Friday, November 26, 2021


chtung By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher “I live a dream in a nightmare world” achtung have we not gone through this before? The idiots amongst us have that look and wonder what is he talking about now? The educated will realize that those in the day of the rise of the NAZI regime had very little idea of what was really going on. Even after the war many speculated but had no idea on the real happening behind the NAZI doings. The world vowed that the atrocities that took place during the world wars will never be repeated. That a people will never be segregated, persecuted and terminated as history has shown. Yet across the world. Segregation is widely practiced. Even within closed borders. The world vowed to strive for racial equality. Unfortunately the more we push for acceptance, equality and peace. The further we get to achieving it. During the world wars. Government pushed on the ideology that they were fighting evil. In reality this so called evil was not that much different than the Good we pushed. Only that in the eyes of God we were more civilized and kept the secret of our atrocities much better hidden. The death of masses is still happening across the planet in many underdevelopled countries... So what has changed, except this new world order/world dominance scheme being played out by China against the planet. We the people are being forced to vaccinate against a foreign enemy. A silent killer that has disrupted our economies. Has turned one against the other in the ‘TO VACCINATE OR NOT TO VACCINATE’ debate. We the people are constantly being misinformed with state sanctioned propaganda of sort. The bottom line those that are supposed to lead us are throwing their arms up and relying on multi billion dollar pharmaceutical companies to combat an enemy of the state. ACHTUNG people, ACHTUNG. Before it is to late. Just this week I received the following news release: Of the 748 new cases recorded, 356 were unvaccinated people, 19 were partially vaccinated, 329 were fully vaccinated and for 44 people the vaccination status was unknown. On any given day. The numbers appear to be same when it comes to COVID infections across Ontario. My concern is over the split. If vaccination is so crucial to transmission and infection. Then why are the number so close between those infected with the vaccine and those not? I can appreciate the argument that those vaccinated may not have such an extreme reaction to the infection. Nonetheless, it brings to question the validity of the vaccine as a vaccine in the prevention of the infection. I know many of those that are anti vaccination are labeled as conspiracy theorist and believe that the vaccine is nothing short of some ploy by world powers to poison the population in order to gain some sort of population control. That the pharmaceutical companies in their billion dollar coffers really have no interest in finding the real magic bullet that could eradicate COVID once in for all. No instead we are now are being asked to boost up every six months. The question remains. Is the vaccine the way to go in the quest to eradication of Covid. Or is it just a band aid on a bigger problem that we are being kept in the shadows as pharmaceuticals make billions. We must look back to history. We must analyze our future and look at the real players behind this war on Covid. Then identify the real enemy and utilize it’s tactics to win retribution by their action and that of their people. Covid vaccines are proving to be a band aid. Let’s tackle the real problem. Remember this time no one will come to liberate us.

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