Friday, December 17, 2021

In the name of a new world order lead by political correctness and pandemic guidance

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East The world economy, politics, culture, and communications continue to be subjected to a rapid and a growing wave of globalization, resulting in economic and social challenges that are likely to haunt us for a long time. Ethical challenges for politicians, physicians and journalists have also gone global, taking on new dimensions. Certainly, we are living in interesting times marred by waves of pandemics, economic and societal challenges that cannot be ignored. Yes, these are new challenges we are facing and they are full of surprises. As the challenges mount and information and data envelop us with the inevitability of an exploding volcano, the so-called establishment elite, lead by an inquisitional and apocalyptic medical advisory group, continue to operate out of their protected world; their ivory tower. From this seemingly untouchable place of safety, they tend to interfere in the political field with increasing frequency, seemingly working to undermine the due political process. They are becoming imperial in trying to impose their unelected views on the public and shamelessly attempting to undermine the democratic political process. Unelected and free of any responsibility, they act in the name of a false political correctness under cover of the seemingly eternal Covid pandemic with all its variants gobbling up the letters of the Greek alphabet. These days it is difficult to distinguish between the "Fake News" and the "Elite Fake News" promoted by medical advisory groups and loyal-to-the-globalist cause syndicated journalists, all working to push their own agenda. Instead of abiding by ethical principles when they are challenged, they take immediate refuge in referring to some undefined "science" nobody understands or questions, and when propagating unsubstantiated propaganda, they invoke the freedom of the press. This subterfuge must change drastically. The medical and journalistic professions exercise tremendous influence over our society, so they must eliminate their unprincipled and uninformed practitioners in order to regain the public trust. There is a very real and immediate need for an overview of the code of ethics that applies to the medical profession and to journalism, and an even more dire need for the strict application of those ethics to ensure that practitioners abide by them in practice. In today's society, we need realism on all fronts to deal with the crises that we face. The number of ways in which the medical profession and journalism can impact society and the lives of people around the word is infinite. However, the impact can quickly be turned from a positive to a negative, thus losing public trust. Medical professionals and journalists must believe that public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. Ethical professionalism strives to ensure the free exchange of information that is accurate, fair and thorough. An ethical professional, especially a medical professional, acts with integrity and responsibility. The ethical principle seek truth and report is particularly important, especially today. We are living in an era where lies are spread for political and social gain regardless of the consequences for the public. Medical professionals and journalists have a duty to inform the public of accurate information in order not to tarnish the good name of a person, organization, or event. Being accountable and transparent in your professional work is possibly the most important principle to follow to ensure that neither a medical professional nor a journalist will commit a transgression against any other principles. If someone does not understand the context of what is being said, it can ruin the meaning for the entire piece of work. Most stories have at least two sides. While there is no obligation to present every side in every piece, stories and evidence should be balanced and add context. Objectivity is not always possible, and may not always be desirable (in the face of confusing data or lack of scientific evidence for example), but impartial consideration of facts and reporting builds trust and confidence. Medical professionals and journalists should do no harm. What they say, publish or broadcast may be hurtful, but they should be aware of the impact of their words and images on the lives of others. Now let us have a look at some unfortunate events that have taken place in Canada in the last few years where medical professionals in the public service and journalists have influenced the political process in this country. You may well remember the beginning of the pandemic almost two years ago, when closing the border for travelers from China, the origin of the Covid pandemic, was considered an anathema and seen as a touch of racism. Then other contradictory measures came, hurting both the economy and the wellbeing of our citizens very deeply. At the end of waffling and bad decisions made in the name of "science", the magic word these days, and after millions of taxpayer dollar have been spent, the result is that we are on the fourth and beginning the fifth pandemic cycle with no apparent end in sight. The same players both politically, medically and journalistically are still at the helm, issuing the same old predictions and prescriptions, which will undoubtedly generate more hardship for ordinary people. These are clear cases of interference in the democratic political process, perpetrated by the medical profession and media. In influencing the decisions of politicians who feel comfortable hiding behind the pseudo-science alluded to by their 'professional' advisors, washing their hands of any responsibility, they behave like the infamous historical figure of biblical times. Currently there are many examples of these kinds of actions; "influencers" blatantly interfering in politics and showing bias in their reporting of partial facts, with politicians at all levels comfortably in the background playing the fiddle while the country burns. This shows the current state of affairs: deep confusion in the face of Omicron. It also reveals the possibility of ill-informed opinion funnelled to the public. Let us see what the future will bring, perhaps closing borders again, lockdowns, controlled vaccinations, and other personal limitations. Great timing; just as the holiday season is approaching. But consider this article by Kelly Crowe of CBC News which illustrates how the data and modeling on deaths by ordinary influenza is corrupted with no credible information to the public. Posted on Nov 25, 2012 5:14 PM ET | Last Updated: November 12, 2020 "Flu deaths reality check - Credibility of flu models disputed". Can this mean that Covid-mania has followed the same path, manipulated by the same players? Or merely that we are dealing with a more virulent form of influenza we should be able to manage effectively with known treatments that have been proven worldwide? Anyway, let us be optimistic that the Swiss jokes will soon stop and Ontarians and all Canadians will come to their senses in the very near future.In the spirit of this hope, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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