Monday, December 27, 2021


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” What is it about humanity that makes us such animals. I guess that is what they mean when they say we are part of the animal kingdom. In my 1000 years on this planet I can tell you with certainty that ‘World Peace’ is as much a pipe dream as ‘One world, one people’. Neither are realistic nor achievable. Hell, let’s throw in there GLOBAL WARMING.... after all it is the season to be giving... No I have not been drinking and yes I ran out of my politically correct medicine. 2022 being a municipal election year will bring back the elected standing deadwood preaching to the rest of us what a great job they have been doing when in reality their biggest job was to brush their teeth in the morning and make sure friday comes fast enough so that the direct deposit into their pension fund bank account received yet another shinny nickel. After all most of Oshawa council, with the exception of possibly three are nothing short of a taxpayers waste of money. You may be asking.... How is it you speak with such authority. Well great question. I been watching City of Oshawa council for over 27 years. I am about the only left political critic left in Oshawa with the exception of a new crop of opinionated folk that are so focused on one particular issue that miss the boat on the bigger picture. City of Oshawa council has slowly got worst over the years. The essence of municipal government has been compromised. WE THE PEOPLE HAVE NO REPRESENTATION. Under the current administration. Staff runs City hall. Staff treat the taxpayer like cattle and are far from focused on customer service. It is about job preservation and following the rules instead of being vision drive with passion for the City. As it stands we have a puppet Mayor with Carte-Blanche powers do as he likes under this emergency COVID hoax. I have a question for our honorable Mayor. Question number one: What has really changed in Oshawa since 2018? The harbor still the same it was if not worst. Our downtown has deteriorated to such degree that no one visits in fear for their safety. Pot shops have been allowed to open every five feet. The use of drugs, legal and illicit is at an all time high. Needle exchange programs have filled the streets with addicts. In the summer you can’t walk park trails in fear of being mugged. You can’t allow your kids to walk in our creeks in fear of being pricked by a used needle. What has changed, if things have not got worst. The homeless roam our streets. Our streets are not safe. What bothers me the most is, that we elected a Mayor that was a former homeless person. A former drug addict. You would think that he would have some sort of an insight into the problem. A Mayor with a serious learning disability has some how prevented him from composing a plan. That is understandable and he is not to blame. We the people are to blame for voting on a ‘pity vote’. Voted him in on the fact that ‘we use to see him on TV’. You know what is sad. You can’t blame the poor guy for trying and trying to make a better life for himself. After all is this not what we all want? The problem is that you can’t expect real change when you lower your standards. I say this because putting someone in the job of Mayor/CEO of the corporation of the City of Oshawa makes as much sense as putting him in charge landing planes at Pearson. He may get one or two right... he may ask for advice... but at the end of the day. He is not qualified. If planes start landing in Lake Ontario. Should we blame the pilots. You get the point. I think in 2022, we the taxpayers need to make changes. So far under this TV personality our taxes have gone up 7.5%. Incompetency and failures have been blamed on COVID. People look around you. Is this the Oshawa you want for your children? Look in your wards. Has life improved. NOW IS YOUR YEAR FOR REAL CHANGE. MAKE IT HAPPEN. I respect all Mayor Carter has overcome and achieved, he had four years to shine. Unfortunately we need to put in office someone with a real plan, real vision. That will freeze our taxes. Bring back good paying jobs and put an end to the decay or our City. SUPPORT THE SUCCESSFUL SHOP LOCAL ‘INGINO’DOWNTOWN INITIATIVE CAMPAIGN.

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