Friday, December 17, 2021


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Normally at this time of the year. As the editor of the newspaper I would utilize this as a Christmas/New Year message to the community. I think by now we all can pause with the usual seasonal greetings and direct our attention towards a much more serious issue in our communities/province/country/world. An attack against humanity by a nation that has been smoldering in the thought of world domination for centuries. The world today is in such turmoil that it has lost it’s focus on finding the culprit to this human silent massacre. The nations of the world are so busy attempting to fing the magic bullet to this very serious weapon masqueraded as a virus that it has turned our economies upside down, our people one against the other and the focus on what is really to the world diverted in fear of death through infection. This past week much to my regret. I received my first doze of the vaccine. Reluctantly, I was basically force to comply or else loose freedoms and rights in the name of public health. They say they do not force you to take the vaccine... but by sanctioning where you can go and who you can associate with in the name of public health is nothing short of a crime against humanity. This past thursday a news wire stated: Ontario reports 2,421 new COVID cases, nearly double from a week ago. Of the 2,421 new cases recorded, 686 were unvaccinated people, 72 were partially vaccinated, 1,530 were fully vaccinated and for 133 people the vaccination status was unknown. After reading this. You got to ask yourself. What were the vaccine makers thinking? It seems as those fully vaccinated are becoming magnets for the new variance. Or could it be that those fully vaccinated have developed a false sense of protection and are taking more exposure risk? The same day the following was released: Vaccines are not enough to curb the spread of the new COVID-19 Omicron variant and stronger public measures are needed, Ontario health officials say. Really then why are we getting vaccinated. The so called science is making claims that two, three booster will do the job. Really? I thought two shots would have taken care of COVID. Now we turn to STRONGER PUBLIC MEASURES. Should we not have done that when we were at 300 cases per day. No instead in order to please the multi million if not billion dollar entertainment industry. We allow stadiums to fill up... what did we expect. later release the govenment released: The province’s science table released its latest modelling on Thursday which said early evidence suggests that without “prompt intervention, ICU occupancy could reach unsustainable levels in early January.” It also suggested cases could hit up to 10,000 per day by Christmas. It appears that the science is relying on the “Eeny, meeny, miny, moe" process of scientific elimination when it comes to finding a solution. 10,000 per day by Christmas... if that is not an alarm I do not know what it is. Should science and government not be getting prepared. Shut every thing down again. Including all businesses. Government open their pocket and start dishing out grants in order to put commerce on ice for at the least 6 month. This COVID situation is not going away. It appears that as soon as we get a hold of it. A new strain develops. Who can tell if this will not carry on for ever. It is obvious that the vaccines have limited affect. We can’t expect the population of the world to inject every month as the contents of the vaccines. Specially those containing active nanotec. I studied that technology at the University and once they go in the body. They never come out. People are under the impression that this COVID vaccine is like any other... It is not. The first doze sets your body up to be able to handle the second. The technology targets neuros and prevents transmission of a particular code. In this case COVID. In traditional vaccines you were actually injected with a very to the billionth of the actual virus in order to get your body to generate an anti body. This is not the case with these vaccines. I have a question. What is the toxology of this new vaccine on the body. What are the long term affects of being injected by such technology. The answers are obvious. The technology as a vaccine has not been fully tested or understood. It was a long shot on a over sized target. So immediate results were obvious. Now we are facing another over sized target with a different composition.

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