Friday, December 31, 2021


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” As of thursday the number hit 14,000 cases. Come on folks, where is the ceiling on this biological weapon that has been unleashed on us. The government is obviously misleading us. Or could it be that they are also in the dark and keep taking jabs in the hope that this will just blow over. By now if we learned anything. We learned that this will just not pass. We learned that we need to take drastic measure. Two weeks ago the reported cases in Ontario hit 377. Then the government had the brilliant idea to open ball parks, arenas.... It was obvious what the outcome was going to be. The Provincial government now is contemplating opening schools after the holidays. Are they insane? This just shows the lack of common sense the government utilizes when it comes to this enemy. How can they even begin to think opening schools when the numbers keep skyrocketing. Common sense would tell you. Shut everything down and regroup. Find a more solid approach. The Federal government when they got the first whiff of the wave coming. Attempted to insult businesses that are barely hanging on with an economic package that protected the best interest of the government and not that of the front line business most affected. This can’t continue like this. It is going towards two years and no resolution in sight. This is not going away. Some are just calling it another flu/cold type of nuisance. I say NO. I say NO because the flu/colds never closed down economies. It never disrupted every aspect of nations across the planet. This has to be dealt and identified for what it is. A weapon of mass destruction. How is it that China today boasts once again as the supreme economy. How is it that today China hold the key to economic recovery of many nations. Canada and the United States prior to the release of this weapon upon the world were doing fine. It appears that Canada and the United States was recovering and once again taking their place in the world stage. In Canada businesses were booming. People had hope and could enjoy the rewards from their efforts. Today, we have the largest numbers of homeless. We have sky rocketed inflation. We have shortages of just about everything. What is our government doing? Catering to their big fundraising buddies by opening big business. How is it that the Costcos and Walmarts are not sanctioned by restrictions? Why is it that the entertainment industry was so eager to fill stadiums and arenas. This is not about science. As science has proven to be in the dark and only come up with pokes in the dark type of solutions. At first the vaccine only required 2 injections. Today, some nations are being forced to take up to eight boosters. How do you rationalize the science in those cases? Who is benefiting from all this. Those making the vaccines. The question that should be in all of our minds. How many more variants can we expect? How much more severe will they be? Are we to look at a future of chasing solutions to a weapon that has been released upon us. Look at this fact. Most of the variants have come from countries that rely heavily on vaccines primarily manufactured in China. What is to say that China in their vaccination process are not responsible for releasing the variants through their production of vaccines. Where is the UN demanding accountability? Putting a stop to China manufacturing of vaccines. We need leadership to go after the perpetrators of this weapon of mass destruction. Only then will this end.

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