Friday, November 19, 2021


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher “I live a dream in a nightmare world” I have a very serious concern. News reports have been hitting the airwaves with intensity over the problems ports in North America are experiencing. It appears that we have a shortage of drivers to get goods from point A to B. That somehow after almost two years. Truckers are in short supply. Really? To boot the government blames it on COVID of course. Just last month I had an interesting running with the trucking industry. I cross the border every month as an essential service provider. I use the trucking lanes. As I was approaching the border. The line up was five miles out of trucks waiting. I thought, “Oh my it will take hours to cross”. I decided to use the non commercial lane to see what the hold up was. Well, I was shocked to see that trucks space themselves out five truck lengths and at times 10 truck lengths crossing over the Peace bridge. I thought why are they doing that. These trucker are slowing down the flow. After crossing I stopped at a local truck stop and began a conversation with some truckers and they explained that it was part of a national protest. That the trucking industry was under direction to slow down the flow of goods in and across North America. I was floored. Just recently The Regional Municipality of Durham announced yard waste collection delays in the Ajax, Brock, Clarington, Pickering, Scugog and Uxbridge. Collection delays are expected to continue on a weekly basis until the last seasonal collection date on Friday, December 17. Why: There is an industry-wide labour shortage of truck drivers across Canada, which has impacted the region’s contractors who provide waste collection. This is in addition to other factors causing delays, such as the seasonal increase in yard waste materials set-out in the fall. Really!!!! The trucking industry is purposely crippeling the supply chain. WOW. For what gain? Could it be to force the government to invest in that particular industry? It is beyond words on how we are impacted. Did we not have garbage pick up last month? The month before that? Then why is it that now we experiencing contractors driver issues? DOES IT MAKE SENSE TO YOU? Will they attempt to rationalize that all of a sudden garbage truck drivers have contracted COVID? That for some unexplained reason they are not showing up for work. How is it that the Region and it’s contractors not prepare of such unexpected situation? Then you begin to look at the bigger picture. As it stands we are holding strong in Ontario to 500 cases per day. The so called experts predict another surge to over 1,000 per day. They are pushing people to get vaccinated in order to offset the burden from ICU’s. People should we not be getting ready now by opening more ICU’s? Why is it that we as human are so slow at the draw? Why must humanity suffer before we get it right and put forth all the safeguards to prevent suffering. Personally I think this trucking shortage is nothing short than a political message to government to invest taxpayers money in an industry that is widely used. Political, organized crime based, Covid related. We the people will never know. In a society that prides itself on freedoms and rights. We sure dropped the ball on the truth. How are we to have world peace when we still employ modern day slavery. We the slaves are kept ignorant and only attended to when our services to society are compromised.

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