should have been. China for the longest time has been chipping away at the west. So much so that our Imports from China are at an all time high. Western jobs have gone to the orient. What better way to destablize the enocomy of the West if not to throw in a shut down virus. Ever since the virus hit our shores. Our economies have fallen. Our people are turning one against the other. Today, our supply lines have been compromised. We in the West have been brought to our knees. Is there any wonder China does not want to hear about global warming? They are one of the major contributors. In China they do not care about their own people. It is do as we say or suffer the consequences. In China people are less than a number. Remember pre-covid. All the pro-democracy demonstration in China. Trump was a moving agent and it had to be brought down. China does not believe in using military force. They rather work at weaknesses and compromise the integrity of their enemy. COVID million more effective than any nuclear weapon. Yet today. We worry about amunization instead of holding those responsible accountable. Global warming... come on people.

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